Unverified Commit 5f4f6e90 authored by Silvano Cerza's avatar Silvano Cerza Committed by GitHub

Add library validation step when installing from zip or git (#1234)

* Add library validation when installing from zip or git

* [skip changelog] Fix tests temp directory deletion on Windows

* [skip changelog] Fix test_install_git_invalid_library test

* [skip changelog] Add more check in lib install git repo tests
parent ab298a3e
......@@ -133,6 +133,11 @@ func (lm *LibrariesManager) InstallZipLib(ctx context.Context, archivePath strin
extractionPath := paths[0]
libraryName := extractionPath.Base()
if err := validateLibrary(libraryName, extractionPath); err != nil {
return err
installPath := libsDir.Join(libraryName)
if err := libsDir.MkdirAll(); err != nil {
......@@ -218,6 +223,13 @@ func (lm *LibrariesManager) InstallGitLib(gitURL string, overwrite bool) error {
Warn("Cloning git repository")
return err
if err := validateLibrary(libraryName, installPath); err != nil {
// Clean up installation directory since this is not a valid library
return err
// We don't want the installed library to be a git repository thus we delete this folder
return nil
......@@ -239,3 +251,23 @@ func parseGitURL(gitURL string) (string, error) {
return res, nil
// validateLibrary verifies the dir contains a valid library, meaning it has both
// an header <name>.h, either in src or root folder, and a library.properties file
func validateLibrary(name string, dir *paths.Path) error {
// Verify library contains library header.
// Checks also root folder for legacy reasons.
// For more info see:
// https://arduino.github.io/arduino-cli/latest/library-specification/#source-code
libraryHeader := name + ".h"
if !dir.Join("src", libraryHeader).Exist() && !dir.Join(libraryHeader).Exist() {
return fmt.Errorf(`library is not valid: missing header file "%s"`, libraryHeader)
// Verifies library contains library.properties
if !dir.Join("library.properties").Exist() {
return fmt.Errorf(`library is not valid: missing file "library.properties"`)
return nil
......@@ -56,7 +56,9 @@ def data_dir(tmpdir_factory):
if platform.system() == "Windows":
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp:
yield tmp
shutil.rmtree(tmp, ignore_errors=True)
# We don't need to remove the directory since
# tempfile.TemporaryDirectory deletes itself
# automatically when exits its scope.
data = tmpdir_factory.mktemp("ArduinoTest")
yield str(data)
......@@ -18,6 +18,34 @@ import simplejson as json
import pytest
from git import Repo
from pathlib import Path
import tempfile
import requests
import zipfile
import io
import re
# Util function to download library from URL
def download_lib(url, download_dir):
tmp = Path(tempfile.TemporaryDirectory().name)
tmp.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
regex = re.compile(r"^(.*)-[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]")
response = requests.get(url)
# Download and unzips library removing version suffix
with zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(response.content)) as thezip:
for zipinfo in thezip.infolist():
with thezip.open(zipinfo) as f:
dest_dir = tmp / regex.sub("\\g<1>", zipinfo.filename)
if zipinfo.is_dir():
dest_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# Recreates zip with folder without version suffix
z = zipfile.ZipFile(download_dir, "w")
for f in tmp.glob("**/*"):
z.write(f, arcname=f.relative_to(tmp))
def test_list(run_command):
......@@ -252,8 +280,12 @@ def test_install_git_url_and_zip_path_flags_visibility(run_command, data_dir, do
assert res.failed
assert "--git-url and --zip-path are disabled by default, for more information see:" in res.stderr
assert run_command("lib download AudioZero@1.0.0")
zip_path = Path(downloads_dir, "libraries", "AudioZero-1.0.0.zip")
# Download library
url = "https://github.com/arduino-libraries/AudioZero/archive/refs/tags/1.1.1.zip"
zip_path = Path(downloads_dir, "libraries", "AudioZero.zip")
zip_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
download_lib(url, zip_path)
res = run_command(f"lib install --zip-path {zip_path}")
assert res.failed
assert "--git-url and --zip-path are disabled by default, for more information see:" in res.stderr
......@@ -330,13 +362,16 @@ def test_install_with_zip_path(run_command, data_dir, downloads_dir):
assert run_command("config init --dest-dir .", custom_env=env)
# Download a specific lib version
assert run_command("lib download AudioZero@1.0.0")
# Download library
url = "https://github.com/arduino-libraries/AudioZero/archive/refs/tags/1.1.1.zip"
zip_path = Path(downloads_dir, "libraries", "AudioZero.zip")
zip_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
