Unverified Commit 1049be7d authored by Pedro Minatel's avatar Pedro Minatel Committed by GitHub

Merge branch 'master' into docs/troubleshooting_python_not_found

parents 49f525c9 2fb2ef54
......@@ -113,6 +113,7 @@ static size_t msc_update_get_required_disk_sectors(){
log_d("USING FAT12");
mcs_is_fat16 = false;
log_d("FAT sector size: %u", DISK_SECTOR_SIZE);
log_d("FAT data sectors: %u", data_sectors);
log_d("FAT table sectors: %u", msc_table_sectors);
log_d("FAT total sectors: %u (%uKB)", total_sectors, (total_sectors * DISK_SECTOR_SIZE) / 1024);
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ static const char * FAT12_FILE_SYSTEM_TYPE = "FAT12";
static uint16_t fat12_sectors_per_alloc_table(uint32_t sector_num){
uint32_t required_bytes = (((sector_num * 3)+1)/2);
return (required_bytes / DISK_SECTOR_SIZE) + ((required_bytes & DISK_SECTOR_SIZE)?1:0);
return (required_bytes / DISK_SECTOR_SIZE) + ((required_bytes & (DISK_SECTOR_SIZE - 1))?1:0);
static uint8_t * fat12_add_table(uint8_t * dst, fat_boot_sector_t * boot){
......@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ static const char * FAT16_FILE_SYSTEM_TYPE = "FAT16";
static uint16_t fat16_sectors_per_alloc_table(uint32_t sector_num){
uint32_t required_bytes = sector_num * 2;
return (required_bytes / DISK_SECTOR_SIZE) + ((required_bytes & DISK_SECTOR_SIZE)?1:0);
return (required_bytes / DISK_SECTOR_SIZE) + ((required_bytes & (DISK_SECTOR_SIZE - 1))?1:0);
static uint8_t * fat16_add_table(uint8_t * dst, fat_boot_sector_t * boot){
......@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ fat_boot_sector_t * fat_add_boot_sector(uint8_t * dst, uint16_t sector_num, uint
boot->num_heads = 1;
boot->hidden_sectors_count = 0;
boot->total_sectors_32 = 0;
boot->physical_drive_number = 0x00;
boot->physical_drive_number = 0x80;
boot->reserved0 = 0x00;
boot->extended_boot_signature = 0x29;
boot->serial_number = serial_number;
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