Unverified Commit 70c8edd1 authored by chrisgarrity's avatar chrisgarrity Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #1732 from chrisgarrity/add-pr-template

Add issue and pull-request templates
parents 23c14204 63785cb3
_Describe the problem. Please make sure you can reproduce the bug. It's also
helpful to include screenshots or animated gifs of the problem._
### Steps to Reproduce
_Explain what someone needs to do in order to see what's described above. The
more detailed and eplicit the steps are the better._
### Operating System and Browser
_e.g. Mac OS 10.11.6 Safari 10.0_
### Resolves
_What Github issue does this resolve (please include link)? Please do not submit
PRs that only partially implement an issue._
### Changes
_Describe what this Pull Request does_
### Test Coverage
_Please show how you have added tests to cover your changes
or describe how you have tested the changes (include a screenshot if possible)._
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