Commit 800a3f97 authored by russhughes's avatar russhughes

toaster collision: adjust sprite if trailing not leading

parent 054aed01
......@@ -26,12 +26,6 @@ def collide(a_col, a_row, a_width, a_height, b_col, b_row, b_width, b_height):
return (a_col + a_width >= b_col and a_col <= b_col + b_width
and a_row + a_height >= b_row and a_row <= b_row + b_height)
def collision(sprites):
''''return true if any sprites overlap'''
return any(
collide(a.col, a.row, a.width, a.height, b.col, b.row, b.width, b.height)
for a, b in zip(sprites[::], sprites[1::]))
def random_start(tft, sprites, bitmaps, num):
Return a random location along the top or right of the screen, if that location would overlaps
......@@ -108,15 +102,22 @@ def main():
new_row = self.row + self.dir_row
# if new location collides with another sprite, change direction for 32 frames
if any(
collide(new_col, new_row, self.width, self.height, sprite.col, sprite.row, sprite.width, sprite.height)
for sprite in sprites if self.num != sprite.num):
self.iceberg = 32
self.dir_col = -1
self.dir_row = 3
new_col = self.col + self.dir_col
new_row = self.row + self.dir_row
# if new location collides with another sprite, change direction for 32 frames
for sprite in sprites:
if (
self.num != sprite.num
and collide(
new_col, new_row, self.width, self.height,
sprite.col, sprite.row, sprite.width, sprite.height,
and (self.col > sprite.col)):
self.iceberg = 32
self.dir_col = -1
self.dir_row = 3
new_col = self.col + self.dir_col
new_row = self.row + self.dir_row
self.col = new_col
self.row = new_row
......@@ -24,12 +24,6 @@ def collide(a_col, a_row, a_width, a_height, b_col, b_row, b_width, b_height):
return (a_col + a_width >= b_col and a_col <= b_col + b_width
and a_row + a_height >= b_row and a_row <= b_row + b_height)
def collision(sprites):
''''return true if any sprites overlap'''
return any(
collide(a.col, a.row, a.width, a.height, b.col, b.row, b.width, b.height)
for a, b in zip(sprites[::], sprites[1::]))
def random_start(tft, sprites, bitmaps, num):
Return a random location along the top or right of the screen, if that location would overlaps
......@@ -106,15 +100,21 @@ def main():
new_row = self.row + self.dir_row
# if new location collides with another sprite, change direction for 32 frames
if any(
collide(new_col, new_row, self.width, self.height, sprite.col, sprite.row, sprite.width, sprite.height)
for sprite in sprites if self.num != sprite.num):
self.iceberg = 32
self.dir_col = -1
self.dir_row = 3
new_col = self.col + self.dir_col
new_row = self.row + self.dir_row
for sprite in sprites:
if (
self.num != sprite.num
and collide(
new_col, new_row, self.width, self.height,
sprite.col, sprite.row, sprite.width, sprite.height,
and (self.col > sprite.col)):
self.iceberg = 32
self.dir_col = -1
self.dir_row = 3
new_col = self.col + self.dir_col
new_row = self.row + self.dir_row
self.col = new_col
self.row = new_row
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