Commit e8e359b9 authored by Cristian Maglie's avatar Cristian Maglie

Removed no more used formatter/output module

parent c57b0755
:source-highlighter: pygments
:pygments-style: manni
= Output Package
Alessandro Sanino <>
This package provides structs and helpers to be used in the rest of the project.
Usually it is paired to link:../[Formatter Package]
== Output structs
Any Output struct must implement a set of functions, depending on the formatter.
In the case of TextFormatter and JSONFormatter.
[source, go]
String() string // For Text Formatter.
marshalJSON() ([]byte, error) // For JSON formatter.
Normally `marshalJSON()` is already implemented using JSON Go Tags if using structs.
=== Example of correct output structs
This is a correct example about how to build an output struct:
[source, go]
// ExampleOutput is a struct which implements Formattable
// JSON tags are used automatically by marshalJSON.
type ExampleOutput struct {
ExampleOfField interface{} `json:"exampleOfField"`
ExampleOfAnotherField int `json:"ExampleOfAnotherField"`
ExampleOfRequiredField string `json:"ExampleOfRequiredField,required"`
ExampleOfOptionalField string `json:"ExampleOfOptionalField,omitempty"`
// String() is used by fmt.Printf, fmt.Sprintf, fmt.Fprintf families of functions,
// and TextFormatter.
func (eo ExampleOutput) String() string {
ret := fmt.Sprintln("ExampleOfField:", eo.ExampleOfField)
ret += fmt.Sprintln("ExampleOfAnotherField:", eo.ExampleOfAnotherField)
ret += fmt.Sprintln("ExampleOfRequiredField (error if not set):", eo.ExampleOfRequiredField)
// Do not show optional fields.
if eo.ExampleOfOptionalField != "" {
ret += fmt.Sprintln("ExampleOfOptionalField (may not appear if not set):", eo.ExampleOfField)
// Print that required variable is missing.
if eo.ExampleOfRequiredField == "" {
ret += fmt.Sprintln("WARNING : Required field ExampleOfRequiredField is not set")
return ret
* This file is part of arduino-cli.
* Copyright 2018 ARDUINO SA (
* This software is released under the GNU General Public License version 3,
* which covers the main part of arduino-cli.
* The terms of this license can be found at:
* You can be released from the requirements of the above licenses by purchasing
* a commercial license. Buying such a license is mandatory if you want to modify or
* otherwise use the software for commercial activities involving the Arduino
* software without disclosing the source code of your own applications. To purchase
* a commercial license, send an email to
package output
import "fmt"
// SketchSyncResult contains the result of an `arduino sketch sync` operation.
type SketchSyncResult struct {
PushedSketches []string `json:"pushedSketches,required"`
PulledSketches []string `json:"pulledSketches,required"`
SkippedSketches []string `json:"skippedSketches,required"`
Errors []SketchSyncError `json:"errors,required"`
// SketchSyncError represents an error during a `arduino sketch sync` operation.
type SketchSyncError struct {
Sketch string `json:"sketch,required"`
Error error `json:"error,required"`
// String returns a string representation of the object. For this object
// it is used to provide verbose info of a sync process.
func (ssr SketchSyncResult) String() string {
totalSketches := len(ssr.SkippedSketches) + len(ssr.PushedSketches) + len(ssr.PulledSketches) + len(ssr.Errors)
//this function iterates an array and if it's not empty pretty prints it.
iterate := func(array []string, header string) string {
ret := ""
if len(array) > 0 {
ret += fmt.Sprintln(header)
for _, item := range array {
ret += fmt.Sprintln(" -", item)
return ret
ret := fmt.Sprintf("%d sketches synced:\n", totalSketches)
ret += iterate(ssr.PushedSketches, "Pushed Sketches:")
ret += iterate(ssr.PulledSketches, "Pulled Sketches:")
ret += iterate(ssr.SkippedSketches, "Skipped Sketches:")
if len(ssr.Errors) > 0 {
ret += fmt.Sprintln("Errors:")
for _, item := range ssr.Errors {
ret += fmt.Sprintf(" - Sketch %s : %s\n", item.Sketch, item.Error)
return ret
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