Commit 2ac09c26 authored by Damien George's avatar Damien George

stm32/uart: Use LL_USART_GetBaudRate to compute baudrate.

This function includes the UART prescaler in the calculation (if it has
one, eg on H7 and WB MCUs).
Signed-off-by: default avatarDamien George <>
parent 25c029ce
......@@ -711,16 +711,11 @@ uint32_t uart_get_source_freq(pyb_uart_obj_t *self) {
uint32_t uart_get_baudrate(pyb_uart_obj_t *self) {
// This formula assumes UART_OVERSAMPLING_16
uint32_t source_freq = uart_get_source_freq(self);
#if defined(LPUART1)
if (self->uart_id == PYB_LPUART_1) {
return source_freq / (self->uartx->BRR >> 8);
} else
return source_freq / self->uartx->BRR;
return LL_USART_GetBaudRate(self->uartx, uart_get_source_freq(self),
#if defined(STM32H7) || defined(STM32WB)
void uart_set_baudrate(pyb_uart_obj_t *self, uint32_t baudrate) {
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