Unverified Commit e4b008e7 authored by Denys Fedoryshchenko's avatar Denys Fedoryshchenko Committed by GitHub

Handle stream timeouts properly, for slow HTTP/HTTPS links (#3752)

This patch fixes update timeouts (error #6) on slow HTTP/HTTPS links.
parent 76afaf2d
......@@ -323,6 +323,8 @@ size_t UpdateClass::write(uint8_t *data, size_t len) {
size_t UpdateClass::writeStream(Stream &data) {
size_t written = 0;
size_t toRead = 0;
int timeout_failures = 0;
if(hasError() || !isRunning())
return 0;
......@@ -344,15 +346,24 @@ size_t UpdateClass::writeStream(Stream &data) {
bytesToRead = remaining();
toRead = data.readBytes(_buffer + _bufferLen, bytesToRead);
if(toRead == 0) { //Timeout
toRead = data.readBytes(_buffer + _bufferLen, bytesToRead);
if(toRead == 0) { //Timeout
return written;
Init read&timeout counters and try to read, if read failed, increase counter,
wait 100ms and try to read again. If counter > 300 (30 sec), give up/abort
toRead = 0;
timeout_failures = 0;
while(!toRead) {
toRead = data.readBytes(_buffer + _bufferLen, bytesToRead);
if(toRead == 0) {
if (timeout_failures >= 300) {
return written;
if(_ledPin != -1) {
digitalWrite(_ledPin, !_ledOn); // Switch LED off
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