Unverified Commit 5f010004 authored by Cristian Maglie's avatar Cristian Maglie Committed by GitHub

[skip-changelog] Made the `Debug*` gRPC API implementation in par with the rest (#2672)

* Inlined gRPC methods to implement GetDebugConfig and IsDebugSupported

* Inlined function

* Renamed vars for clarity

* Added Debug gRPC adapter function

* Moved function and removed useless file

* Forward os.interrupt (aka CTRL-C) signal to the gdb process

This a challenging problem because we must wait on both an io.Read(...)
and a channel-read but, unfortunately, go native select can wait only on
To overcome this limitation I had to resort to a conditional variable and
write some boilerplate code to make everything synchronized.
parent a353f861
......@@ -18,59 +18,317 @@ package commands
import (
rpc "github.com/arduino/arduino-cli/rpc/cc/arduino/cli/commands/v1"
paths "github.com/arduino/go-paths-helper"
// Debug returns a stream response that can be used to fetch data from the
// target. The first message passed through the `Debug` request must
// contain DebugRequest configuration params, not data.
type debugServer struct {
ctx context.Context
req atomic.Pointer[rpc.GetDebugConfigRequest]
in io.Reader
inSignal bool
inData bool
inEvent *sync.Cond
inLock sync.Mutex
out io.Writer
resultCB func(*rpc.DebugResponse_Result)
done chan bool
func (s *debugServer) Send(resp *rpc.DebugResponse) error {
if len(resp.GetData()) > 0 {
if _, err := s.out.Write(resp.GetData()); err != nil {
return err
if res := resp.GetResult(); res != nil {
return nil
func (s *debugServer) Recv() (r *rpc.DebugRequest, e error) {
if conf := s.req.Swap(nil); conf != nil {
return &rpc.DebugRequest{DebugRequest: conf}, nil
for !s.inSignal && !s.inData {
defer s.inEvent.L.Unlock()
if s.inSignal {
s.inSignal = false
return &rpc.DebugRequest{SendInterrupt: true}, nil
if s.inData {
s.inData = false
buff := make([]byte, 4096)
n, err := s.in.Read(buff)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &rpc.DebugRequest{Data: buff[:n]}, nil
panic("invalid state in debug")
func (s *debugServer) close() {
func (s *debugServer) Context() context.Context { return s.ctx }
func (s *debugServer) RecvMsg(m any) error { return nil }
func (s *debugServer) SendHeader(metadata.MD) error { return nil }
func (s *debugServer) SendMsg(m any) error { return nil }
func (s *debugServer) SetHeader(metadata.MD) error { return nil }
func (s *debugServer) SetTrailer(metadata.MD) {}
// DebugServerToStreams creates a debug server that proxies the data to the given io streams.
// The GetDebugConfigRequest is used to configure the debbuger. sig is a channel that can be
// used to send os.Interrupt to the debug process. resultCB is a callback function that will
// receive the Debug result and closes the debug server.
func DebugServerToStreams(
ctx context.Context,
req *rpc.GetDebugConfigRequest,
in io.Reader, out io.Writer,
sig chan os.Signal,
resultCB func(*rpc.DebugResponse_Result),
) rpc.ArduinoCoreService_DebugServer {
server := &debugServer{
ctx: ctx,
in: in,
out: out,
resultCB: resultCB,
done: make(chan bool),
serverIn, clientOut := nio.Pipe(buffer.New(32 * 1024))
server.in = serverIn
server.inEvent = sync.NewCond(&server.inLock)
go func() {
for {
select {
case <-sig:
server.inSignal = true
case <-server.done:
go func() {
defer clientOut.Close()
buff := make([]byte, 4096)
for {
n, readErr := in.Read(buff)
var writeErr error
if readErr == nil {
_, writeErr = clientOut.Write(buff[:n])
server.inData = true
if readErr != nil || writeErr != nil {
// exit on error
return server
// Debug starts a debugging session. The first message passed through the `Debug` request must
// contain DebugRequest configuration params and no data.
func (s *arduinoCoreServerImpl) Debug(stream rpc.ArduinoCoreService_DebugServer) error {
// Utility functions
syncSend := NewSynchronizedSend(stream.Send)
sendResult := func(res *rpc.DebugResponse_Result) error {
return syncSend.Send(&rpc.DebugResponse{Message: &rpc.DebugResponse_Result_{Result: res}})
sendData := func(data []byte) {
_ = syncSend.Send(&rpc.DebugResponse{Message: &rpc.DebugResponse_Data{Data: data}})
// Grab the first message
msg, err := stream.Recv()
debugConfReqMsg, err := stream.Recv()
if err != nil {
return err
// Ensure it's a config message and not data
req := msg.GetDebugRequest()
if req == nil {
debugConfReq := debugConfReqMsg.GetDebugRequest()
if debugConfReq == nil {
return errors.New(i18n.Tr("First message must contain debug request, not data"))
// Launch debug recipe attaching stdin and out to grpc streaming
signalChan := make(chan os.Signal)
defer close(signalChan)
outStream := feedStreamTo(func(data []byte) {
stream.Send(&rpc.DebugResponse{Message: &rpc.DebugResponse_Data{
Data: data,
resp, debugErr := Debug(stream.Context(), req,
consumeStreamFrom(func() ([]byte, error) {
command, err := stream.Recv()
if command.GetSendInterrupt() {
outStream := feedStreamTo(sendData)
defer outStream.Close()
inStream := consumeStreamFrom(func() ([]byte, error) {
for {
req, err := stream.Recv()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if req.GetSendInterrupt() {
signalChan <- os.Interrupt
return command.GetData(), err
if debugErr != nil {
return debugErr
return stream.Send(resp)
