Unverified Commit bdcfd89e authored by Massimiliano Pippi's avatar Massimiliano Pippi Committed by GitHub

[skip changelog] Revamp the README (#603)

* fix builds when merging PRs

* move contributing guidelines into docs

* restore markdown format for the README

* move away documentation from the README, use dedicated pages

* add logo
parent 07e05203
......@@ -2,6 +2,10 @@ name: docs
- opened
- synchronize
- closed
- 'docs/**'
- 'docsgen/**'
# arduino-cli
Arduino CLI is an all-in-one solution that provides builder, boards/library manager,
uploader, discovery and many other tools needed to use any Arduino compatible
board and platforms.
> **Note:** this software is currently under active development: anything can change
at any time, API and UI must be considered unstable until we release version 1.0.0.
## Docs
For guidance on installation and development, see the [User documentation].
## Quickstart
1. [Install] the Arduino CLI
2. Follow the [Getting Started] guide to check out what the CLI can do
3. Browse the [Commands reference] to see all the available commands
4. Should you have an issue, read the [FAQ] page
## How to contribute
Contributions are welcome!
Please read the document [How to contribute] which will show you how to build
the source code, run the tests, and contribute your changes to the project.
:sparkles: Thanks to all our [contributors]! :sparkles:
[tests-badge]: https://github.com/Arduino/arduino-cli/workflows/test/badge.svg
[nightly-badge]: https://github.com/Arduino/arduino-cli/workflows/nightly/badge.svg
[codecov-badge]: https://codecov.io/gh/arduino/arduino-cli/branch/master/graph/badge.svg
[User documentation]: https://arduino.github.io/arduino-cli/
[Getting Started]: https://arduino.github.io/arduino-cli/getting-started/
[Commands reference]: https://arduino.github.io/arduino-cli/commands/
[FAQ]: https://arduino.github.io/arduino-cli/FAQ/
[How to contribute]: https://arduino.github.io/arduino-cli/CONTRIBUTING/
[contributors]: https://github.com/arduino/arduino-cli/graphs/contributors
This diff is collapsed.
## Arduino Uno/Mega/Duemilanove is not detected
When you run `arduino-cli board list`, your board doesn't show up. Possible causes:
- Your board is a cheaper clone, or
- It mounts a USB2Serial converter like FT232 or CH320: these chips
always reports the same USB VID/PID to the operating system, so the
only thing that we know is that the board mounts that specific
USB2Serial chip, but we don’t know which board is.
## What's the FQBN string?
For a deeper understanding of how FQBN works, you should understand
Arduino Hardware specification. You can find more information in this
[arduino/Arduino wiki page][0].
[0]: https://github.com/arduino/Arduino/wiki/Arduino-IDE-1.5-3rd-party-Hardware-specification
Despite there's no feature parity at the moment, Arduino CLI provides many of
the features you can find in the Arduino IDE, let's see some examples.
## Before you start
`arduino-cli` is a container of commands and each command has its own
dedicated help text that can be shown with the `help` command like this:
$ arduino-cli help core
Arduino Core operations.
arduino-cli core [command]
./arduino-cli core update-index
Available Commands:
download Downloads one or more cores and corresponding tool dependencies.
install Installs one or more cores and corresponding tool dependencies.
list Shows the list of installed platforms.
search Search for a core in the package index.
uninstall Uninstalls one or more cores and corresponding tool dependencies if no more used.
update-index Updates the index of cores.
upgrade Upgrades one or all installed platforms to the latest version.
-h, --help help for core
Global Flags:
--additional-urls strings Additional URLs for the board manager.
--config-file string The custom config file (if not specified the default will be used).
--format string The output format, can be [text|json]. (default "text")
--log-file string Path to the file where logs will be written.
--log-format string The output format for the logs, can be [text|json].
--log-level string Messages with this level and above will be logged.
-v, --verbose Print the logs on the standard output.
Use "arduino-cli core [command] --help" for more information about a command.
## Create a configuration file
Arduino CLI doesn't strictly require a configuration file to work because the
......@@ -5,152 +5,21 @@ and platforms.
