Commit a63d4a6c authored by Paul Sokolovsky's avatar Paul Sokolovsky

extmod/modlwip: tcp_recv: Use more regular and responsive poll pattern.

Polling once in 100ms means dismal performance.

TODO: Propagate this pattern to other polling places.
parent 0dce9a21
......@@ -203,6 +203,11 @@ typedef struct _lwip_socket_obj_t {
int8_t connected;
} lwip_socket_obj_t;
static inline void poll_sockets(void) {
// TODO: Allow to override by ports
// Callback functions for the lwIP raw API.
......@@ -378,19 +383,13 @@ STATIC mp_uint_t lwip_tcp_receive(lwip_socket_obj_t *socket, byte *buf, mp_uint_
if (socket->incoming.pbuf == NULL) {
if (socket->timeout != -1) {
for (mp_uint_t retries = socket->timeout / 100; retries--;) {
if (socket->incoming.pbuf != NULL) break;
if (socket->incoming.pbuf == NULL) {
mp_uint_t start = mp_hal_ticks_ms();
while (socket->incoming.pbuf == NULL) {
if (socket->timeout != -1 && mp_hal_ticks_ms() - start > socket->timeout) {
*_errno = ETIMEDOUT;
return -1;
} else {
while (socket->incoming.pbuf == NULL) {
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