Commit f1fe5e8f authored by Matthijs Kooijman's avatar Matthijs Kooijman Committed by Martino Facchin

Wire: improve comments on timeout

parent 38ff5520
......@@ -90,9 +90,28 @@ void TwoWire::setClock(uint32_t clock)
* Sets the TWI timeout.
* This limits the maximum time to wait for the TWI hardware. If more time passes, the bus is assumed
* to have locked up (e.g. due to noise-induced glitches or faulty slaves) and the transaction is aborted.
* Optionally, the TWI hardware is also reset, which can be required to allow subsequent transactions to
* succeed in some cases (in particular when noise has made the TWI hardware think there is a second
* master that has claimed the bus).
* When a timeout is triggered, a flag is set that can be queried with `getWireTimeoutFlag()` and is cleared
* when `clearWireTimeoutFlag()` or `setWireTimeoutUs()` is called.
* Note that this timeout can also trigger while waiting for clock stretching or waiting for a second master
* to complete its transaction. So make sure to adapt the timeout to accomodate for those cases if needed.
* A typical timeout would be 25ms (which is the maximum clock stretching allowed by the SMBus protocol),
* but (much) shorter values will usually also work.
* In the future, a timeout will be enabled by default, so if you require the timeout to be disabled, it is
* recommended you disable it by default using `setWireTimeoutUs(0)`, even though that is currently
* the default.
* @param timeout a timeout value in microseconds, if zero then timeout checking is disabled
* @param reset_with_timeout if true then TWI interface will be automatically reset on timeout
* if false then TWI interface will not be reset on timeout
void TwoWire::setWireTimeout(uint32_t timeout, bool reset_with_timeout){
twi_setTimeoutInMicros(timeout, reset_with_timeout);
......@@ -101,7 +120,7 @@ void TwoWire::setWireTimeout(uint32_t timeout, bool reset_with_timeout){
* Returns the TWI timeout flag.
* @return true if timeout has occured
* @return true if timeout has occured since the flag was last cleared.
bool TwoWire::getWireTimeoutFlag(void){
......@@ -413,7 +413,9 @@ void twi_stop(void)
// wait for stop condition to be exectued on bus
// TWINT is not set after a stop condition!
volatile uint32_t counter = twi_timeout_us/10ul; // approximate the timeout
// We cannot use micros() from an ISR, so approximate the timeout with cycle-counted delays
const uint8_t us_per_loop = 8;
uint32_t counter = (twi_timeout_us + us_per_loop - 1)/us_per_loop; // Round up
while(TWCR & _BV(TWSTO)){
if(twi_timeout_us > 0ul){
if (counter > 0ul){
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