Commit f1fd84e7 authored by Ray Schamp's avatar Ray Schamp

Fall back to scratchr2 in development

There's no reason to proxy individual paths when we want all of them to fall back to what we haven't migrated yet. This mirrors the behavior of production.

Resolves GH-194
parent 4547c2b4
......@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ var webpack = require('webpack');
var handler = require('./handler');
var log = require('./log');
var proxies = require('./proxies.json');
var routes = require('./routes.json');
var isProduction = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production';
......@@ -72,21 +71,6 @@ if (typeof process.env.NODE_SENTRY_DSN === 'string') {
if (!isProduction) {
// Bind proxies in development
var proxyHost = process.env.PROXY_HOST || '';
app.use('/', proxy(proxyHost, {
filter: function (req) {
for (var i in proxies) {
if (req._path.indexOf(proxies[i]) === 0) return true;
return false;
forwardPath: function (req) {
return req._path;
// Use webpack-dev-server in development
var compiler = webpack(require('../webpack.config.js'));
app.use(webpackDevMiddleware(compiler, {
......@@ -95,6 +79,10 @@ if (!isProduction) {
// Fall back to scratchr2 in development
// This proxy middleware must come last
var proxyHost = process.env.PROXY_HOST || '';
app.use('/', proxy(proxyHost));
// Start listening
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