Unverified Commit 7eba450f authored by Silvano Cerza's avatar Silvano Cerza Committed by GitHub

Change core and lib search commands to use fuzzy search (#1193)

* Change lib search command to use fuzzy search

* Change core search command to use fuzzy search

* Avoid splitting search arguments when doing fuzzy search

* Check ranking when running fuzzy search

* Some other enhancements to fuzzy search

* Fix duplicated results in lib search command
parent b8c9e896
......@@ -23,19 +23,16 @@ import (
rpc "github.com/arduino/arduino-cli/rpc/commands"
func match(line, searchArgs string) bool {
return strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(line), strings.ToLower(searchArgs))
func exactMatch(line, searchArgs string) bool {
return strings.Compare(strings.ToLower(line), strings.ToLower(searchArgs)) == 0
// maximumSearchDistance is the maximum Levenshtein distance accepted when using fuzzy search.
// This value is completely arbitrary and picked randomly.
const maximumSearchDistance = 20
// PlatformSearch FIXMEDOC
func PlatformSearch(req *rpc.PlatformSearchReq) (*rpc.PlatformSearchResp, error) {
searchArgs := req.SearchArgs
searchArgs := strings.Trim(req.SearchArgs, " ")
allVersions := req.AllVersions
pm := commands.GetPackageManager(req.Instance.Id)
if pm == nil {
......@@ -63,29 +60,54 @@ func PlatformSearch(req *rpc.PlatformSearchReq) (*rpc.PlatformSearchResp, error)
// platform has a valid release, check if it matches the search arguments
if match(platform.Name, searchArgs) || match(platform.Architecture, searchArgs) ||
exactMatch(platform.String(), searchArgs) || match(targetPackage.Name, searchArgs) ||
match(targetPackage.Maintainer, searchArgs) || match(targetPackage.WebsiteURL, searchArgs) {
if searchArgs == "" {
if allVersions {
res = append(res, platform.GetAllReleases()...)
} else {
res = append(res, platformRelease)
} else {
// if we didn't find a match in the platform data, search for
// a match in the boards manifest
for _, board := range platformRelease.BoardsManifest {
if match(board.Name, searchArgs) {
// Gather all strings that can be used for searching
toTest := []string{
for _, board := range platformRelease.BoardsManifest {
toTest = append(toTest, board.Name)
// Removes some chars from query strings to enhance results
cleanSearchArgs := strings.Map(func(r rune) rune {
switch r {
case '_':
case '-':
case ' ':
return -1
return r
}, searchArgs)
// Fuzzy search
for _, arg := range []string{searchArgs, cleanSearchArgs} {
for _, rank := range fuzzy.RankFindNormalizedFold(arg, toTest) {
// Accepts only results that close to the searched terms
if rank.Distance < maximumSearchDistance {
if allVersions {
res = append(res, platform.GetAllReleases()...)
