Unverified Commit 226a3188 authored by Earle F. Philhower, III's avatar Earle F. Philhower, III Committed by GitHub

Add serial inversion for UART and SerialPIO (#2395)

Use real GPIO pad inversion to allow inverted RX, TX, and controls for
the hardware UART and software PIO-emulated serial ports.

Adds ``setInvertTX(bool)`` and ``setInvertRX(bool)`` calls to both ports,
with ``setInvertControl(bool)`` for the HW UARTS.
parent 729163d0
......@@ -46,24 +46,22 @@ static pio_program_t *pio_make_uart_prog(int repl, const pio_program_t *pg) {
return p;
static PIOProgram *_getTxProgram(int bits, bool inverted) {
int key = inverted ? -bits : bits;
auto f = _txMap.find(key);
static PIOProgram *_getTxProgram(int bits) {
auto f = _txMap.find(bits);
if (f == _txMap.end()) {
pio_program_t * p = pio_make_uart_prog(bits, inverted ? &pio_tx_inv_program : &pio_tx_program);
_txMap.insert({key, new PIOProgram(p)});
f = _txMap.find(key);
pio_program_t * p = pio_make_uart_prog(bits, &pio_tx_program);
_txMap.insert({bits, new PIOProgram(p)});
f = _txMap.find(bits);
return f->second;
static PIOProgram *_getRxProgram(int bits, bool inverted) {
int key = inverted ? -bits : bits;
auto f = _rxMap.find(key);
static PIOProgram *_getRxProgram(int bits) {
auto f = _rxMap.find(bits);
if (f == _rxMap.end()) {
pio_program_t * p = pio_make_uart_prog(bits, inverted ? &pio_rx_inv_program : &pio_rx_program);
_rxMap.insert({key, new PIOProgram(p)});
f = _rxMap.find(key);
pio_program_t * p = pio_make_uart_prog(bits, &pio_rx_program);
_rxMap.insert({bits, new PIOProgram(p)});
f = _rxMap.find(bits);
return f->second;
......@@ -98,7 +96,7 @@ void __not_in_flash_func(SerialPIO::_handleIRQ)() {
while (!pio_sm_is_rx_fifo_empty(_rxPIO, _rxSM)) {
uint32_t decode = _rxPIO->rxf[_rxSM] ^ (_rxInverted ? 0xffffffff : 0);
uint32_t decode = _rxPIO->rxf[_rxSM];
decode >>= 33 - _rxBits;
uint32_t val = 0;
for (int b = 0; b < _bits + 1; b++) {
......@@ -140,6 +138,8 @@ SerialPIO::SerialPIO(pin_size_t tx, pin_size_t rx, size_t fifoSize) {
_fifoSize = fifoSize + 1; // Always one unused entry
_queue = new uint8_t[_fifoSize];
_invertTX = false;
_invertRX = false;
SerialPIO::~SerialPIO() {
......@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ void SerialPIO::begin(unsigned long baud, uint16_t config) {
if (_tx != NOPIN) {
_txBits = _bits + _stop + (_parity != UART_PARITY_NONE ? 1 : 0) + 1/*start bit*/;
_txPgm = _getTxProgram(_txBits, _txInverted);
_txPgm = _getTxProgram(_txBits);
int off;
if (!_txPgm->prepare(&_txPIO, &_txSM, &off)) {
DEBUGCORE("ERROR: Unable to allocate PIO TX UART, out of PIO resources\n");
......@@ -201,6 +201,7 @@ void SerialPIO::begin(unsigned long baud, uint16_t config) {