download_lib(url, zip_path)
lib_install_dir = Path(data_dir, "libraries", "AudioZero-1.0.0")
lib_install_dir = Path(data_dir, "libraries", "AudioZero")
# Verifies library is not already installed
assert not lib_install_dir.exists()
zip_path = Path(downloads_dir, "libraries", "AudioZero-1.0.0.zip")
# Test zip-path install
res = run_command(f"lib install --zip-path {zip_path}")
assert res.ok
......@@ -688,13 +723,14 @@ def test_install_with_zip_path_multiple_libraries(run_command, downloads_dir, da
# Downloads zip to be installed later
assert run_command("lib download WiFi101@0.16.1")
assert run_command("lib download ArduinoBLE@1.1.3")
wifi_zip_path = Path(downloads_dir, "libraries", "WiFi101-0.16.1.zip")
ble_zip_path = Path(downloads_dir, "libraries", "ArduinoBLE-1.1.3.zip")
download_lib("https://github.com/arduino-libraries/WiFi101/archive/refs/tags/0.16.1.zip", wifi_zip_path)
download_lib("https://github.com/arduino-libraries/ArduinoBLE/archive/refs/tags/1.1.3.zip", ble_zip_path)
wifi_install_dir = Path(data_dir, "libraries", "WiFi101")
ble_install_dir = Path(data_dir, "libraries", "ArduinoBLE")
wifi_install_dir = Path(data_dir, "libraries", "WiFi101-0.16.1")
ble_install_dir = Path(data_dir, "libraries", "ArduinoBLE-1.1.3")
# Verifies libraries are not installed
assert not wifi_install_dir.exists()
assert not ble_install_dir.exists()
......@@ -860,6 +896,7 @@ def test_install_zip_lib_with_macos_metadata(run_command, data_dir, downloads_di
assert lib_install_dir.exists()
files = list(lib_install_dir.glob("**/*"))
assert lib_install_dir / "library.properties" in files
assert lib_install_dir / "src" / "fake-lib.h" in files
# Reinstall library
assert run_command(f"lib install --zip-path {zip_path}")
......@@ -868,3 +905,81 @@ def test_install_zip_lib_with_macos_metadata(run_command, data_dir, downloads_di
assert lib_install_dir.exists()
files = list(lib_install_dir.glob("**/*"))
assert lib_install_dir / "library.properties" in files
assert lib_install_dir / "src" / "fake-lib.h" in files
def test_install_zip_invalid_library(run_command, data_dir, downloads_dir):
# Initialize configs to enable --zip-path flag
env = {
"ARDUINO_DATA_DIR": data_dir,
"ARDUINO_DOWNLOADS_DIR": downloads_dir,
assert run_command("config init --dest-dir .", custom_env=env)
lib_install_dir = Path(data_dir, "libraries", "lib-without-header")
# Verifies library is not already installed
assert not lib_install_dir.exists()
zip_path = Path(__file__).parent / "testdata" / "lib-without-header.zip"
# Test zip-path install
res = run_command(f"lib install --zip-path {zip_path}")
assert res.failed
assert 'library is not valid: missing header file "lib-without-header.h"' in res.stderr
lib_install_dir = Path(data_dir, "libraries", "lib-without-properties")
# Verifies library is not already installed
assert not lib_install_dir.exists()
zip_path = Path(__file__).parent / "testdata" / "lib-without-properties.zip"
# Test zip-path install
res = run_command(f"lib install --zip-path {zip_path}")
assert res.failed
assert 'library is not valid: missing file "library.properties"' in res.stderr
def test_install_git_invalid_library(run_command, data_dir, downloads_dir):
# Initialize configs to enable --zip-path flag
env = {
"ARDUINO_DATA_DIR": data_dir,
"ARDUINO_DOWNLOADS_DIR": downloads_dir,
assert run_command("config init --dest-dir .", custom_env=env)
# Create fake library repository
repo_dir = Path(data_dir, "lib-without-header")
with Repo.init(repo_dir) as repo:
lib_properties = Path(repo_dir, "library.properties")
repo.index.commit("First commit")
lib_install_dir = Path(data_dir, "libraries", "lib-without-header")
# Verifies library is not already installed
assert not lib_install_dir.exists()
res = run_command(f"lib install --git-url {repo_dir}", custom_env=env)
assert res.failed
assert 'library is not valid: missing header file "lib-without-header.h"' in res.stderr
assert not lib_install_dir.exists()
# Create another fake library repository
repo_dir = Path(data_dir, "lib-without-properties")
with Repo.init(repo_dir) as repo:
lib_header = Path(repo_dir, "src", "lib-without-properties.h")
lib_header.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
repo.index.commit("First commit")
lib_install_dir = Path(data_dir, "libraries", "lib-without-properties")
# Verifies library is not already installed
assert not lib_install_dir.exists()
res = run_command(f"lib install --git-url {repo_dir}", custom_env=env)
assert res.failed
assert 'library is not valid: missing file "library.properties"' in res.stderr
assert not lib_install_dir.exists()
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