Unverified Commit 8cd72974 authored by Cristian Maglie's avatar Cristian Maglie Committed by GitHub

[skip-changelog] legacy: some simple refactorings (#2206)

* Factored a method in library.List

* Fixed lint check

* Moved ResolveLibrary function in the correct source file

* Rename variable 'includes' -> 'includeFolders'

* Rename variables to use snakeCase (golang idiomatic)

* Rename variable 'include' -> 'missingIncludeH'

* Use pointers for SourceFile queues

* Clean up implementation of UniqueSourceFileQueue
parent 8310d010
......@@ -41,10 +41,10 @@ func (list *List) Add(libs ...*Library) {
// Remove removes the library from the list
func (list *List) Remove(library *Library) {
// Remove removes the given library from the list
func (list *List) Remove(libraryToRemove *Library) {
for i, lib := range *list {
if lib == library {
if lib == libraryToRemove {
*list = append((*list)[:i], (*list)[i+1:]...)
......@@ -342,12 +342,12 @@ func findIncludesUntilDone(ctx *types.Context, cache *includeCache, sourceFileQu
first := true
for {
var include string
var missingIncludeH string
includes := ctx.IncludeFolders
includeFolders := ctx.IncludeFolders
if library, ok := sourceFile.Origin.(*libraries.Library); ok && library.UtilityDir != nil {
includes = append(includes, library.UtilityDir)
includeFolders = append(includeFolders, library.UtilityDir)
if library, ok := sourceFile.Origin.(*libraries.Library); ok {
......@@ -361,56 +361,56 @@ func findIncludesUntilDone(ctx *types.Context, cache *includeCache, sourceFileQu
var preproc_err error
var preproc_stderr []byte
var preprocErr error
var preprocStderr []byte
if unchanged && cache.valid {
include = cache.Next().Include
missingIncludeH = cache.Next().Include
if first && ctx.Verbose {
ctx.Info(tr("Using cached library dependencies for file: %[1]s", sourcePath))
} else {
var preproc_stdout []byte
preproc_stdout, preproc_stderr, preproc_err = preprocessor.GCC(sourcePath, targetFilePath, includes, ctx.BuildProperties)
var preprocStdout []byte
preprocStdout, preprocStderr, preprocErr = preprocessor.GCC(sourcePath, targetFilePath, includeFolders, ctx.BuildProperties)
if ctx.Verbose {
// Unwrap error and see if it is an ExitError.
_, is_exit_error := errors.Cause(preproc_err).(*exec.ExitError)
if preproc_err == nil {
_, isExitErr := errors.Cause(preprocErr).(*exec.ExitError)
if preprocErr == nil {
// Preprocessor successful, done
include = ""
} else if !is_exit_error || preproc_stderr == nil {
missingIncludeH = ""
} else if !isExitErr || preprocStderr == nil {
// Ignore ExitErrors (e.g. gcc returning
// non-zero status), but bail out on
// other errors
return errors.WithStack(preproc_err)
return errors.WithStack(preprocErr)
} else {
include = IncludesFinderWithRegExp(string(preproc_stderr))
if include == "" && ctx.Verbose {
missingIncludeH = IncludesFinderWithRegExp(string(preprocStderr))
if missingIncludeH == "" && ctx.Verbose {
ctx.Info(tr("Error while detecting libraries included by %[1]s", sourcePath))
if include == "" {
if missingIncludeH == "" {
// No missing includes found, we're done
cache.ExpectEntry(sourcePath, "", nil)
return nil
library := ResolveLibrary(ctx, include)
library := ResolveLibrary(ctx, missingIncludeH)
if library == nil {
// Library could not be resolved, show error
if preproc_err == nil || preproc_stderr == nil {
if preprocErr == nil || preprocStderr == nil {
// Filename came from cache, so run preprocessor to obtain error to show
var preproc_stdout []byte
preproc_stdout, preproc_stderr, preproc_err = preprocessor.GCC(sourcePath, targetFilePath, includes, ctx.BuildProperties)
var preprocStdout []byte
preprocStdout, preprocStderr, preprocErr = preprocessor.GCC(sourcePath, targetFilePath, includeFolders, ctx.BuildProperties)
if ctx.Verbose {
if preproc_err == nil {
if preprocErr == nil {
// If there is a missing #include in the cache, but running
// gcc does not reproduce that, there is something wrong.
// Returning an error here will cause the cache to be
......@@ -418,15 +418,15 @@ func findIncludesUntilDone(ctx *types.Context, cache *includeCache, sourceFileQu
return errors.New(tr("Internal error in cache"))
return errors.WithStack(preproc_err)
return errors.WithStack(preprocErr)
// Add this library to the list of libraries, the
// include path and queue its source files for further
// include scanning
ctx.ImportedLibraries = append(ctx.ImportedLibraries, library)
appendIncludeFolder(ctx, cache, sourcePath, include, library.SourceDir)
appendIncludeFolder(ctx, cache, sourcePath, missingIncludeH, library.SourceDir)
sourceDirs := library.SourceDirs()
for _, sourceDir := range sourceDirs {
queueSourceFilesFromFolder(ctx, sourceFileQueue, library, sourceDir.Dir, sourceDir.Recurse)
......@@ -455,3 +455,48 @@ func queueSourceFilesFromFolder(ctx *types.Context, sourceFileQueue *types.Uniqu
return nil
func ResolveLibrary(ctx *types.Context, header string) *libraries.Library {
resolver := ctx.LibrariesResolver
importedLibraries := ctx.ImportedLibraries
candidates := resolver.AlternativesFor(header)
if ctx.Verbose {
ctx.Info(tr("Alternatives for %[1]s: %[2]s", header, candidates))
ctx.Info(fmt.Sprintf("ResolveLibrary(%s)", header))
ctx.Info(fmt.Sprintf(" -> %s: %s", tr("candidates"), candidates))
if len(candidates) == 0 {
return nil
for _, candidate := range candidates {
if importedLibraries.Contains(candidate) {