digitalWrite(_tx, HIGH);
pinMode(_tx, OUTPUT);
gpio_set_outover(_tx, _invertTX);
pio_tx_program_init(_txPIO, _txSM, off, _tx);
pio_sm_clear_fifos(_txPIO, _txSM); // Remove any existing data
......@@ -218,7 +219,7 @@ void SerialPIO::begin(unsigned long baud, uint16_t config) {
_reader = 0;
_rxBits = 2 * (_bits + _stop + (_parity != UART_PARITY_NONE ? 1 : 0) + 1) - 1;
_rxPgm = _getRxProgram(_rxBits, _rxInverted);
_rxPgm = _getRxProgram(_rxBits);
int off;
if (!_rxPgm->prepare(&_rxPIO, &_rxSM, &off)) {
DEBUGCORE("ERROR: Unable to allocate PIO RX UART, out of PIO resources\n");
......@@ -249,6 +250,7 @@ void SerialPIO::begin(unsigned long baud, uint16_t config) {
irq_set_exclusive_handler(irqno, _fifoIRQ);
irq_set_enabled(irqno, true);
gpio_set_inover(_rx, _invertRX);
pio_sm_set_enabled(_rxPIO, _rxSM, true);
......@@ -262,6 +264,7 @@ void SerialPIO::end() {
if (_tx != NOPIN) {
pio_sm_set_enabled(_txPIO, _txSM, false);
pio_sm_unclaim(_txPIO, _txSM);
gpio_set_outover(_tx, 0);
if (_rx != NOPIN) {
pio_sm_set_enabled(_rxPIO, _rxSM, false);
......@@ -277,6 +280,7 @@ void SerialPIO::end() {
auto irqno = pioNum == 0 ? PIO0_IRQ_0 : PIO1_IRQ_0;
irq_set_enabled(irqno, false);
gpio_set_inover(_rx, 0);
_running = false;
......@@ -348,11 +352,6 @@ void SerialPIO::flush() {
delay((1000 * (_txBits + 1)) / _baud);
void SerialPIO::setInverted(bool invTx, bool invRx) {
_txInverted = invTx;
_rxInverted = invRx;
size_t SerialPIO::write(uint8_t c) {
CoreMutex m(&_mutex);
if (!_running || !m || (_tx == NOPIN)) {
......@@ -371,7 +370,7 @@ size_t SerialPIO::write(uint8_t c) {
val <<= 1; // Start bit = low
pio_sm_put_blocking(_txPIO, _txSM, _txInverted ? ~val : val);
pio_sm_put_blocking(_txPIO, _txSM, val);
return 1;
......@@ -41,7 +41,22 @@ public:
void begin(unsigned long baud, uint16_t config) override;
void end() override;
void setInverted(bool invTx = true, bool invRx = true);
void setInverted(bool invTx = true, bool invRx = true) {
bool setInvertTX(bool invert = true) {
if (!_running) {
_invertTX = invert;
return !_running;
bool setInvertRX(bool invert = true) {
if (!_running) {
_invertRX = invert;
return !_running;
virtual int peek() override;
virtual int read() override;
......@@ -65,8 +80,8 @@ protected:
int _stop;
bool _overflow;
mutex_t _mutex;
bool _txInverted = false;
bool _rxInverted = false;
bool _invertTX;
bool _invertRX;
PIOProgram *_txPgm;
......@@ -138,6 +138,9 @@ SerialUART::SerialUART(uart_inst_t *uart, pin_size_t tx, pin_size_t rx, pin_size
_cts = cts;
_invertTX = false;
_invertRX = false;
_invertControl = false;
static void _uart0IRQ();
......@@ -154,14 +157,18 @@ void SerialUART::begin(unsigned long baud, uint16_t config) {
