Unverified Commit 99c646b7 authored by per1234's avatar per1234 Committed by GitHub

Document library.properties precompiled field's "full" option (#829)

Previously, the precompiled field of library.properties only supported one value: "true". As it became apparent that there were two distinct use cases for this feature, it was necessary to add a new option so that both use cases could be fully supported.
parent c95810cf
......@@ -82,10 +82,20 @@ otherwise below, **all fields are required**. The available fields are:
- **includes** - **(available from Arduino IDE 1.6.10)** (optional) a comma separated list of files to be added to the
sketch as `#include <...>` lines. This property is used with the "Include library" command in the Arduino IDE. If the
`includes` property is missing, all the header files (.h) on the root source folder are included.
- **precompiled** - **(available from Arduino IDE 1.8.6/arduino-builder 1.4.0)** (optional) set to `true` to allow the
use of .a (archive) and .so (shared object) files. The .a/.so file must be located at `src/{build.mcu}` where
`{build.mcu}` is the architecture name of the target the file was compiled for. Ex: `cortex-m3` for the Arduino DUE.
The static library should be linked as an ldflag.
- **precompiled** - **(available from Arduino IDE 1.8.6/arduino-builder 1.4.0)** (optional) enables support for .a
(archive) and .so (shared object) files. The .a/.so file must be located at `src/{build.mcu}` where `{build.mcu}` is
the architecture name of the target the file was compiled for. Ex: `cortex-m3` for the Arduino DUE. The static library
should be linked as an ldflag. The **precompiled** field has two supported values, which control how any source files
in the library are handled:
- true - Source files are always compiled. This is useful for "mixed" libraries, such as those that contain both open
source code and the precompiled binary of a closed source component. Support for "mixed" libraries was inadvertently
lost in Arduino IDE 1.8.12/arduino-builder 1.5.2/Arduino CLI 0.8.0, and returned in Arduino IDE
1.8.13/arduino-builder 1.5.3/Arduino CLI 0.11.0.
- full - **(available from Arduino IDE 1.8.13/arduino-builder 1.5.3/Arduino CLI 0.11.0)** If the library provides a
precompiled library for the board being compiled for, the source files will not be compiled. If no precompiled
library was provided for the selected board, source files are compiled as a fallback. This is useful for
precompiling the library to reduce compilation time for specific target hardware, but also providing support for
arbitrary boards by compiling the library on demand.
- **ldflags** - **(available from Arduino IDE 1.8.6/arduino-builder 1.4.0)** (optional) the linker flags to be added.
Ex: `ldflags=-lm`
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