## Installation
You have several options to install the latest version of the Arduino
CLI on your system.
### Install via Homebrew (macOS/Linux)
The Arduino CLI is available as a Homebrew formula since version
brew update
brew install arduino-cli
### Use the install script
The easiest way to get the latest version of the Arduino CLI on any
supported platform is using the `install.sh` script:
curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/arduino/arduino-cli/master/install.sh | sh
The script will install `arduino-cli` at `$PWD/bin` but if you want to target a
different directory, for example `~/local/bin`, set the `BINDIR` environment
variable like this:
curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/arduino/arduino-cli/master/install.sh | BINDIR=~/local/bin sh
### Download the latest packages
You can download the latest version of the pre-built binaries for the supported
platforms from the [release page](https://github.com/arduino/arduino-cli/releases)
or following the links in the following table. Once downloaded, extract the
binary `arduino-cli` into a directory that's is in your `PATH`.
Platform | | |
--------- | ------------------ | ------------------ |
Linux | [Linux 32 bit] | [Linux 64 bit] |
Linux ARM | [Linux ARM 32 bit] | [Linux ARM 64 bit] |
Windows | [Windows 32 bit] | [Windows 64 bit] |
Mac OSX | | [Mac OSX] |
[Linux 64 bit]: https://downloads.arduino.cc/arduino-cli/arduino-cli_latest_Linux_64bit.tar.gz
[Linux 32 bit]: https://downloads.arduino.cc/arduino-cli/arduino-cli_latest_Linux_32bit.tar.gz
[Linux ARM 64 bit]: https://downloads.arduino.cc/arduino-cli/arduino-cli_latest_Linux_ARM64.tar.gz
[Linux ARM 32 bit]: https://downloads.arduino.cc/arduino-cli/arduino-cli_latest_Linux_ARMv7.tar.gz
[Windows 64 bit]: https://downloads.arduino.cc/arduino-cli/arduino-cli_latest_Windows_64bit.zip
[Windows 32 bit]: https://downloads.arduino.cc/arduino-cli/arduino-cli_latest_Windows_32bit.zip
[Mac OSX]: https://downloads.arduino.cc/arduino-cli/arduino-cli_latest_macOS_64bit.tar.gz
> **Deprecation notice**: links in the form
won’t be further updated. That URL will provide the version
`0.3.7-alpha.preview`, regardless of further releases.
### Download a nightly build
These builds are generated everyday at 01:00 GMT from the `master` branch and
should be considered unstable. In order to get the latest nightly build
available for the supported platform, use the following links:
Platform | | |
--------- | -------------------------- | -------------------------- |
Linux | [Nightly Linux 32 bit] | [Nightly Linux 64 bit] |
Linux ARM | [Nightly Linux ARM 32 bit] | [Nightly Linux ARM 64 bit] |
Windows | [Nightly Windows 32 bit] | [Nightly Windows 64 bit] |
Mac OSX | | [Mac OSX] |
[Nightly Linux 64 bit]: https://downloads.arduino.cc/arduino-cli/nightly/arduino-cli_nightly-latest_Linux_64bit.tar.gz
[Nightly Windows 32 bit]: https://downloads.arduino.cc/arduino-cli/nightly/arduino-cli_nightly-latest_Linux_32bit.tar.gz
[Nightly Linux ARM 64 bit]: https://downloads.arduino.cc/arduino-cli/nightly/arduino-cli_nightly-latest_Linux_ARM64.tar.gz
[Nightly Linux ARM 32 bit]: https://downloads.arduino.cc/arduino-cli/nightly/arduino-cli_nightly-latest_Linux_ARMv7.tar.gz
[Nightly Windows 64 bit]: https://downloads.arduino.cc/arduino-cli/nightly/arduino-cli_nightly-latest_Windows_64bit.zip
[Nightly Windows 32 bit]: https://downloads.arduino.cc/arduino-cli/nightly/arduino-cli_nightly-latest_Windows_32bit.zip
[Nightly Mac OSX]: https://downloads.arduino.cc/arduino-cli/nightly/arduino-cli_nightly-latest_macOS_64bit.tar.gz
> These links return a `302: Found` response, redirecting to latest
generated builds by replacing `latest` with the latest available build
date, using the format YYYYMMDD (i.e for 2019/Aug/06 `latest` is
replaced with `20190806` )
Checksums for the nightly builds are available at
Once downloaded, extract the executable `arduino-cli` into a directory
which is in your ``PATH``.
