Unverified Commit 758b4ebf authored by David McCurley's avatar David McCurley Committed by GitHub

eraseAP (#8148)

parent 5c92a023
......@@ -366,6 +366,22 @@ bool WiFiSTAClass::disconnect(bool wifioff, bool eraseap)
return false;
* @brief Reset WiFi settings in NVS to default values.
* @return true if erase succeeded
* @note: Resets SSID, password, protocol, mode, etc.
* These settings are maintained by WiFi driver in IDF.
* WiFi driver must be initialized.
bool WiFiSTAClass::eraseAP(void) {
if(WiFi.getMode()==WIFI_MODE_NULL) {
return false;
return esp_wifi_restore()==ESP_OK;
* Change IP configuration settings disabling the dhcp client
* @param local_ip Static ip configuration
......@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ public:
bool reconnect();
bool disconnect(bool wifioff = false, bool eraseap = false);
bool eraseAP(void);
bool isConnected();
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