Unverified Commit 5cdd58df authored by Earle F. Philhower, III's avatar Earle F. Philhower, III Committed by GitHub

Add FreeRTOS functionality tests (#2257)

FreeRTOS often seems to have interesting corner cases.  Add two simple
tests that have been useful while debugging issues found from users or
from FreeRTOS updates.
parent 96a2e925
This folder contains FreeRTOS functionality tests, not generally useful for users.
// Simple stress test to ensure each thread has its own Newlib reent structure
// The random numbers from each task should be identical.
#include <FreeRTOS.h>
#include <task.h>
void go(void *param) {
(void) param;
int i = 0;
while(1) {
char buff[100];
TaskStatus_t st;
vTaskGetInfo(NULL, &st, pdFALSE, eInvalid);
sprintf(buff, "task %ld: %d = %d\n", st.xTaskNumber, i++, rand());
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
xTaskCreate(go, "c1", 1024, nullptr, 1, nullptr);
xTaskCreate(go, "c2", 1024, nullptr, 1, nullptr);
xTaskCreate(go, "c3", 1024, nullptr, 1, nullptr);
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
// FreeRTOS system call/mutex stress test
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <FreeRTOS.h>
#include <task.h>
#include <semphr.h>
#define DELAY 1
#define SERIAL_DEBUG Serial1
#define STACK_SIZE 512
#define CORE_0 (1 << 0)
#define CORE_1 (1 << 1)
void semphrTakeConditional(bool useMutexOn, SemaphoreHandle_t xSemaphore);
void semphrGiveConditional(bool useMutexOn, SemaphoreHandle_t xSemaphore);
I want to keep the possibility of using different and independent
mutexes for each of the functions that operate on the heap.
If you want to enable the use of these mutexes remove the defines
on lines 30 and 31 and enable the their initialization in setup()
SemaphoreHandle_t xSemaphoreMalloc = NULL;
// SemaphoreHandle_t xSemaphoreRealloc = NULL;
// SemaphoreHandle_t xSemaphoreFree = NULL;
A lazy way to use the same mutex for malloc, realloc and free
in order to bring us back to the same situation as the MCVE
posted here: https://github.com/earlephilhower/arduino-pico/issues/795#issuecomment-1227122082
#define xSemaphoreRealloc xSemaphoreMalloc
#define xSemaphoreFree xSemaphoreMalloc
const bool useMutexOnMalloc = false;
const bool useMutexOnRealloc = false;
const bool useMutexOnFree = false;
Enabling this, a realloc will be performed and the string "_realloc"
will be concateneted to *tmp
const bool tryRealloc = true;
TaskHandle_t loop2Handle = NULL;
TaskHandle_t loop3Handle = NULL;
TaskHandle_t loop4Handle = NULL;
TaskHandle_t loop5Handle = NULL;
TaskHandle_t loop6Handle = NULL;
TaskHandle_t loop7Handle = NULL;
void loop2(void *pvPramaters);
void loop3(void *pvPramaters);
void loop4(void *pvPramaters);
void loop5(void *pvPramaters);
void loop6(void *pvPramaters);
void loop7(void *pvPramaters);
void setup()
xSemaphoreMalloc = xSemaphoreCreateMutex();
// xSemaphoreRealloc = xSemaphoreCreateMutex();
// xSemaphoreFree = xSemaphoreCreateMutex();
xTaskCreate(loop2, "loop2", STACK_SIZE, NULL, 1, &loop2Handle);
vTaskCoreAffinitySet(loop2Handle, CORE_0);
xTaskCreate(loop3, "loop3", STACK_SIZE, NULL, 1, &loop3Handle);
vTaskCoreAffinitySet(loop3Handle, CORE_1);
xTaskCreate(loop4, "loop4", STACK_SIZE, NULL, 1, &loop4Handle);
vTaskCoreAffinitySet(loop4Handle, CORE_0);
xTaskCreate(loop5, "loop5", STACK_SIZE, NULL, 1, &loop5Handle);
vTaskCoreAffinitySet(loop5Handle, CORE_1);
xTaskCreate(loop6, "loop6", STACK_SIZE, NULL, 1, &loop6Handle);
vTaskCoreAffinitySet(loop6Handle, CORE_0);
xTaskCreate(loop7, "loop7", STACK_SIZE, NULL, 1, &loop7Handle);
vTaskCoreAffinitySet(loop7Handle, CORE_1);
static int _loop[8];
void loop()
while (1)
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
for (int i=0; i<8; i++) Serial.printf("%d ", _loop[i]);
void loop1()
while (1)
char *tmp;
semphrTakeConditional(useMutexOnMalloc, xSemaphoreMalloc);
tmp = (char *)malloc(10 * sizeof(char));
semphrGiveConditional(useMutexOnMalloc, xSemaphoreMalloc);
strcpy(tmp, "foo");
if (tryRealloc)