### Build from source
If you’re familiar with Golang or if you want to contribute to the
project, you will probably build the `arduino-cli` locally with your
Go toolchain. Please refer to the [contributing] document for setup instructions.
If you don’t have a working Golang environment or if you want to build
`arduino-cli` targeting different platforms, you can use Docker to get
a binary directly from sources. From the project folder run:
docker run -v $PWD:/arduino-cli -w /arduino-cli -e PACKAGE_NAME_PREFIX='snapshot' arduino/arduino-cli:builder-1 goreleaser --rm-dist --snapshot --skip-publish
Once the build is over, you will find a `./dist/` folder containing the packages
built out of the current source tree.
CLI on your system, see the [installation] page.
## Getting started
`arduino-cli` is a container of commands and each command has its own
dedicated help text that can be shown with the `help` command like this:
$ arduino-cli help core
Arduino Core operations.
arduino-cli core [command]
./arduino-cli core update-index
Available Commands:
download Downloads one or more cores and corresponding tool dependencies.
install Installs one or more cores and corresponding tool dependencies.
list Shows the list of installed platforms.
search Search for a core in the package index.
uninstall Uninstalls one or more cores and corresponding tool dependencies if no more used.
update-index Updates the index of cores.
upgrade Upgrades one or all installed platforms to the latest version.
-h, --help help for core
Global Flags:
--additional-urls strings Additional URLs for the board manager.
--config-file string The custom config file (if not specified the default will be used).
--format string The output format, can be [text|json]. (default "text")
--log-file string Path to the file where logs will be written.
--log-format string The output format for the logs, can be [text|json].
--log-level string Messages with this level and above will be logged.
-v, --verbose Print the logs on the standard output.
Use "arduino-cli core [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Follow the [Getting started guide](/getting-started/) to see how to use the most
common CLI commands available.
## Using the gRPC interface
The [client_example] folder contains a sample program that shows how to use gRPC
interface of the CLI. Available services and messages are detailed in the
[gRPC reference] pages.
[installation]: /installation/
[contributing]: https://github.com/arduino/arduino-cli/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md
[client_example]: https://github.com/arduino/arduino-cli/blob/master/client_example
[gRPC reference]: /rpc/commands
\ No newline at end of file
### Install via Homebrew (macOS/Linux)
The Arduino CLI is available as a Homebrew formula since version
brew update
brew install arduino-cli
### Use the install script
The easiest way to get the latest version of the Arduino CLI on any
supported platform is using the `install.sh` script:
curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/arduino/arduino-cli/master/install.sh | sh
The script will install `arduino-cli` at `$PWD/bin` but if you want to target a
different directory, for example `~/local/bin`, set the `BINDIR` environment
variable like this:
curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/arduino/arduino-cli/master/install.sh | BINDIR=~/local/bin sh
### Download the latest packages
You can download the latest version of the pre-built binaries for the supported
platforms from the [release page](https://github.com/arduino/arduino-cli/releases)
or following the links in the following table. Once downloaded, extract the
binary `arduino-cli` into a directory that's is in your `PATH`.
Platform | | |
--------- | ------------------ | ------------------ |
Linux | [Linux 32 bit] | [Linux 64 bit] |
Linux ARM | [Linux ARM 32 bit] | [Linux ARM 64 bit] |
Windows | [Windows 32 bit] | [Windows 64 bit] |
Mac OSX | | [Mac OSX] |
[Linux 64 bit]: https://downloads.arduino.cc/arduino-cli/arduino-cli_latest_Linux_64bit.tar.gz
[Linux 32 bit]: https://downloads.arduino.cc/arduino-cli/arduino-cli_latest_Linux_32bit.tar.gz
[Linux ARM 64 bit]: https://downloads.arduino.cc/arduino-cli/arduino-cli_latest_Linux_ARM64.tar.gz
[Linux ARM 32 bit]: https://downloads.arduino.cc/arduino-cli/arduino-cli_latest_Linux_ARMv7.tar.gz
[Windows 64 bit]: https://downloads.arduino.cc/arduino-cli/arduino-cli_latest_Windows_64bit.zip
[Windows 32 bit]: https://downloads.arduino.cc/arduino-cli/arduino-cli_latest_Windows_32bit.zip
[Mac OSX]: https://downloads.arduino.cc/arduino-cli/arduino-cli_latest_macOS_64bit.tar.gz
> **Deprecation notice**: links in the form
won’t be further updated. That URL will provide the version
`0.3.7-alpha.preview`, regardless of further releases.
