• Earle F. Philhower, III's avatar
    Support wired network interfaces (W5500, W5100, ENC28J60) (#1703) · 1f3d5011
    Earle F. Philhower, III authored
    Enable use of wired Ethernet modules as first-class LWIP citizens.  All
    networking classes like MDNS, WebServer, HTTPClient, WiFiClient, and OTA
    can use a wired Ethernet adapter just like built-in WiFi.
    Two examples updated to show proper use.
    Uses the Async Context support built into the Pico SDK.  When running on the
    Pico  it will use the CYW43 async instance.
    Uses modified wired Ethernet drivers, thanks Nicholas Humfrey!
    Note, the classic, non-LWIP integrated `Ethernet` and related libraries
    should still work fine (but not be able to use WebServer/HTTPS/etc.)
    Fixes #775
LwipIntfDev.h 15.4 KB