Commit 5f5d99b7 authored by Cristian Maglie's avatar Cristian Maglie

Added some FAQ to readme

parent 1967071d
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Use "arduino-cli core [command] --help" for more information about a command.
#### Why the Arduino Uno/Mega/Duemilanove is not detected when I run `arduino-cli board list`?
- Your board is a cheaper clone, or
- It mounts a USB2Serial converter like FT232 or CH320: these chips always reports the same USB VID/PID to the operating system, so the only thing that we know is that the board mounts that specific USB2Serial chip, but we don't know which board is.
#### What is the core for the Uno/Mega/Nano/Duemilanove?
#### What is the FQBN for ...?
Arduino UNO: `arduino:avr:uno`
Arduino Mega: `arduino:avr:mega`
Arduino Nano: `arduino:avr:nano` or `arduino:avr:nano:cpu=atmega328old` if you have the old bootloader
#### How can I find the core/FQBN for a board?
You must first find the core, for example if you are interested in the Arduino Zero you can search the term `zero`:
$ arduino-cli core search zero
Searching for platforms matching 'zero'
ID Version Name
arduino:samd 1.6.19 Arduino SAMD Boards (32-bits ARM Cortex-M0+)
once the core is determined you should install it with `arduino-cli core install arduino:samd` and, once installed, you can connect the board and detect it with `arduino-cli board list`.
If the board is not detected for any reason, you can list all the supported boards with `arduino-cli board listall`
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