Unverified Commit eb0badd8 authored by Earle F. Philhower, III's avatar Earle F. Philhower, III Committed by GitHub

Avoid malloc/free while in HCI callbacks (#2219)

Bluetooth operates at IRQ level, so using std::list (which needs to
new and delete objects) is not legal.  Use a fixed, preallocated
vector instead.
parent f2729955
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ BTDeviceInfo Class
The ``BluetoothHCI`` class implements a scanning function for classic
and BLE devices and can return a ``std::list`` of discovered devices to an application.
and BLE devices and can return a ``std::vector`` of discovered devices to an application.
Iterate over the list using any of the STL iteration methods (i.e. ``for (auto e : list)``).
The elements of this list are ``BTDeviceInfo`` objects which have the following
member functions:
......@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ bool BluetoothHIDMaster::hciRunning()
Returns if the Bluetooth stack has passed the initial HCI start up phase. Until this returns ``true`` no Bluetooth operations can be performed.
std::list<BTDeviceInfo> BluetoothHIDMaster::scan(uint32_t mask, int scanTimeSec, bool async)
std::vector<BTDeviceInfo> BluetoothHIDMaster::scan(uint32_t mask, int scanTimeSec, bool async)
Passes through the ``BluetoothHCI::scan()`` function to manually scan for a list of nearby devices. If you want to connect to the first found device, this is not needed.
......@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ public:
bool begin();
std::list<BTDeviceInfo> scan(uint32_t mask = BluetoothHCI::speaker_cod, int scanTimeSec = 5, bool async = false) {
std::vector<BTDeviceInfo> scan(uint32_t mask = BluetoothHCI::speaker_cod, int scanTimeSec = 5, bool async = false) {
return _hci.scan(mask, scanTimeSec, async);
......@@ -24,59 +24,60 @@
class BTDeviceInfo {
// Classic Bluetooth Device
BTDeviceInfo(uint32_t dc, const uint8_t addr[6], int rssi, const char *name) {
_deviceClass = dc;
memcpy(_address, addr, sizeof(_address));
_addressType = -1;
sprintf(_addressString, "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", addr[0], addr[1], addr[2], addr[3], addr[4], addr[5]);
_rssi = rssi;
_name = strdup(name);
strncpy(_name, name, sizeof(_name));
_name[sizeof(_name) - 1] = 0;
// Bluetooth BLE Device
BTDeviceInfo(uint32_t dc, const uint8_t addr[6], int addressType, int rssi, const char *name, size_t nameLen) {
_deviceClass = dc;
memcpy(_address, addr, sizeof(_address));
sprintf(_addressString, "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", addr[0], addr[1], addr[2], addr[3], addr[4], addr[5]);
_addressType = addressType;
_rssi = rssi;
_name = (char *)malloc(nameLen + 1);
memcpy(_name, name, nameLen);
_name[nameLen] = 0;
// Copy constructor to ensure we deep-copy the string
BTDeviceInfo(const BTDeviceInfo &b) {
_deviceClass = b._deviceClass;
memcpy(_address, b._address, sizeof(_address));
_addressType = b._addressType;
memcpy(_addressString, b._addressString, sizeof(_addressString));
_rssi = b._rssi;
_name = strdup(b._name);
memcpy(_name, name, std::min(nameLen, sizeof(_name)));
_name[std::min(nameLen, sizeof(_name) - 1)] = 0;
~BTDeviceInfo() {
uint32_t deviceClass() {
return _deviceClass;
const uint8_t *address() {
return _address;
const char *addressString() {
return _addressString;
int rssi() {
return _rssi;
const char *name() {
return _name;
int addressType() {
return _addressType;
uint32_t _deviceClass;
uint8_t _address[6];
int _addressType;
char _addressString[18];
int8_t _rssi;
char *_name;
char _name[241];
......@@ -103,8 +103,9 @@ bool BluetoothHCI::running() {
