Unverified Commit 280fc437 authored by Earle F. Philhower, III's avatar Earle F. Philhower, III Committed by GitHub

Fix SPI debug print warning (#1881)

parent 762535fa
......@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ void SPIClassRP2040::beginTransaction(SPISettings settings) {
io_rw_32 *en_reg = &irq_ctrl_base->inte[gpio / 8];
uint32_t val = ((*en_reg) >> (4 * (gpio % 8))) & 0xf;
_usingIRQs.insert_or_assign(gpio, val);
DEBUGSPI("SPI: GPIO %d = %d\n", gpio, val);
DEBUGSPI("SPI: GPIO %d = %lu\n", gpio, val);
(*en_reg) ^= val << (4 * (gpio % 8));
DEBUGSPI("SPI: IRQ masks after = %08x %08x %08x %08x\n", (unsigned)irq_ctrl_base->inte[0], (unsigned)irq_ctrl_base->inte[1], (unsigned)irq_ctrl_base->inte[2], (unsigned)irq_ctrl_base->inte[3]);
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