return nil
selected := resolver.ResolveFor(header, ctx.TargetPlatform.Platform.Architecture)
if alreadyImported := importedLibraries.FindByName(selected.Name); alreadyImported != nil {
// Certain libraries might have the same name but be different.
// This usually happens when the user includes two or more custom libraries that have
// different header name but are stored in a parent folder with identical name, like
// ./libraries1/Lib/lib1.h and ./libraries2/Lib/lib2.h
// Without this check the library resolution would be stuck in a loop.
// This behaviour has been reported in this issue:
// https://github.com/arduino/arduino-cli/issues/973
if selected == alreadyImported {
selected = alreadyImported
ctx.LibrariesResolutionResults[header] = types.LibraryResolutionResult{
Library: selected,
NotUsedLibraries: candidates,
return selected
// This file is part of arduino-cli.
// Copyright 2020 ARDUINO SA (http://www.arduino.cc/)
// This software is released under the GNU General Public License version 3,
// which covers the main part of arduino-cli.
// The terms of this license can be found at:
// https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html
// You can be released from the requirements of the above licenses by purchasing
// a commercial license. Buying such a license is mandatory if you want to
// modify or otherwise use the software for commercial activities involving the
// Arduino software without disclosing the source code of your own applications.
// To purchase a commercial license, send an email to license@arduino.cc.
package builder
import (
func ResolveLibrary(ctx *types.Context, header string) *libraries.Library {
resolver := ctx.LibrariesResolver
importedLibraries := ctx.ImportedLibraries
candidates := resolver.AlternativesFor(header)
if ctx.Verbose {
ctx.Info(tr("Alternatives for %[1]s: %[2]s", header, candidates))
ctx.Info(fmt.Sprintf("ResolveLibrary(%s)", header))
ctx.Info(fmt.Sprintf(" -> %s: %s", tr("candidates"), candidates))
if candidates == nil || len(candidates) == 0 {
return nil
for _, candidate := range candidates {
if importedLibraries.Contains(candidate) {
return nil
selected := resolver.ResolveFor(header, ctx.TargetPlatform.Platform.Architecture)
if alreadyImported := importedLibraries.FindByName(selected.Name); alreadyImported != nil {
// Certain libraries might have the same name but be different.
// This usually happens when the user includes two or more custom libraries that have
// different header name but are stored in a parent folder with identical name, like
// ./libraries1/Lib/lib1.h and ./libraries2/Lib/lib2.h
// Without this check the library resolution would be stuck in a loop.
// This behaviour has been reported in this issue:
// https://github.com/arduino/arduino-cli/issues/973
if selected == alreadyImported {
selected = alreadyImported
ctx.LibrariesResolutionResults[header] = types.LibraryResolutionResult{
Library: selected,
NotUsedLibraries: filterOutLibraryFrom(candidates, selected),
return selected
func filterOutLibraryFrom(libs libraries.List, libraryToRemove *libraries.Library) libraries.List {
filteredOutLibraries := []*libraries.Library{}
for _, lib := range libs {
if lib != libraryToRemove {
filteredOutLibraries = append(filteredOutLibraries, lib)
return filteredOutLibraries
......@@ -17,28 +17,25 @@ package types
import "golang.org/x/exp/slices"
type UniqueSourceFileQueue []SourceFile
type UniqueSourceFileQueue []*SourceFile
func (queue UniqueSourceFileQueue) Len() int { return len(queue) }
func (queue UniqueSourceFileQueue) Less(i, j int) bool { return false }
func (queue UniqueSourceFileQueue) Swap(i, j int) { panic("Who called me?!?") }
func (queue *UniqueSourceFileQueue) Push(value SourceFile) {
equals := func(elem SourceFile) bool {
return elem.Origin == value.Origin && elem.RelativePath.EqualsTo(value.RelativePath)
if !slices.ContainsFunc(*queue, equals) {
func (queue *UniqueSourceFileQueue) Push(value *SourceFile) {
if !queue.Contains(value) {
*queue = append(*queue, value)
func (queue *UniqueSourceFileQueue) Pop() SourceFile {
func (queue UniqueSourceFileQueue) Contains(target *SourceFile) bool {
return slices.ContainsFunc(queue, target.Equals)
func (queue *UniqueSourceFileQueue) Pop() *SourceFile {
old := *queue
x := old[0]
*queue = old[1:]
return x
func (queue *UniqueSourceFileQueue) Empty() bool {
return queue.Len() == 0
func (queue UniqueSourceFileQueue) Empty() bool {
return len(queue) == 0
......@@ -30,18 +30,23 @@ type SourceFile struct {
RelativePath *paths.Path
func (f *SourceFile) Equals(g *SourceFile) bool {
return f.Origin == g.Origin &&
// Create a SourceFile containing the given source file path within the
// given origin. The given path can be absolute, or relative within the
// origin's root source folder
func MakeSourceFile(ctx *Context, origin interface{}, path *paths.Path) (SourceFile, error) {
func MakeSourceFile(ctx *Context, origin interface{}, path *paths.Path) (*SourceFile, error) {
if path.IsAbs() {
var err error
path, err = sourceRoot(ctx, origin).RelTo(path)
if err != nil {
return SourceFile{}, err
return nil, err
return SourceFile{Origin: origin, RelativePath: path}, nil
return &SourceFile{Origin: origin, RelativePath: path}, nil
// Return the build root for the given origin, where build products will
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