return _hciRunning;
std::list<BTDeviceInfo> BluetoothHCI::scan(uint32_t mask, int scanTimeSec, bool async) {
std::vector<BTDeviceInfo> BluetoothHCI::scan(uint32_t mask, int scanTimeSec, bool async) {
_scanMask = mask;
if (!_running) {
return _btdList;
......@@ -135,8 +136,9 @@ std::list<BTDeviceInfo> BluetoothHCI::scan(uint32_t mask, int scanTimeSec, bool
return _btdList;
std::list<BTDeviceInfo> BluetoothHCI::scanBLE(uint32_t uuid, int scanTimeSec) {
std::vector<BTDeviceInfo> BluetoothHCI::scanBLE(uint32_t uuid, int scanTimeSec) {
_scanMask = uuid;
if (!_running) {
return _btdList;
......@@ -168,6 +170,10 @@ std::list<BTDeviceInfo> BluetoothHCI::scanBLE(uint32_t uuid, int scanTimeSec) {
return _btdList;
void BluetoothHCI::scanFree() {
void BluetoothHCI::parse_advertisement_data(uint8_t *packet) {
bd_addr_t address;
......@@ -298,7 +304,9 @@ void BluetoothHCI::parse_advertisement_data(uint8_t *packet) {
if (!seen) {
BTDeviceInfo btd(uuid, address, address_type, rssi, nameptr ? nameptr : "", nameptr ? namelen : 0);
if (_btdList.size() < MAX_DEVICES_TO_DISCOVER) {
......@@ -394,7 +402,9 @@ void BluetoothHCI::hci_packet_handler(uint8_t packet_type, uint16_t channel, uin
BTDeviceInfo btd(cod, address, rssi, name);
if (_btdList.size() < MAX_DEVICES_TO_DISCOVER) {
......@@ -39,11 +39,13 @@ public:
static const uint32_t speaker_cod = 0x200000 | 0x040000 | 0x000400; // Service Class: Rendering | Audio, Major Device Class: Audio
static const uint32_t any_cod = 0;
std::list<BTDeviceInfo> scan(uint32_t mask, int scanTimeSec = 5, bool async = false);
std::vector<BTDeviceInfo> scan(uint32_t mask, int scanTimeSec = 5, bool async = false);
bool scanAsyncDone();
std::list<BTDeviceInfo> scanAsyncResult();
std::vector<BTDeviceInfo> scanAsyncResult();
std::list<BTDeviceInfo> scanBLE(uint32_t uuid, int scanTimeSec = 5);
std::vector<BTDeviceInfo> scanBLE(uint32_t uuid, int scanTimeSec = 5);
void scanFree(); // Free allocated scan buffers
friend class BluetoothHIDMaster;
......@@ -60,7 +62,11 @@ private:
btstack_packet_callback_registration_t hci_event_callback_registration;
volatile bool _hciRunning = false;
uint32_t _scanMask;
std::list<BTDeviceInfo> _btdList;
// Use a .reserve()'d vector to avoid any memory allocations in the
// HCI callback, since the callback happens at IRQ time. Any more
// elements than MAX_DEVICES_TO_DISCOVER will be thrown out
std::vector<BTDeviceInfo> _btdList;
volatile bool _scanning = false;
bool _running = false;
......@@ -166,14 +166,14 @@ void BluetoothHIDMaster::onJoystick(void (*cb)(void *, int, int, int, int, uint8
_joystickData = cbData;
std::list<BTDeviceInfo> BluetoothHIDMaster::scan(uint32_t mask, int scanTimeSec, bool async) {
std::vector<BTDeviceInfo> BluetoothHIDMaster::scan(uint32_t mask, int scanTimeSec, bool async) {
return _hci.scan(mask, scanTimeSec, async);
bool BluetoothHIDMaster::scanAsyncDone() {
return _hci.scanAsyncDone();
std::list<BTDeviceInfo> BluetoothHIDMaster::scanAsyncResult() {
std::vector<BTDeviceInfo> BluetoothHIDMaster::scanAsyncResult() {
return _hci.scanAsyncResult();
......@@ -80,9 +80,9 @@ public:
static const uint32_t mouse_cod = 0x2540;
static const uint32_t joystick_cod = 0x2508;
static const uint32_t any_cod = 0;
std::list<BTDeviceInfo> scan(uint32_t mask, int scanTimeSec = 5, bool async = false);
std::vector<BTDeviceInfo> scan(uint32_t mask, int scanTimeSec = 5, bool async = false);
bool scanAsyncDone();
std::list<BTDeviceInfo> scanAsyncResult();
std::vector<BTDeviceInfo> scanAsyncResult();
bool connect(const uint8_t *addr);
bool connectKeyboard();
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