"wedo2.intro":"The LEGO® Education WeDo 2.0 is an introductory invention kit you can use to build your own interactive machines. You can snap together Scratch programming blocks to interact with your LEGO WeDo creations and add animations on the screen.",
"wedo2.requirement":"The LEGO WeDo 2.0 extension is currently only available for Mac OSX. We plan to release a Windows version later in 2016.",
"wedo2.getStarted":"Getting Started with LEGO WeDo 2.0",
"wedo2.installTitle":"1. Install Device Manager",
"wedo2.installText":"The Device Manager lets you connect WeDo 2.0 to Scratch using Bluetooth <a href=\"#\">Download Here</a>",
"wedo2.setupTitle":"2. Setup & Help",
"wedo2.setupText":"Connect your WeDo 2.0 by following the steps in the <a href=\"/projects/editor/?tip_bar=ext2\">Tips Window</a>",
"wedo2.createTitle":"3. Create",
"wedo2.createText":"Use the WeDo extension blocks to turn on lights, control motors, and make your project interactive",