Commit c8838b50 authored by Damien George's avatar Damien George

github/workflows: Add CI to run tests against zephyr with qemu.

With this change, the zephyr port is tested against the standard test suite
via the following scheme:
- the zephyr port is built with the `qemu_cortex_m3` board and the
  `prj_minimal.conf` configuration
- `qemu-system-arm` runs `zephyr.elf`
- the zephyr console is redirected to a pts/pty
- `tests/` is run in bare-metal mode against the pts/pty device

This allows testing the zephyr port as though it were a physical board
attached over a serial port.
Signed-off-by: default avatarDamien George <>
parent 9af333f2
......@@ -27,3 +27,8 @@ jobs:
run: source tools/ && ci_zephyr_install
- name: Build
run: source tools/ && ci_zephyr_build
- name: Run main test suite
run: source tools/ && ci_zephyr_run_tests
- name: Print failures
if: failure()
run: tests/ --print-failures
......@@ -749,6 +749,11 @@ function ci_zephyr_setup {
-w /micropython/ports/zephyr \
docker ps -a
# qemu-system-arm is needed to run the test suite.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install qemu-system-arm
qemu-system-arm --version
function ci_zephyr_install {
......@@ -763,3 +768,10 @@ function ci_zephyr_build {
docker exec zephyr-ci west build -p auto -b mimxrt1050_evk
docker exec zephyr-ci west build -p auto -b nucleo_wb55rg # for bluetooth
function ci_zephyr_run_tests {
docker exec zephyr-ci west build -p auto -b qemu_cortex_m3 -- -DCONF_FILE=prj_minimal.conf
# Issues with zephyr tests:
# - inf_nan_arith fails pow(-1, nan) test
(cd tests && ./ --target minimal --device execpty:"qemu-system-arm -cpu cortex-m3 -machine lm3s6965evb -nographic -monitor null -serial pty -kernel ../ports/zephyr/build/zephyr/zephyr.elf" -d basics float --exclude inf_nan_arith)
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