Commit 123c0651 authored by iabdalkader's avatar iabdalkader Committed by Damien George

stm32/dma: Always reset and configure the H7 DMA peripheral.

This is required for the H7 DMA to work.
parent 993ca572
......@@ -626,8 +626,8 @@ void dma_init(DMA_HandleTypeDef *dma, const dma_descr_t *dma_descr, uint32_t dir
#if defined(STM32L4)
// Always reset and configure the L4 DMA peripheral
#if defined(STM32H7) || defined(STM32L4)
// Always reset and configure the H7 and L4 DMA peripheral
// (dma->State is set to HAL_DMA_STATE_RESET by memset above)
// TODO: understand how L4 DMA works so this is not needed
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