Commit ee737e27 authored by Russ Hughes's avatar Russ Hughes

monofont2bitmap utility

parent b6d9c271
......@@ -21,13 +21,13 @@ The firmware directory contains pre-compiled firmware for various devices with
the st7789 C driver and frozen python font files. See the file in the
fonts folder for more information on the font files.
### firmware/GENERIC (Generic ESP32 devices)
### firmware/GENERIC-7789 (Generic ESP32 devices)
File | Details
------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------
firmware.bin | MicroPython v1.14 compiled with ESP IDF v4
### firmware/GENERIC_SPIRAM (Generic ESP32 devices with SPI Ram)
### firmware/GENERIC_SPIRAM-7789 (Generic ESP32 devices with SPI Ram)
File | Details
------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -254,13 +254,31 @@ This driver supports only 16bit colors in RGB565 notation.
of ram to buffer the image. Jpg images that would require a buffer larger than available memory
can be drawn by passing `SLOW` for method. The `SLOW` method will draw the image a piece at a time using the Minimum Coded Unit (MCU, typically 8x8) of the image.
- `ST7789.bitmap(bitmap, x , y)`
- `ST7789.bitmap(bitmap, x , y [, index])`
Draw bitmap using the specified x, y coordinates as the upper-left corner of
the of the bitmap. See the file in the utils folder for a
python utility to create compatible bitmaps from image files using the
the of the bitmap. The optional index parameter provides a method to select
from multiple bitmaps contained a bitmap module. The index is used to
calculate the offset to the beginning of the desired bitmap using the modules
HEIGHT, WIDTH and BPP values.
### Bitmap Utilities in the utils folder
`` creates compatible bitmap modules from image files using the
Pillow Python Imaging Library.
`` creates compatible bitmap modules from Monospaced True
Type fonts. See the ``, `` and
`` files in the `examples/lib` folder for sample modules and
the program for an example on how to use the modules. The
character sizes, bit per pixel, foreground, background colors and the
characters to include as bitmaps may be specified as parameters. Use the -h
option for details. Bits per pixel settings larger than one may be used to
create antialiased characters at the expense of memory use. If you specify
a buffer_size during the display initialization it must be large enough to
hold the one character (HEIGHT * WIDTH * 2).
- `ST7789.width()`
Returns the current logical width of the display. (ie a 135x240 display
Convert characters from monospace truetype fonts to a python bitmap
for use with the bitmap method in the st7789 and ili9342 drivers.
positional arguments:
font_file Name of font file to convert.
font_size Size of font to create bitmaps from.
bits_per_pixel The number of bits (1..8) to use per pixel.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Foreground color of characters.
Background color of characters.
character selection:
Characters from the font to include in the bitmap.
integer or hex character values and/or ranges to
For example: "65, 66, 67" or "32-127" or
"0x30-0x39, 0x41-0x5a"
-s STRING, --string STRING
String of characters to include For example:
import sys
import shlex
from PIL import Image, ImageFont, ImageDraw
import argparse
image_bitstring = ''
def to_int(str):
return int(str, base=16) if str.startswith("0x") else int(str)
def get_characters(str):
return ''.join([chr(b) for a in [
(lambda sub: range(sub[0], sub[-1] + 1))
(list(map(to_int, ele.split('-'))))
for ele in str.split(',')]
for b in a])
def process_char(img, bits):
global image_bitstring
# Run through the image and create a string with the ascii binary
# representation of the color of each pixel.
for y in range(img.height):
for x in range(img.width):
pixel = img.getpixel((x, y))
color = pixel
bit_string = ''
for bit in range(bits, 0, -1):
bit_string += '1' if (color & (1 << bit-1)) else '0'
image_bitstring += bit_string
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
Convert characters from monospace truetype fonts to a
python bitmap for use with the bitmap method in the
st7789 and ili9342 drivers.'''))
help='Name of font file to convert.')
help='Size of font to create bitmaps from.')
choices=range(1, 9),
help='The number of bits (1..8) to use per pixel.')
'-f', '--foreground',
help='Foreground color of characters.')
'-b', '--background',
help='Background color of characters.')
group = parser.add_argument_group(
'character selection',
'Characters from the font to include in the bitmap.')
excl = group.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
'-c', '--characters',
help='''integer or hex character values and/or ranges to include.
For example: "65, 66, 67" or "32-127" or "0x30-0x39, 0x41-0x5a"''')
'-s', '--string',
help='''String of characters to include
For example: "1234567890-."''')
args = parser.parse_args()
bpp = args.bits_per_pixel
font_file = args.font_file
font_size = args.font_size
if args.string is None:
characters = get_characters(args.characters)
characters = args.string
forground = args.foreground
background = args.background
# load font and get size of characters string in pixels
font = ImageFont.truetype(font_file, font_size)
size = font.getsize(characters)
# create image large enough to all characters
im ='RGB', size, color=background)
# draw all specified characters in the image
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
draw.text((0, 0), characters, font=font, color=forground)
# convert image to a palletized image with the requested color depth
bpp_im = im.convert(mode='P', palette=Image.ADAPTIVE, colors=1 << bpp)
palette = bpp_im.getpalette()
# convert all characters into a ascii bit string
ofs = 0
for char in characters:
char_size = font.getsize(char)
crop = (ofs, 0, ofs + char_size[0], size[1])
char_im = bpp_im.crop(crop)
process_char(char_im, bpp)
ofs += char_size[0]
bitmap_bits = len(image_bitstring)
char_map = characters.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', '\\"')
cmdline = " ".join(map(shlex.quote, sys.argv))
# Create python source
print('# coding=UTF8')
print(f'# Converted from {font_file} using:')
print(f'# {cmdline}')
print(f'HEIGHT = {char_im.height}')
print(f'WIDTH = {char_im.width}')
print(f'COLORS = {1 << bpp}')
print(f'BITMAPS = {len(characters)}')
print(f'MAP = "{char_map}"')
print(f'BPP = {bpp}')
print('PALETTE = [', sep='', end='')
# For all the colors in the palette
colors = []
for color in range(1 << bpp):
# get rgb values and convert to 565
color565 = (
((palette[color*3] & 0xF8) << 8) |
((palette[color*3+1] & 0xFC) << 3) |
((palette[color*3+2] & 0xF8) >> 3))
# swap bytes in 565
color = ((color565 & 0xff) << 8) + ((color565 & 0xff00) >> 8)
# append byte swapped 565 color to colors
# write color palette colors
for color, rgb in enumerate(colors):
if color:
print(', ', sep='', end='')
print(f'0x{rgb}', sep='', end='')
# Run though image bit string 8 bits at a time
# and create python array source for memoryview
print('_BITMAP =\\', sep='')
print(' b\'', sep='', end='')
for i in range(0, bitmap_bits, 8):
if i and i % (16 * 8) == 0:
print("'\\\n b'", end='', sep='')
value = image_bitstring[i:i+8]
color = int(value, 2)
print(f'\\x{color:02x}', sep='', end='')
print("'\\\n b'", end='', sep='')
print("'\n\nBITMAP = memoryview(_BITMAP)")
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