_fcnTx = gpio_get_function(_tx);
_fcnRx = gpio_get_function(_rx);
gpio_set_function(_tx, GPIO_FUNC_UART);
gpio_set_outover(_tx, _invertTX ? 1 : 0);
gpio_set_function(_rx, GPIO_FUNC_UART);
gpio_set_inover(_rx, _invertRX ? 1 : 0);
if (_rts != UART_PIN_NOT_DEFINED) {
_fcnRts = gpio_get_function(_rts);
gpio_set_function(_rts, GPIO_FUNC_UART);
gpio_set_outover(_rts, _invertControl ? 1 : 0);
if (_cts != UART_PIN_NOT_DEFINED) {
_fcnCts = gpio_get_function(_cts);
gpio_set_function(_cts, GPIO_FUNC_UART);
gpio_set_inover(_cts, _invertControl ? 1 : 0);
uart_init(_uart, baud);
......@@ -246,12 +253,16 @@ void SerialUART::end() {
// Restore pin functions
gpio_set_function(_tx, _fcnTx);
gpio_set_outover(_tx, 0);
gpio_set_function(_rx, _fcnRx);
gpio_set_inover(_rx, 0);
if (_rts != UART_PIN_NOT_DEFINED) {
gpio_set_function(_rts, _fcnRts);
gpio_set_outover(_rts, 0);
if (_cts != UART_PIN_NOT_DEFINED) {
gpio_set_function(_cts, _fcnCts);
gpio_set_inover(_cts, 0);
......@@ -43,6 +43,26 @@ public:
ret &= setTX(tx);
return ret;
bool setInvertTX(bool invert = true) {
if (!_running) {
_invertTX = invert;
return !_running;
bool setInvertRX(bool invert = true) {
if (!_running) {
_invertRX = invert;
return !_running;
bool setInvertControl(bool invert = true) {
if (!_running) {
_invertControl = invert;
return !_running;
bool setFIFOSize(size_t size);
bool setPollingMode(bool mode = true);
......@@ -86,6 +106,7 @@ private:
bool _polling = false;
bool _overflow;
bool _break;
bool _invertTX, _invertRX, _invertControl;
// Lockless, IRQ-handled circular queue
uint32_t _writer;
......@@ -30,10 +30,6 @@ public:
~SoftwareSerial() {
if (_invert) {
gpio_set_outover(_tx, 0);
gpio_set_outover(_rx, 0);
virtual void begin(unsigned long baud = 115200) override {
......@@ -41,11 +37,9 @@ public:
void begin(unsigned long baud, uint16_t config) override {
SerialPIO::begin(baud, config);
if (_invert) {
gpio_set_outover(_tx, GPIO_OVERRIDE_INVERT);
gpio_set_inover(_rx, GPIO_OVERRIDE_INVERT);
void listen() { /* noop */ }
......@@ -39,28 +39,6 @@ wait_bit:
jmp y-- wait_bit
jmp x-- bitloop
; inverted-logic version (inverts the stop bit)
.program pio_tx_inv
.side_set 1 opt
; We shift out the start and stop bit as part of the FIFO
set x, 9
pull side 0 ; Force stop bit low
; Send the bits
out pins, 1
mov y, isr ; ISR is loaded by the setup routine with the period-1 count
jmp y-- wait_bit
jmp x-- bitloop
% c-sdk {
static inline void pio_tx_program_init(PIO pio, uint sm, uint offset, uint pin_tx) {
......@@ -110,28 +88,6 @@ wait_half:
push ; Stuff it and wait for next start
.program pio_rx_inv
; IN pin 0 and JMP pin are both mapped to the GPIO used as UART RX.
