Commit 7fe2812f authored by Dirk O. Kaar's avatar Dirk O. Kaar Committed by Me No Dev

Inline ESP::getCycleCount() to make it safe to call from ISRs (#3165)

* Inline ESP::getCycleCount() to make it safe to call from ISRs

* Attribute IRAM_ATTR ISR-safe function in addition to inlining.
parent 9710feda
......@@ -92,13 +92,6 @@ void EspClass::deepSleep(uint32_t time_us)
uint32_t EspClass::getCycleCount()
uint32_t ccount;
__asm__ __volatile__("esync; rsr %0,ccount":"=a" (ccount));
return ccount;
void EspClass::restart(void)
......@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ public:
uint8_t getChipRevision();
uint32_t getCpuFreqMHz(){ return getCpuFrequencyMhz(); }
uint32_t getCycleCount();
inline uint32_t getCycleCount() __attribute__((always_inline));
const char * getSdkVersion();
void deepSleep(uint32_t time_us);
......@@ -101,6 +101,13 @@ public:
uint32_t IRAM_ATTR EspClass::getCycleCount()
uint32_t ccount;
__asm__ __volatile__("esync; rsr %0,ccount":"=a" (ccount));
return ccount;
extern EspClass ESP;
#endif //ESP_H
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