} else {
res = append(res, platformRelease)
goto nextPlatform
......@@ -24,17 +24,9 @@ import (
rpc "github.com/arduino/arduino-cli/rpc/commands"
func TestMatch(t *testing.T) {
assert.True(t, match("this is platform Foo", "foo"))
assert.True(t, match("this is platform Foo", "FOO"))
assert.True(t, match("this is platform Foo", ""))
assert.False(t, match("this is platform Foo", "Bar"))
func TestPlatformSearch(t *testing.T) {
dataDir := paths.TempDir().Join("test", "data_dir")
......@@ -238,4 +230,50 @@ func TestPlatformSearch(t *testing.T) {
{Name: "Linino One"},
res, err = PlatformSearch(&rpc.PlatformSearchReq{
Instance: inst,
SearchArgs: "yun",
AllVersions: true,
require.Nil(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, res)
require.Len(t, res.SearchOutput, 1)
require.Contains(t, res.SearchOutput, &commands.Platform{
ID: "arduino:avr",
Installed: "",
Latest: "1.8.3",
Name: "Arduino AVR Boards",
Maintainer: "Arduino",
Website: "https://www.arduino.cc/",
Email: "packages@arduino.cc",
Boards: []*commands.Board{
{Name: "Arduino Yún"},
{Name: "Arduino Uno"},
{Name: "Arduino Uno WiFi"},
{Name: "Arduino Diecimila"},
{Name: "Arduino Nano"},
{Name: "Arduino Mega"},
{Name: "Arduino MegaADK"},
{Name: "Arduino Leonardo"},
{Name: "Arduino Leonardo Ethernet"},
{Name: "Arduino Micro"},
{Name: "Arduino Esplora"},
{Name: "Arduino Mini"},
{Name: "Arduino Ethernet"},
{Name: "Arduino Fio"},
{Name: "Arduino BT"},
{Name: "Arduino LilyPadUSB"},
{Name: "Arduino Lilypad"},
{Name: "Arduino Pro"},
{Name: "Arduino ATMegaNG"},
{Name: "Arduino Robot Control"},
{Name: "Arduino Robot Motor"},
{Name: "Arduino Gemma"},
{Name: "Adafruit Circuit Playground"},
{Name: "Arduino Yún Mini"},
{Name: "Arduino Industrial 101"},
{Name: "Linino One"},
......@@ -24,12 +24,10 @@ import (
rpc "github.com/arduino/arduino-cli/rpc/commands"
semver "go.bug.st/relaxed-semver"
var similarityThreshold = 0.7
// LibrarySearch FIXMEDOC
func LibrarySearch(ctx context.Context, req *rpc.LibrarySearchReq) (*rpc.LibrarySearchResp, error) {
lm := commands.GetLibraryManager(req.GetInstance().GetId())
......@@ -41,45 +39,70 @@ func LibrarySearch(ctx context.Context, req *rpc.LibrarySearchReq) (*rpc.Library
func searchLibrary(req *rpc.LibrarySearchReq, lm *librariesmanager.LibrariesManager) (*rpc.LibrarySearchResp, error) {
query := req.GetQuery()
res := []*rpc.SearchedLibrary{}
status := rpc.LibrarySearchStatus_success
for _, lib := range lm.Index.Libraries {
qry := strings.ToLower(req.GetQuery())
if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(lib.Name), qry) ||
strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(lib.Latest.Paragraph), qry) ||
strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(lib.Latest.Sentence), qry) {
releases := map[string]*rpc.LibraryRelease{}
for str, rel := range lib.Releases {
releases[str] = GetLibraryParameters(rel)
latest := GetLibraryParameters(lib.Latest)
searchedLib := &rpc.SearchedLibrary{
Name: lib.Name,
Releases: releases,
Latest: latest,
res = append(res, searchedLib)
// If the query is empty all libraries are returned
if strings.Trim(query, " ") == "" {
for _, lib := range lm.Index.Libraries {
res = append(res, indexLibraryToRPCSearchLibrary(lib))
return &rpc.LibrarySearchResp{Libraries: res, Status: status}, nil
if len(res) == 0 {
status = rpc.LibrarySearchStatus_failed
for _, lib := range lm.Index.Libraries {
if godice.CompareString(req.GetQuery(), lib.Name) > similarityThreshold {
res = append(res, &rpc.SearchedLibrary{
Name: lib.Name,
// maximumSearchDistance is the maximum Levenshtein distance accepted when using fuzzy search.
