Unverified Commit f9423ab8 authored by sweetlilmre's avatar sweetlilmre Committed by GitHub

Fix timerAttachInterrupt() and timerDetachInterrupt() in esp32-hal-timer.c (#6763)

* Fix timerAttachInterrupt() and timerDetachInterrupt() for migration to IDF 4.4

* Fixing log messages as per request
parent e5913c36
......@@ -32,13 +32,6 @@ typedef union {
typedef struct {
int timer_group;
int timer_idx;
int alarm_interval;
bool auto_reload;
} timer_info_t;
typedef struct hw_timer_s
uint8_t group;
......@@ -194,7 +187,7 @@ static void _on_apb_change(void * arg, apb_change_ev_t ev_type, uint32_t old_apb
hw_timer_t * timerBegin(uint8_t num, uint16_t divider, bool countUp){
if(num >= NUM_OF_TIMERS)
log_e("Timer dont have that timer number.");
log_e("Timer number %u exceeds available number of Timers.", num);
return NULL;
......@@ -220,24 +213,23 @@ void timerEnd(hw_timer_t *timer){
timer_deinit(timer->group, timer->num);
bool IRAM_ATTR timerFnWrapper(void *arg){
void (*fn)(void) = arg;
// some additional logic or handling may be required here to approriately yield or not
return false;
void timerAttachInterrupt(hw_timer_t *timer, void (*fn)(void), bool edge){
log_w("EDGE timer interrupt is not supported! Setting to LEVEL...");
edge = false;
timer_enable_intr(timer->group, timer->num);
timer_info_t *timer_info = calloc(1, sizeof(timer_info_t));
timer_info->timer_group = timer->group;
timer_info->timer_idx = timer->num;
timer_info->auto_reload = timerGetAutoReload(timer);
timer_info->alarm_interval = timerAlarmRead(timer);
timer_isr_callback_add(timer->group, timer->num, (timer_isr_t)fn, timer_info, 0);
timer_isr_callback_add(timer->group, timer->num, timerFnWrapper, fn, 0);
void timerDetachInterrupt(hw_timer_t *timer){
timerAttachInterrupt(timer, NULL, false);
timer_isr_callback_remove(timer->group, timer->num);
uint64_t timerReadMicros(hw_timer_t *timer){
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