Unverified Commit eae67a9f authored by Pedro Minatel's avatar Pedro Minatel Committed by GitHub

WiFi DA: Added Dual Antenna to the docs and example created (#6357)


Added the Dual Antenna documentation.
Added the DA example.
parent 52575d63
......@@ -67,6 +67,35 @@ Use static allocation if you want to have more performance and if your applicati
By default, the memory allocation will be set to **dynamic** if this function is not being used.
Configures the Dual antenna functionallity. This function should be used only on the **ESP32-WROOM-DA** module or any other ESP32 with RF switch.
.. code-block:: arduino
bool setDualAntennaConfig(uint8_t gpio_ant1, uint8_t gpio_ant2, wifi_rx_ant_t rx_mode, wifi_tx_ant_t tx_mode);
* ``gpio_ant1`` Configure the GPIO number for the antenna 1 connected to the RF switch (default ``GPIO2`` on ESP32-WROOM-DA)
* ``gpio_ant2`` Configure the GPIO number for the antenna 2 connected to the RF switch (default ``GPIO25`` on ESP32-WROOM-DA)
* ``rx_mode`` Set the RX antenna mode. See wifi_rx_ant_t for the options.
* ``tx_mode`` Set the TX antenna mode. See wifi_tx_ant_t for the options.
Return ``true`` if the configuration was successful.
For the ``rx_mode`` you can use the following configuration:
* ``WIFI_RX_ANT0`` Selects the antenna 1 for all RX activity.
* ``WIFI_RX_ANT1`` Selects the antenna 2 for all RX activity.
* ``WIFI_RX_ANT_AUTO`` Selects the antenna for RX automatically.
For the ``tx_mode`` you can use the following configuration:
* ``WIFI_TX_ANT0`` Selects the antenna 1 for all TX activity.
* ``WIFI_TX_ANT1`` Selects the antenna 2 for all TX activity.
* ``WIFI_TX_ANT_AUTO`` Selects the antenna for TX automatically.
# WiFiScan Example
This example demonstrates how to use the WiFi library to scan available WiFi networks and print the results.
This example shows the basic functionality of the dual antenna capability.
# Supported Targets
This example is compatible with the ESP32-WROOM-DA.
## How to Use Example
* How to install the Arduino IDE: [Install Arduino IDE](https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32/tree/master/docs/arduino-ide).
#### Using Arduino IDE
* Before Compile/Verify, select the correct board: `Tools -> Board`.
* Select the COM port: `Tools -> Port: xxx` where the `xxx` is the detected COM port.
#### Using Platform IO
* Select the COM port: `Devices` or set the `upload_port` option on the `platformio.ini` file.
## Example/Log Output
ets Jul 29 2019 12:21:46
configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:1
entry 0x400805f8
Setup done
scan start
scan done
17 networks found
1: IoTNetwork (-62)*
2: WiFiSSID (-62)*
3: B3A7992 (-63)*
4: WiFi (-63)
5: IoTNetwork2 (-64)*
## Troubleshooting
***Important: Be sure you're using a good quality USB cable and you have enough power source for your project.***
* **Programming Fail:** If the programming/flash procedure fails, try to reduce the serial connection speed.
* **COM port not detected:** Check the USB cable connection and the USB to Serial driver installation.
If the error persists, you can ask for help at the official [ESP32 forum](https://esp32.com) or see [Contribute](#contribute).
## Contribute
To know how to contribute to this project, see [How to contribute.](https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.rst)
If you have any **feedback** or **issue** to report on this example/library, please open an issue or fix it by creating a new PR. Contributions are more than welcome!
Before creating a new issue, be sure to try the Troubleshooting and to check if the same issue was already created by someone else.
## Resources
* Arduino-ESP32 Official Repository: [espressif/arduino-esp32](https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32)
* ESP32 Datasheet: [Link to datasheet](https://www.espressif.com/sites/default/files/documentation/esp32_datasheet_en.pdf)
* ESP32-WROOM-DA Datasheet: [Link to datasheet](https://www.espressif.com/sites/default/files/documentation/esp32-wroom-da_datasheet_en.pdf)
* This sketch demonstrates how to scan WiFi networks.
* The API is almost the same as with the WiFi Shield library,
* the most obvious difference being the different file you need to include:
#include "WiFi.h"
/* These are the GPIOs connected to the antenna switch on the ESP32-WROOM-DA.
* Both GPIOs are not exposed to the module pins and cannot be used except to
* control the antnnas switch.
* For more details, see the datashhet at:
* https://www.espressif.com/sites/default/files/documentation/esp32-wroom-da_datasheet_en.pdf
#define GPIO_ANT1 2 // GPIO for antenna 1
#define GPIO_ANT2 25 // GPIO for antenna 2 (default)
void setup()
bool err = ESP_FAIL;
// Set WiFi to station mode and disconnect from an AP if it was previously connected
// Set WiFi dual antenna configuration by passing the GPIO and antenna mode for RX ant TX
err = WiFi.setDualAntennaConfig(GPIO_ANT1, GPIO_ANT1, WIFI_RX_ANT_AUTO, WIFI_TX_ANT_AUTO);
/* For more details on how to use this feature, see our docs:
* https://docs.espressif.com/projects/arduino-esp32/en/latest/api/wifi.html
if(err == ESP_FAIL) {
Serial.println("Dual Antenna configuration failed!");
} else {
Serial.println("Dual Antenna configuration successfuly done!");
Serial.println("Setup done");
void loop()
Serial.println("scan start");
// WiFi.scanNetworks will return the number of networks found
int n = WiFi.scanNetworks();
Serial.println("scan done");
if (n == 0) {
Serial.println("no networks found");
} else {
Serial.println(" networks found");
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
// Print SSID and RSSI for each network found
Serial.print(i + 1);
Serial.print(": ");
Serial.print(" (");
Serial.println((WiFi.encryptionType(i) == WIFI_AUTH_OPEN)?" ":"*");
// Wait a bit before scanning again
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