// This value is completely arbitrary and picked randomly.
maximumSearchDistance := 150
// Use a lower distance for shorter query or the user might be flooded with unrelated results
if len(query) <= 4 {
maximumSearchDistance = 40
// Removes some chars from query strings to enhance results
cleanQuery := strings.Map(func(r rune) rune {
switch r {
case '_':
case '-':
case ' ':
return -1
return r
}, query)
for _, lib := range lm.Index.Libraries {
// Use both uncleaned and cleaned query
for _, q := range []string{query, cleanQuery} {
toTest := []string{lib.Name, lib.Latest.Paragraph, lib.Latest.Sentence}
for _, rank := range fuzzy.RankFindNormalizedFold(q, toTest) {
if rank.Distance < maximumSearchDistance {
res = append(res, indexLibraryToRPCSearchLibrary(lib))
goto nextLib
return &rpc.LibrarySearchResp{Libraries: res, Status: status}, nil
// GetLibraryParameters FIXMEDOC
func GetLibraryParameters(rel *librariesindex.Release) *rpc.LibraryRelease {
// indexLibraryToRPCSearchLibrary converts a librariindex.Library to rpc.SearchLibrary
func indexLibraryToRPCSearchLibrary(lib *librariesindex.Library) *rpc.SearchedLibrary {
releases := map[string]*rpc.LibraryRelease{}
for str, rel := range lib.Releases {
releases[str] = getLibraryParameters(rel)
latest := getLibraryParameters(lib.Latest)
return &rpc.SearchedLibrary{
Name: lib.Name,
Releases: releases,
Latest: latest,
// getLibraryParameters FIXMEDOC
func getLibraryParameters(rel *librariesindex.Release) *rpc.LibraryRelease {
return &rpc.LibraryRelease{
Author: rel.Author,
Version: rel.Version.String(),
......@@ -48,7 +48,12 @@ func TestSearchLibrarySimilar(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
assert.Equal(resp.GetStatus(), rpc.LibrarySearchStatus_failed)
assert.Equal(len(resp.GetLibraries()), 1)
assert.Equal(resp.GetLibraries()[0].Name, "Arduino")
assert.Equal(resp.GetStatus(), rpc.LibrarySearchStatus_success)
assert.Equal(len(resp.GetLibraries()), 2)
libs := map[string]*rpc.SearchedLibrary{}
for _, l := range resp.GetLibraries() {
libs[l.Name] = l
assert.Contains(libs, "ArduinoTestPackage")
assert.Contains(libs, "Arduino")
......@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ require (
github.com/gofrs/uuid v3.2.0+incompatible
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golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20190729092621-ff9f1409240a/go.mod h1:jcCCGcm9btYwXyDqrUWc6MKQKKGJCWEQ3AfLSRIbEuI=
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golang.org/x/xerrors v0.0.0-20191204190536-9bdfabe68543/go.mod h1:I/5z698sn9Ka8TeJc9MKroUUfqBBauWjQqLJ2OPfmY0=
......@@ -48,68 +48,39 @@ def test_core_search(run_command, httpserver):
data = json.loads(result.stdout)
assert 2 == len(data)
def get_platforms(stdout):
data = json.loads(stdout)
platforms = {p["ID"]: [] for p in data}
for p in data:
return platforms
# Search all Retrokit platforms
result = run_command(f"core search retrokit --all --additional-urls={url}")
result = run_command(f"core search retrokit --all --additional-urls={url} --format json")
assert result.ok
lines = [l.strip().split() for l in result.stdout.strip().splitlines()]
assert ["Updating", "index:", "package_index.json", "downloaded"] in lines
assert ["Updating", "index:", "package_index.json.sig", "downloaded"] in lines
assert ["Retrokits-RK002:arm", "1.0.5", "RK002"] in lines
assert ["Retrokits-RK002:arm", "1.0.6", "RK002"] in lines
header_index = lines.index(["ID", "Version", "Name"])
