Commit cc7cfc7e authored by Takeo Takahashi's avatar Takeo Takahashi Committed by Damien George

renesas-ra/ra/ra_i2c: Fix 1 byte and 2 bytes read issue.

Tested on Portenta C33 with AT24256B (addrsize=16) and SSD1306.

Fixes issue #13280.
Signed-off-by: default avatarTakeo Takahashi <>
parent b979c5a9
......@@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ void ra_i2c_init(R_IIC0_Type *i2c_inst, uint32_t scl, uint32_t sda, uint32_t bau
i2c_inst->ICCR1_b.ICE = 1; // I2C enable
ra_i2c_set_baudrate(i2c_inst, baudrate);
i2c_inst->ICSER = 0x00; // I2C reset bus status enable register
i2c_inst->ICMR3_b.ACKWP = 0x01; // I2C allow to write ACKBT (transfer acknowledge bit)
i2c_inst->ICMR3_b.ACKWP = 0x00; // I2C not allow to write ACKBT (transfer acknowledge bit)
i2c_inst->ICIER = 0xFF; // Enable all interrupts
i2c_inst->ICCR1_b.IICRST = 0; // I2C internal reset
......@@ -480,6 +480,7 @@ void ra_i2c_xunit_read_byte(R_IIC0_Type *i2c_inst, xaction_unit_t *unit) {
void ra_i2c_xunit_init(xaction_unit_t *unit, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t size, bool fread, void *next) {
unit->m_bytes_transferred = 0;
unit->m_bytes_transfer = size;
unit->m_bytes_total = size;
unit->m_fread = fread;
unit->buf = buf;
unit->next = (void *)next;
......@@ -531,6 +532,37 @@ static void ra_i2c_iceri_isr(R_IIC0_Type *i2c_inst) {
static void ra_i2c_icrxi_isr(R_IIC0_Type *i2c_inst) {
xaction_unit_t *unit = current_xaction_unit;
xaction_t *action = current_xaction;
// 1 byte or 2 bytes
if (unit->m_bytes_total <= 2) {
if (action->m_status == RA_I2C_STATUS_AddrWriteCompleted) {
action->m_status = RA_I2C_STATUS_FirstReceiveCompleted;
i2c_inst->ICMR3_b.WAIT = 1;
// need dummy read processes for 1 byte and 2 bytes receive
if (unit->m_bytes_total == 2) {
(void)i2c_inst->ICDRR; // dummy read for 2 bytes receive
} else { // m_bytes_total == 1
i2c_inst->ICMR3_b.ACKWP = 0x01; // enable write ACKBT (transfer acknowledge bit)
i2c_inst->ICMR3_b.ACKBT = 1;
i2c_inst->ICMR3_b.ACKWP = 0x00; // disable write ACKBT (transfer acknowledge bit)
(void)i2c_inst->ICDRR; // dummy read for 1 byte receive
if (unit->m_bytes_transfer == 2) { // last two data
i2c_inst->ICMR3_b.ACKWP = 0x01; // enable write ACKBT (transfer acknowledge bit)
i2c_inst->ICMR3_b.ACKBT = 1;
i2c_inst->ICMR3_b.ACKWP = 0x00; // disable write ACKBT (transfer acknowledge bit)
ra_i2c_xunit_read_byte(i2c_inst, unit);
} else { // last data
action->m_status = RA_I2C_STATUS_LastReceiveCompleted;
if (action->m_stop == true) {
i2c_inst->ICCR2_b.SP = 1; // request top condition
ra_i2c_xunit_read_byte(i2c_inst, unit);
// 3 bytes or more
if (action->m_status == RA_I2C_STATUS_AddrWriteCompleted) {
(void)i2c_inst->ICDRR; // dummy read
action->m_status = RA_I2C_STATUS_FirstReceiveCompleted;
......@@ -542,7 +574,9 @@ static void ra_i2c_icrxi_isr(R_IIC0_Type *i2c_inst) {
ra_i2c_xunit_read_byte(i2c_inst, unit);
} else if (unit->m_bytes_transfer == 2) {
i2c_inst->ICMR3_b.ACKWP = 0x01; // enable write ACKBT (transfer acknowledge bit)
i2c_inst->ICMR3_b.ACKBT = 1;
i2c_inst->ICMR3_b.ACKWP = 0x00; // disable write ACKBT (transfer acknowledge bit)
ra_i2c_xunit_read_byte(i2c_inst, unit);
} else {
// last data
......@@ -47,9 +47,9 @@ typedef enum
RA_I2C_STATUS_AddrWriteCompleted = 3,
RA_I2C_STATUS_DataWriteCompleted = 4,
RA_I2C_STATUS_DataSendCompleted = 5,
RA_I2C_STATUS_FirstReceiveCompleted = 5,
RA_I2C_STATUS_LastReceiveCompleted = 6,
RA_I2C_STATUS_Stopped = 7,
RA_I2C_STATUS_FirstReceiveCompleted = 6,
RA_I2C_STATUS_LastReceiveCompleted = 7,
RA_I2C_STATUS_Stopped = 8,
} xaction_status_t;
typedef enum
......@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ typedef enum
typedef struct {
volatile uint32_t m_bytes_transferred;
volatile uint32_t m_bytes_transfer;
uint32_t m_bytes_total;
bool m_fread;
uint8_t *buf;
void *next;
......@@ -75,7 +76,7 @@ typedef struct {
uint32_t m_current;
uint32_t m_address;
volatile xaction_status_t m_status;
xaction_error_t m_error;
volatile xaction_error_t m_error;
bool m_stop;
} xaction_t;
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