semphrTakeConditional(useMutexOnRealloc, xSemaphoreRealloc);
tmp = (char *)realloc(tmp, 20 * sizeof(char));
semphrGiveConditional(useMutexOnRealloc, xSemaphoreRealloc);
strcat(tmp, "_realloc");
semphrTakeConditional(useMutexOnFree, xSemaphoreFree);
semphrGiveConditional(useMutexOnFree, xSemaphoreFree);
void loop2(void *pvPramaters)
(void) pvPramaters;
while (1)
char *tmp;
semphrTakeConditional(useMutexOnMalloc, xSemaphoreMalloc);
tmp = (char *)malloc(10 * sizeof(char));
semphrGiveConditional(useMutexOnMalloc, xSemaphoreMalloc);
strcpy(tmp, "bar");
if (tryRealloc)
semphrTakeConditional(useMutexOnRealloc, xSemaphoreRealloc);
tmp = (char *)realloc(tmp, 20 * sizeof(char));
semphrGiveConditional(useMutexOnRealloc, xSemaphoreRealloc);
strcat(tmp, "_realloc");
semphrTakeConditional(useMutexOnFree, xSemaphoreFree);
semphrGiveConditional(useMutexOnFree, xSemaphoreFree);
void loop3(void *pvPramaters)
(void) pvPramaters;
while (1)
char *tmp;
semphrTakeConditional(useMutexOnMalloc, xSemaphoreMalloc);
tmp = (char *)malloc(10 * sizeof(char));
semphrGiveConditional(useMutexOnMalloc, xSemaphoreMalloc);
strcpy(tmp, "yeah");
if (tryRealloc)
semphrTakeConditional(useMutexOnRealloc, xSemaphoreRealloc);
tmp = (char *)realloc(tmp, 20 * sizeof(char));
semphrGiveConditional(useMutexOnRealloc, xSemaphoreRealloc);
strcat(tmp, "_realloc");
semphrTakeConditional(useMutexOnFree, xSemaphoreFree);
semphrGiveConditional(useMutexOnFree, xSemaphoreFree);
void loop4(void *pvPramaters)
(void) pvPramaters;
while (1)
char *tmp;
semphrTakeConditional(useMutexOnMalloc, xSemaphoreMalloc);
tmp = (char *)malloc(10 * sizeof(char));
semphrGiveConditional(useMutexOnMalloc, xSemaphoreMalloc);
strcpy(tmp, "baz");
if (tryRealloc)
semphrTakeConditional(useMutexOnRealloc, xSemaphoreRealloc);
tmp = (char *)realloc(tmp, 20 * sizeof(char));
semphrGiveConditional(useMutexOnRealloc, xSemaphoreRealloc);
strcat(tmp, "_realloc");
semphrTakeConditional(useMutexOnFree, xSemaphoreFree);
semphrGiveConditional(useMutexOnFree, xSemaphoreFree);
void loop5(void *pvPramaters)
(void) pvPramaters;
while (1)
char *tmp;
semphrTakeConditional(useMutexOnMalloc, xSemaphoreMalloc);
tmp = (char *)malloc(10 * sizeof(char));
semphrGiveConditional(useMutexOnMalloc, xSemaphoreMalloc);
strcpy(tmp, "asd");
if (tryRealloc)
semphrTakeConditional(useMutexOnRealloc, xSemaphoreRealloc);
tmp = (char *)realloc(tmp, 20 * sizeof(char));
semphrGiveConditional(useMutexOnRealloc, xSemaphoreRealloc);
strcat(tmp, "_realloc");
semphrTakeConditional(useMutexOnFree, xSemaphoreFree);
semphrGiveConditional(useMutexOnFree, xSemaphoreFree);
void loop6(void *pvPramaters)
(void) pvPramaters;
while (1)
char *tmp;
semphrTakeConditional(useMutexOnMalloc, xSemaphoreMalloc);
tmp = (char *)malloc(10 * sizeof(char));
semphrGiveConditional(useMutexOnMalloc, xSemaphoreMalloc);
strcpy(tmp, "lol");
if (tryRealloc)
semphrTakeConditional(useMutexOnRealloc, xSemaphoreRealloc);
tmp = (char *)realloc(tmp, 20 * sizeof(char));
semphrGiveConditional(useMutexOnRealloc, xSemaphoreRealloc);
strcat(tmp, "_realloc");
semphrTakeConditional(useMutexOnFree, xSemaphoreFree);
semphrGiveConditional(useMutexOnFree, xSemaphoreFree);
void loop7(void *pvPramaters)
(void) pvPramaters;
while (1)
char *tmp;
semphrTakeConditional(useMutexOnMalloc, xSemaphoreMalloc);
tmp = (char *)malloc(10 * sizeof(char));
semphrGiveConditional(useMutexOnMalloc, xSemaphoreMalloc);
strcpy(tmp, "yay");
if (tryRealloc)
semphrTakeConditional(useMutexOnRealloc, xSemaphoreRealloc);
tmp = (char *)realloc(tmp, 20 * sizeof(char));
semphrGiveConditional(useMutexOnRealloc, xSemaphoreRealloc);
strcat(tmp, "_realloc");
semphrTakeConditional(useMutexOnFree, xSemaphoreFree);
semphrGiveConditional(useMutexOnFree, xSemaphoreFree);
void semphrTakeConditional(bool useMutexOn, SemaphoreHandle_t xSemaphore)
if (useMutexOn)
xSemaphoreTake(xSemaphore, TickType_t(portMAX_DELAY));
void semphrGiveConditional(bool useMutexOn, SemaphoreHandle_t xSemaphore)
if (useMutexOn)
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