Unverified Commit 548f712d authored by Me No Dev's avatar Me No Dev Committed by GitHub

Fix empty libs being included with the builder (#2997)

parent 56ce580b
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ compiler.S.flags=-c -g3 -x assembler-with-cpp -MMD -mlongcalls
compiler.c.elf.flags=-nostdlib "-L{compiler.sdk.path}/lib" "-L{compiler.sdk.path}/ld" -T esp32_out.ld -T esp32.common.ld -T esp32.rom.ld -T esp32.peripherals.ld -T esp32.rom.libgcc.ld -T esp32.rom.spiram_incompatible_fns.ld -u ld_include_panic_highint_hdl -u call_user_start_cpu0 -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,-static -Wl,--undefined=uxTopUsedPriority -u __cxa_guard_dummy -u __cxx_fatal_exception
compiler.c.elf.libs=-lgcc -lopenssl -lbtdm_app -lfatfs -lwps -lcoexist -lwear_levelling -lesp_http_client -lprotobuf-c -lhal -lnewlib -ldriver -lbootloader_support -lpp -lfreemodbus -lmesh -lsmartconfig -ljsmn -lwpa -lethernet -lphy -lesp-face -lapp_trace -lconsole -lulp -lwpa_supplicant -lfreertos -lbt -lmicro-ecc -lesp32-camera -lcxx -lxtensa-debug-module -ltcp_transport -lmdns -lvfs -lesp_ringbuf -lsoc -lcore -lfb_gfx -lsdmmc -llibsodium -lcoap -ltcpip_adapter -lprotocomm -lesp_event -limage_util -lc_nano -lesp-tls -lasio -lrtc -lspi_flash -lwpa2 -lwifi_provisioning -lesp32 -lface_recognition -lapp_update -lnghttp -lspiffs -lface_detection -lespnow -lnvs_flash -lesp_adc_cal -llog -ldl_lib -lsmartconfig_ack -lexpat -lm -lfr -lmqtt -lc -lheap -lmbedtls -llwip -lnet80211 -lesp_http_server -lpthread -ljson -lesp_https_ota -lfd -lstdc++
compiler.c.elf.libs=-lgcc -lopenssl -lbtdm_app -lfatfs -lwps -lcoexist -lwear_levelling -lesp_http_client -lprotobuf-c -lhal -lnewlib -ldriver -lbootloader_support -lpp -lfreemodbus -lmesh -lsmartconfig -ljsmn -lwpa -lethernet -lphy -lapp_trace -lconsole -lulp -lwpa_supplicant -lfreertos -lbt -lmicro-ecc -lesp32-camera -lcxx -lxtensa-debug-module -ltcp_transport -lmdns -lvfs -lesp_ringbuf -lsoc -lcore -lfb_gfx -lsdmmc -llibsodium -lcoap -ltcpip_adapter -lprotocomm -lesp_event -limage_util -lc_nano -lesp-tls -lasio -lrtc -lspi_flash -lwpa2 -lwifi_provisioning -lesp32 -lface_recognition -lapp_update -lnghttp -lspiffs -lface_detection -lespnow -lnvs_flash -lesp_adc_cal -llog -ldl_lib -lsmartconfig_ack -lexpat -lm -lfr -lmqtt -lc -lheap -lmbedtls -llwip -lnet80211 -lesp_http_server -lpthread -ljson -lesp_https_ota -lfd -lstdc++
......@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ env.Append(
"-lgcc", "-lopenssl", "-lbtdm_app", "-lfatfs", "-lwps", "-lcoexist", "-lwear_levelling", "-lesp_http_client", "-lprotobuf-c", "-lhal", "-lnewlib", "-ldriver", "-lbootloader_support", "-lpp", "-lfreemodbus", "-lmesh", "-lsmartconfig", "-ljsmn", "-lwpa", "-lethernet", "-lphy", "-lesp-face", "-lapp_trace", "-lconsole", "-lulp", "-lwpa_supplicant", "-lfreertos", "-lbt", "-lmicro-ecc", "-lesp32-camera", "-lcxx", "-lxtensa-debug-module", "-ltcp_transport", "-lmdns", "-lvfs", "-lesp_ringbuf", "-lsoc", "-lcore", "-lfb_gfx", "-lsdmmc", "-llibsodium", "-lcoap", "-ltcpip_adapter", "-lprotocomm", "-lesp_event", "-limage_util", "-lc_nano", "-lesp-tls", "-lasio", "-lrtc", "-lspi_flash", "-lwpa2", "-lwifi_provisioning", "-lesp32", "-lface_recognition", "-lapp_update", "-lnghttp", "-lspiffs", "-lface_detection", "-lespnow", "-lnvs_flash", "-lesp_adc_cal", "-llog", "-ldl_lib", "-lsmartconfig_ack", "-lexpat", "-lm", "-lfr", "-lmqtt", "-lc", "-lheap", "-lmbedtls", "-llwip", "-lnet80211", "-lesp_http_server", "-lpthread", "-ljson", "-lesp_https_ota", "-lfd", "-lstdc++"
"-lgcc", "-lopenssl", "-lbtdm_app", "-lfatfs", "-lwps", "-lcoexist", "-lwear_levelling", "-lesp_http_client", "-lprotobuf-c", "-lhal", "-lnewlib", "-ldriver", "-lbootloader_support", "-lpp", "-lfreemodbus", "-lmesh", "-lsmartconfig", "-ljsmn", "-lwpa", "-lethernet", "-lphy", "-lapp_trace", "-lconsole", "-lulp", "-lwpa_supplicant", "-lfreertos", "-lbt", "-lmicro-ecc", "-lesp32-camera", "-lcxx", "-lxtensa-debug-module", "-ltcp_transport", "-lmdns", "-lvfs", "-lesp_ringbuf", "-lsoc", "-lcore", "-lfb_gfx", "-lsdmmc", "-llibsodium", "-lcoap", "-ltcpip_adapter", "-lprotocomm", "-lesp_event", "-limage_util", "-lc_nano", "-lesp-tls", "-lasio", "-lrtc", "-lspi_flash", "-lwpa2", "-lwifi_provisioning", "-lesp32", "-lface_recognition", "-lapp_update", "-lnghttp", "-lspiffs", "-lface_detection", "-lespnow", "-lnvs_flash", "-lesp_adc_cal", "-llog", "-ldl_lib", "-lsmartconfig_ack", "-lexpat", "-lm", "-lfr", "-lmqtt", "-lc", "-lheap", "-lmbedtls", "-llwip", "-lnet80211", "-lesp_http_server", "-lpthread", "-ljson", "-lesp_https_ota", "-lfd", "-lstdc++"
......@@ -89,6 +89,12 @@ extern "C"
dl_matrix3du_t *src,
dl_matrix3du_t *dest);
* @brief Run the face recognition model to get the face feature
* @param aligned_face A 56x56x3 image, the variable need to do align_face first
* @return face_id A 512 vector, size (1, 1, 1, 512)
dl_matrix3d_t *get_face_id(dl_matrix3du_t *aligned_face);
......@@ -135,7 +141,6 @@ extern "C"
uint8_t delete_face(face_id_list *l);
int8_t delete_face_with_name(face_id_name_list *l, char *name);
void delete_face_all_with_name(face_id_name_list *l);
dl_matrix3d_t *get_face_id(dl_matrix3du_t *aligned_face);
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