"download.intro":"You can install the Scratch 2.0 editor to work on projects without an internet connection. This version will work on Windows and MacOS.",
"download.introMac":"<b>Note for Mac Users:</b> the latest version of Scratch 2.0 Offline requires Adobe AIR 20. To upgrade to Adobe AIR 20 manually, go <a href=\"https://get.adobe.com/air/\">here</a>.",
"download.airTitle":"Adobe AIR",
"download.airBody":"If you don't already have it, download and install the latest <a href=\"http://get.adobe.com/air/\">Adobe AIR</a>",
"download.airBody":"If you don't already have it, download and install the latest <a href=\"https://airsdk.harman.com/runtime\">Adobe AIR</a>",