Unverified Commit 82ec74a0 authored by Rodrigo Garcia's avatar Rodrigo Garcia Committed by GitHub

Adds support to change LoopTask Stack size (#6025)

## Summary
Arduino ```setup()``` and ```loop()``` run under a Task with a fixed Stack size of 8KB.
Users may want to change this size.

This PR adds this possibility by just adding a line of code, as for example:
``` dart

void setup() { 

void loop() { 
## Impact
None. It adds a new functionality to ESP32 Arduino.
If ```ESP_LOOP_TASK_STACK_SIZE(newSize);``` is not declared/used, it will compile the sketch with the default stack size of 8KB.

## Related links
fix #6010 

Thanks @igrr for the suggestion!
parent 5940d89e
......@@ -179,6 +179,9 @@ uint16_t makeWord(uint8_t h, uint8_t l);
#define word(...) makeWord(__VA_ARGS__)
size_t getArduinoLoopTaskStackSize(void);
#define SET_LOOP_TASK_STACK_SIZE(sz) size_t getArduinoLoopTaskStackSize() { return sz;}
unsigned long pulseIn(uint8_t pin, uint8_t state, unsigned long timeout = 1000000L);
unsigned long pulseInLong(uint8_t pin, uint8_t state, unsigned long timeout = 1000000L);
......@@ -33,6 +33,10 @@ void yieldIfNecessary(void){
bool loopTaskWDTEnabled;
__attribute__((weak)) size_t getArduinoLoopTaskStackSize(void) {
void loopTask(void *pvParameters)
......@@ -64,7 +68,7 @@ extern "C" void app_main()
loopTaskWDTEnabled = false;
xTaskCreateUniversal(loopTask, "loopTask", ARDUINO_LOOP_STACK_SIZE, NULL, 1, &loopTaskHandle, ARDUINO_RUNNING_CORE);
xTaskCreateUniversal(loopTask, "loopTask", getArduinoLoopTaskStackSize(), NULL, 1, &loopTaskHandle, ARDUINO_RUNNING_CORE);
ESP32 Arduino creates a task to run setup() and then to execute loop() continuously
This task can be found at https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32/blob/master/cores/esp32/main.cpp
By default "loopTask" will be created with a stack size of 8KB.
This should be plenty for most general sketches.
There is a way to change the stack size of this task by using
It will bypass the default stack size of 8KB and allow the user to define a new size.
It is recommend this value to be higher than 8KB, for instance 16KB.
This increasing may be necessary for the sketches that use deep recursion for instance.
In this example, you can verify it by changing or just commenting out SET_LOOP_TASK_STACK_SIZE();
// This sets Arduino Stack Size - comment this line to use default 8K stack size
void setup() {
Serial.printf("Arduino Stack was set to %d bytes", getArduinoLoopTaskStackSize());
// Print unused stack for the task that is running setup()
Serial.printf("\nSetup() - Free Stack Space: %d", uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark(NULL));
void loop() {
// Print unused stack for the task that is running loop() - the same as for setup()
Serial.printf("\nLoop() - Free Stack Space: %d", uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark(NULL));
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