# We use black to format and flake8 to lint .py files but they disagree on certain
# things like this one, thus we ignore this specific flake8 rule and stand by black
# opinion.
# We ignore this specific case because ignoring it globally would probably cause more
# issue. For more info about the rule see: https://www.flake8rules.com/rules/E203.html
assert 2 == len(lines[header_index + 1 :]) # noqa: E203
platforms = get_platforms(result.stdout)
assert "1.0.5" in platforms["Retrokits-RK002:arm"]
assert "1.0.6" in platforms["Retrokits-RK002:arm"]
# Search using Retrokit Package Maintainer
result = run_command(f"core search Retrokits-RK002 --all --additional-urls={url}")
result = run_command(f"core search Retrokits-RK002 --all --additional-urls={url} --format json")
assert result.ok
lines = [l.strip().split() for l in result.stdout.strip().splitlines()]
assert ["Updating", "index:", "package_index.json", "downloaded"] in lines
assert ["Updating", "index:", "package_index.json.sig", "downloaded"] in lines
assert ["Retrokits-RK002:arm", "1.0.5", "RK002"] in lines
assert ["Retrokits-RK002:arm", "1.0.6", "RK002"] in lines
header_index = lines.index(["ID", "Version", "Name"])
# We use black to format and flake8 to lint .py files but they disagree on certain
# things like this one, thus we ignore this specific flake8 rule and stand by black
# opinion.
# We ignore this specific case because ignoring it globally would probably cause more
# issue. For more info about the rule see: https://www.flake8rules.com/rules/E203.html
assert 2 == len(lines[header_index + 1 :]) # noqa: E203
platforms = get_platforms(result.stdout)
assert "1.0.5" in platforms["Retrokits-RK002:arm"]
assert "1.0.6" in platforms["Retrokits-RK002:arm"]
# Search using the Retrokit Platform name
result = run_command(f"core search rk002 --all --additional-urls={url}")
result = run_command(f"core search rk002 --all --additional-urls={url} --format json")
assert result.ok
lines = [l.strip().split() for l in result.stdout.strip().splitlines()]
assert ["Updating", "index:", "package_index.json", "downloaded"] in lines
assert ["Updating", "index:", "package_index.json.sig", "downloaded"] in lines
assert ["Retrokits-RK002:arm", "1.0.5", "RK002"] in lines
assert ["Retrokits-RK002:arm", "1.0.6", "RK002"] in lines
header_index = lines.index(["ID", "Version", "Name"])
# We use black to format and flake8 to lint .py files but they disagree on certain
# things like this one, thus we ignore this specific flake8 rule and stand by black
# opinion.
# We ignore this specific case because ignoring it globally would probably cause more
# issue. For more info about the rule see: https://www.flake8rules.com/rules/E203.html
assert 2 == len(lines[header_index + 1 :]) # noqa: E203
platforms = get_platforms(result.stdout)
assert "1.0.5" in platforms["Retrokits-RK002:arm"]
assert "1.0.6" in platforms["Retrokits-RK002:arm"]
# Search using a board name
result = run_command(f"core search myboard --all --additional-urls={url}")
result = run_command(f"core search myboard --all --additional-urls={url} --format json")
assert result.ok
lines = [l.strip().split() for l in result.stdout.strip().splitlines()]
assert ["Updating", "index:", "package_index.json", "downloaded"] in lines
assert ["Updating", "index:", "package_index.json.sig", "downloaded"] in lines
assert ["Package:x86", "1.2.3", "Platform"] in lines
header_index = lines.index(["ID", "Version", "Name"])
