Unverified Commit 0070d196 authored by Carbon's avatar Carbon Committed by GitHub

Update README.md

parent a4a91cf6
......@@ -100,6 +100,20 @@ If not, the following two methods are both applicable:
wget http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/o/openssl/libssl1.1_1.1.1f-1ubuntu2.19_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i libssl1.1_1.1.1f-1ubuntu2.19_amd64.deb
### Compiling with Windows Linux Subsystem (WSL)
If you wish to perform the compilation with WSL, there's an small issue building the image.
The $PATH, due Windows interoperability, has Windows environment variables which include some spaces between the paths.
To solve this problem you need to change the `/etc/wsl.conf` file and add the following lines:
appendWindowsPath = false
After that, you need to reboot the WSL with `wsl.exe --reboot`. Then you able to run the `./build_milkv.sh` script or the `build_all` line in the step-by-step compilation method.
To rollback this change in `/etc/wsl.conf` file set `appendWindowsPath` as true. To reboot the WSL, can you use the Windows PowerShell command `wsl.exe --shutdown` then `wsl.exe`, after that the Windows environment variables become avaliable again in $PATH.
## Compile the Image
......@@ -139,21 +153,6 @@ pack_sd_image
Location of the generated image: `install/soc_cv1800b_milkv_duo_sd/milkv-duo.img`
### Compiling with Windows Linux Subsystem (WSL)
If you wish to perform the compilation with WSL, there's an small issue building the image.
The $PATH, due Windows interoperability, has Windows environment variables which include some spaces between the paths.
To solve this problem you need to change the `/etc/wsl.conf` file and add the following lines:
appendWindowsPath = false
After that, you need to reboot the WSL with `wsl.exe --reboot`. Then you able to run the `./build_milkv.sh` script or the `build_all` line in the step-by-step compilation method.
To rollback this change in `/etc/wsl.conf` file set `appendWindowsPath` as true. To reboot the WSL, can you use the Windows PowerShell command `wsl.exe --shutdown` then `wsl.exe`, after that the Windows environment variables become avaliable again in $PATH.
## SD card burning
> Note: Writing the image to the microSD card will erase the existing data on the card. Remember to back up important data before burning!!!
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