Commit b0a6dda1 authored by Damien George's avatar Damien George

drivers/display/lcd160cr: Fix bugs with lcd.get_pixel().

Fixes issues #2880 and #2881.
parent 8c5988bf
......@@ -243,13 +243,13 @@ class LCD160CR:
self._fcmd2b('<BBBBH', 0x41, x, y, c)
def get_pixel(self, x, y):
self._fcmd2b('<BBBB', 0x61, x, y)
self._fcmd2('<BBBB', 0x61, x, y)
t = 1000
while t:
self.i2c.readfrom_into(self.i2c_addr, self.buf1)
if self.buf1[0] >= 2:
self.i2c.readfrom_into(self.i2c_addr, self.buf[3])
return self.buf[3][1] + self.buf[3][2] << 8
return self.buf[3][1] | self.buf[3][2] << 8
t -= 1
raise OSError(uerrno.ETIMEDOUT)
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