# We use black to format and flake8 to lint .py files but they disagree on certain
# things like this one, thus we ignore this specific flake8 rule and stand by black
# opinion.
# We ignore this specific case because ignoring it globally would probably cause more
# issue. For more info about the rule see: https://www.flake8rules.com/rules/E203.html
assert 1 == len(lines[header_index + 1 :]) # noqa: E203
platforms = get_platforms(result.stdout)
assert "1.2.3" in platforms["Package:x86"]
def test_core_search_no_args(run_command, httpserver):
......@@ -175,6 +146,32 @@ def test_core_search_no_args(run_command, httpserver):
assert len(platforms) == num_platforms
def test_core_search_fuzzy(run_command):
assert run_command("update")
def run_fuzzy_search(search_args, expected_ids):
res = run_command(f"core search --format json {search_args}")
assert res.ok
data = json.loads(res.stdout)
platform_ids = [p["ID"] for p in data]
for platform_id in expected_ids:
assert platform_id in platform_ids
run_fuzzy_search("mkr1000", ["arduino:samd"])
run_fuzzy_search("mkr 1000", ["arduino:samd"])
run_fuzzy_search("yún", ["arduino:avr"])
run_fuzzy_search("yùn", ["arduino:avr"])
run_fuzzy_search("yun", ["arduino:avr"])
run_fuzzy_search("nano", ["arduino:avr", "arduino:megaavr", "arduino:samd", "arduino:mbed"])
run_fuzzy_search("nano33", ["arduino:samd", "arduino:mbed"])
run_fuzzy_search("nano 33", ["arduino:samd", "arduino:mbed"])
run_fuzzy_search("nano ble", ["arduino:mbed"])
run_fuzzy_search("ble", ["arduino:mbed"])
run_fuzzy_search("ble nano", [])
def test_core_updateindex_url_not_found(run_command, httpserver):
assert run_command("core update-index")
......@@ -430,11 +430,11 @@ def test_search(run_command):
libs_json = json.loads(result.stdout)
assert len(libs) == len(libs_json.get("libraries"))
result = run_command("lib search")
result = run_command("lib search --names")
assert result.ok
# Search for a specific target
result = run_command("lib search ArduinoJson --format json")
result = run_command("lib search --names ArduinoJson --format json")
assert result.ok
libs_json = json.loads(result.stdout)
assert len(libs_json.get("libraries")) >= 1
......@@ -446,10 +446,43 @@ def test_search_paragraph(run_command):
within the index file.
assert run_command("lib update-index")
result = run_command('lib search "A simple and efficient JSON library" --format json')
result = run_command('lib search "A simple and efficient JSON library" --names --format json')
assert result.ok
libs_json = json.loads(result.stdout)
assert 1 == len(libs_json.get("libraries"))
data = json.loads(result.stdout)
libraries = [l["name"] for l in data["libraries"]]
assert "ArduinoJson" in libraries
def test_lib_search_fuzzy(run_command):
def run_search(search_args, expected_libraries):
res = run_command(f"lib search --names --format json {search_args}")
assert res.ok
data = json.loads(res.stdout)
libraries = [l["name"] for l in data["libraries"]]
for l in expected_libraries:
assert l in libraries
run_search("Arduino_MKRIoTCarrier", ["Arduino_MKRIoTCarrier"])
run_search("Arduino mkr iot carrier", ["Arduino_MKRIoTCarrier"])
run_search("mkr iot carrier", ["Arduino_MKRIoTCarrier"])
run_search("mkriotcarrier", ["Arduino_MKRIoTCarrier"])
run_search("Arduinomkriotcarrier", ["Arduino_MKRIoTCarrier"])
["DHT sensor library", "DHT sensor library for ESPx", "DHT12", "SimpleDHT", "TinyDHT sensor library", "SDHT"],
run_search("dht11", ["DHT sensor library", "DHT sensor library for ESPx", "SimpleDHT", "SDHT"])
run_search("dht12", ["DHT12", "DHT12 sensor library", "SDHT"])
run_search("dht22", ["DHT sensor library", "DHT sensor library for ESPx", "SimpleDHT", "SDHT"])
run_search("dht sensor", ["DHT sensor library", "DHT sensor library for ESPx", "SimpleDHT", "SDHT"])
run_search("sensor dht", [])
run_search("arduino json", ["ArduinoJson", "Arduino_JSON"])
run_search("arduinojson", ["ArduinoJson", "Arduino_JSON"])
run_search("json", ["ArduinoJson", "Arduino_JSON"])
def test_lib_list_with_updatable_flag(run_command):
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