set x, 18 ; Preload bit counter...we'll shift in the start bit and stop bit, and each bit will be double-recorded (to be fixed by RP2040 code)
wait 1 pin 0 ; Stall until start bit is asserted
; Delay until 1/2 way into the bit time
mov y, osr
jmp y-- wait_half
; Read in the bit
in pins, 1 ; Shift data bit into ISR
jmp x-- bitloop ; Loop all bits
push ; Stuff it and wait for next start
% c-sdk {
static inline void pio_rx_program_init(PIO pio, uint sm, uint offset, uint pin) {
pio_sm_set_consecutive_pindirs(pio, sm, pin, 1, false);
......@@ -44,44 +44,6 @@ static inline pio_sm_config pio_tx_program_get_default_config(uint offset) {
sm_config_set_sideset(&c, 2, true, false);
return c;
// ---------- //
// pio_tx_inv //
// ---------- //
#define pio_tx_inv_wrap_target 0
#define pio_tx_inv_wrap 5
#define pio_tx_inv_pio_version 0
static const uint16_t pio_tx_inv_program_instructions[] = {
// .wrap_target
0xe029, // 0: set x, 9
0x90a0, // 1: pull block side 0
0x6001, // 2: out pins, 1
0xa046, // 3: mov y, isr
0x0084, // 4: jmp y--, 4
0x0042, // 5: jmp x--, 2
// .wrap
static const struct pio_program pio_tx_inv_program = {
.instructions = pio_tx_inv_program_instructions,
.length = 6,
.origin = -1,
.pio_version = 0,
.used_gpio_ranges = 0x0
static inline pio_sm_config pio_tx_inv_program_get_default_config(uint offset) {
pio_sm_config c = pio_get_default_sm_config();
sm_config_set_wrap(&c, offset + pio_tx_inv_wrap_target, offset + pio_tx_inv_wrap);
sm_config_set_sideset(&c, 2, true, false);
return c;
static inline void pio_tx_program_init(PIO pio, uint sm, uint offset, uint pin_tx) {
// Tell PIO to initially drive output-high on the selected pin, then map PIO
......@@ -140,44 +102,6 @@ static inline pio_sm_config pio_rx_program_get_default_config(uint offset) {
sm_config_set_wrap(&c, offset + pio_rx_wrap_target, offset + pio_rx_wrap);
return c;
// ---------- //
// pio_rx_inv //
// ---------- //
#define pio_rx_inv_wrap_target 0
#define pio_rx_inv_wrap 6
#define pio_rx_inv_pio_version 0
static const uint16_t pio_rx_inv_program_instructions[] = {
// .wrap_target
0xe032, // 0: set x, 18
0x20a0, // 1: wait 1 pin, 0
0xa047, // 2: mov y, osr
0x0083, // 3: jmp y--, 3
0x4001, // 4: in pins, 1
0x0042, // 5: jmp x--, 2
0x8020, // 6: push block
// .wrap
static const struct pio_program pio_rx_inv_program = {
.instructions = pio_rx_inv_program_instructions,
.length = 7,
.origin = -1,
.pio_version = 0,
.used_gpio_ranges = 0x0
static inline pio_sm_config pio_rx_inv_program_get_default_config(uint offset) {
pio_sm_config c = pio_get_default_sm_config();
sm_config_set_wrap(&c, offset + pio_rx_inv_wrap_target, offset + pio_rx_inv_wrap);
return c;
static inline void pio_rx_program_init(PIO pio, uint sm, uint offset, uint pin) {
pio_sm_set_consecutive_pindirs(pio, sm, pin, 1, false);
......@@ -23,6 +23,12 @@ For example, to make a transmit-only port on GP16
For detailed information about the Serial ports, see the
Arduino `Serial Reference <https://www.arduino.cc/reference/en/language/functions/communication/serial/>`_ .
``SoftwareSerial`` and ``SerialPIO`` can both support inverted input and/or outputs via the methods
``setInvertRX(bool invert)`` and ``setInvertTX(bool invert)``.
SoftwareSerial Emulation
......@@ -31,7 +37,6 @@ with the Arduino `Software Serial <https://docs.arduino.cc/learn/built-in-librar
library. Use the normal ``#include <SoftwareSerial.h>`` to include it. The following
differences from the Arduino standard are present:
* Inverted mode is not supported
* All ports are always listening
* ``listen`` call is a no-op
* ``isListening()`` always returns ``true``
......@@ -47,6 +47,14 @@ For detailed information about the Serial ports, see the
Arduino `Serial Reference <https://www.arduino.cc/reference/en/language/functions/communication/serial/>`_ .
``Serial1`` and ``Serial2`` can both support inverted input and/or outputs via the methods
``Serial1/2::setInvertRX(bool invert)`` and ``Serial1/2::setInvertTX(bool invert)`` and
``Serial1/2::serInvertControl(bool invert)``.
RP2040 Specific SerialUSB methods
......@@ -73,6 +73,9 @@ prepare KEYWORD2
setPollingMode KEYWORD2
setInvertTX KEYWORD2
setInvertRX KEYWORD2
setInvertControl KEYWORD2
digitalWriteFast KEYWORD2
digitalReadFast KEYWORD2
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