command.Flags().StringVar(&flags.warnings,"warnings","none",`Optional, can be "none", "default", "more" and "all". Defaults to "none". Used to tell gcc which warning level to use (-W flag).`)
command.Flags().BoolVarP(&flags.verbose,"verbose","v",false,"Optional, turns on verbose mode.")
command.Flags().BoolVar(&flags.quiet,"quiet",false,"Optional, supresses almost every output.")
command.Flags().IntVar(&flags.debugLevel,"debug-level",5,"Optional, defaults to 5. Used for debugging. Set it to 10 when submitting an issue.")
command.Flags().StringVar(&flags.vidPid,"vid-pid","","When specified, VID/PID specific build properties are used, if boards supports them.")
@@ -84,7 +83,6 @@ var flags struct {
warningsstring// Used to tell gcc which warning level to use.