### Download a nightly build
These builds are generated everyday at 01:00 GMT from the `master` branch and
should be considered unstable. In order to get the latest nightly build
available for the supported platform, use the following links:
Platform | | |
--------- | -------------------------- | -------------------------- |
Linux | [Nightly Linux 32 bit] | [Nightly Linux 64 bit] |
Linux ARM | [Nightly Linux ARM 32 bit] | [Nightly Linux ARM 64 bit] |
Windows | [Nightly Windows 32 bit] | [Nightly Windows 64 bit] |
Mac OSX | | [Mac OSX] |
[Nightly Linux 64 bit]: https://downloads.arduino.cc/arduino-cli/nightly/arduino-cli_nightly-latest_Linux_64bit.tar.gz
[Nightly Windows 32 bit]: https://downloads.arduino.cc/arduino-cli/nightly/arduino-cli_nightly-latest_Linux_32bit.tar.gz
[Nightly Linux ARM 64 bit]: https://downloads.arduino.cc/arduino-cli/nightly/arduino-cli_nightly-latest_Linux_ARM64.tar.gz
[Nightly Linux ARM 32 bit]: https://downloads.arduino.cc/arduino-cli/nightly/arduino-cli_nightly-latest_Linux_ARMv7.tar.gz
[Nightly Windows 64 bit]: https://downloads.arduino.cc/arduino-cli/nightly/arduino-cli_nightly-latest_Windows_64bit.zip
[Nightly Windows 32 bit]: https://downloads.arduino.cc/arduino-cli/nightly/arduino-cli_nightly-latest_Windows_32bit.zip
[Nightly Mac OSX]: https://downloads.arduino.cc/arduino-cli/nightly/arduino-cli_nightly-latest_macOS_64bit.tar.gz
> These links return a `302: Found` response, redirecting to latest
generated builds by replacing `latest` with the latest available build
date, using the format YYYYMMDD (i.e for 2019/Aug/06 `latest` is
replaced with `20190806` )
Checksums for the nightly builds are available at
Once downloaded, extract the executable `arduino-cli` into a directory
which is in your ``PATH``.
### Build from source
If you’re familiar with Golang or if you want to contribute to the
project, you will probably build the `arduino-cli` locally with your
Go toolchain. Please refer to the [contributing] document for setup instructions.
If you don’t have a working Golang environment or if you want to build
`arduino-cli` targeting different platforms, you can use Docker to get
a binary directly from sources. From the project folder run:
docker run -v $PWD:/arduino-cli -w /arduino-cli -e PACKAGE_NAME_PREFIX='snapshot' arduino/arduino-cli:builder-1 goreleaser --rm-dist --snapshot --skip-publish
Once the build is over, you will find a `./dist/` folder containing the packages
built out of the current source tree.
......@@ -58,7 +58,10 @@ markdown_extensions:
# Navigation
- Documentation Home: 'index.md'
- installation.md
- getting-started.md
- FAQ.md
- Command reference:
- commands/arduino-cli.md
- board: commands/arduino-cli_board.md
......@@ -95,7 +98,7 @@ nav:
- sketch new: commands/arduino-cli_sketch_new.md
- upload: commands/arduino-cli_upload.md
- version: commands/arduino-cli_version.md
- gRPC services:
- gRPC reference:
- commands: rpc/commands.md
- monitor: rpc/monitor.md
- settings: rpc/settings.md
Markdown is supported
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