if data := req.GetData(); len(data) > 0 {
return data, nil
pme, release, err := instances.GetPackageManagerExplorer(debugConfReq.GetInstance())
if err != nil {
return err
defer release()
// Exec debugger
commandLine, err := getCommandLine(debugConfReq, pme)
if err != nil {
return err
entry := logrus.NewEntry(logrus.StandardLogger())
for i, param := range commandLine {
entry = entry.WithField(fmt.Sprintf("param%d", i), param)
entry.Debug("Executing debugger")
cmd, err := paths.NewProcess(pme.GetEnvVarsForSpawnedProcess(), commandLine...)
if err != nil {
return &cmderrors.FailedDebugError{Message: i18n.Tr("Cannot execute debug tool"), Cause: err}
in, err := cmd.StdinPipe()
if err != nil {
return sendResult(&rpc.DebugResponse_Result{Error: err.Error()})
defer in.Close()
if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {
return sendResult(&rpc.DebugResponse_Result{Error: err.Error()})
// GetDebugConfig return metadata about a debug session
func (s *arduinoCoreServerImpl) GetDebugConfig(ctx context.Context, req *rpc.GetDebugConfigRequest) (*rpc.GetDebugConfigResponse, error) {
return GetDebugConfig(ctx, req)
go func() {
for sig := range signalChan {
go func() {
io.Copy(in, inStream)
if err := cmd.Wait(); err != nil {
return sendResult(&rpc.DebugResponse_Result{Error: err.Error()})
return sendResult(&rpc.DebugResponse_Result{})
// IsDebugSupported checks if debugging is supported for a given configuration
func (s *arduinoCoreServerImpl) IsDebugSupported(ctx context.Context, req *rpc.IsDebugSupportedRequest) (*rpc.IsDebugSupportedResponse, error) {
return IsDebugSupported(ctx, req)
// getCommandLine compose a debug command represented by a core recipe
func getCommandLine(req *rpc.GetDebugConfigRequest, pme *packagemanager.Explorer) ([]string, error) {
debugInfo, err := getDebugProperties(req, pme, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cmdArgs := []string{}
add := func(s string) { cmdArgs = append(cmdArgs, s) }
// Add path to GDB Client to command line
var gdbPath *paths.Path
switch debugInfo.GetToolchain() {
case "gcc":
gdbexecutable := debugInfo.GetToolchainPrefix() + "-gdb"
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
gdbexecutable += ".exe"
gdbPath = paths.New(debugInfo.GetToolchainPath()).Join(gdbexecutable)
return nil, &cmderrors.FailedDebugError{Message: i18n.Tr("Toolchain '%s' is not supported", debugInfo.GetToolchain())}
// Set GDB interpreter (default value should be "console")
gdbInterpreter := req.GetInterpreter()
if gdbInterpreter == "" {
gdbInterpreter = "console"
add("--interpreter=" + gdbInterpreter)
if gdbInterpreter != "console" {
add("set pagination off")
// Add extra GDB execution commands
add("set remotetimeout 5")
// Extract path to GDB Server
switch debugInfo.GetServer() {
case "openocd":
var openocdConf rpc.DebugOpenOCDServerConfiguration
if err := debugInfo.GetServerConfiguration().UnmarshalTo(&openocdConf); err != nil {
return nil, err
serverCmd := fmt.Sprintf(`target extended-remote | "%s"`, debugInfo.GetServerPath())
if cfg := openocdConf.GetScriptsDir(); cfg != "" {
serverCmd += fmt.Sprintf(` -s "%s"`, cfg)
for _, script := range openocdConf.GetScripts() {
serverCmd += fmt.Sprintf(` --file "%s"`, script)
serverCmd += ` -c "gdb_port pipe"`
serverCmd += ` -c "telnet_port 0"`
return nil, &cmderrors.FailedDebugError{Message: i18n.Tr("GDB server '%s' is not supported", debugInfo.GetServer())}
// Add executable
// Transform every path to forward slashes (on Windows some tools further
// escapes the command line so the backslash "\" gets in the way).
for i, param := range cmdArgs {
cmdArgs[i] = filepath.ToSlash(param)
return cmdArgs, nil
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ import (
// GetDebugConfig returns metadata to start debugging with the specified board
func GetDebugConfig(ctx context.Context, req *rpc.GetDebugConfigRequest) (*rpc.GetDebugConfigResponse, error) {
func (s *arduinoCoreServerImpl) GetDebugConfig(ctx context.Context, req *rpc.GetDebugConfigRequest) (*rpc.GetDebugConfigResponse, error) {
pme, release, err := instances.GetPackageManagerExplorer(req.GetInstance())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ func GetDebugConfig(ctx context.Context, req *rpc.GetDebugConfigRequest) (*rpc.G
// IsDebugSupported checks if the given board/programmer configuration supports debugging.
func IsDebugSupported(ctx context.Context, req *rpc.IsDebugSupportedRequest) (*rpc.IsDebugSupportedResponse, error) {
func (s *arduinoCoreServerImpl) IsDebugSupported(ctx context.Context, req *rpc.IsDebugSupportedRequest) (*rpc.IsDebugSupportedResponse, error) {
pme, release, err := instances.GetPackageManagerExplorer(req.GetInstance())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// This file is part of arduino-cli.
// Copyright 2020 ARDUINO SA (http://www.arduino.cc/)
// This software is released under the GNU General Public License version 3,
// which covers the main part of arduino-cli.
// The terms of this license can be found at:
// https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html
// You can be released from the requirements of the above licenses by purchasing
// a commercial license. Buying such a license is mandatory if you want to
// modify or otherwise use the software for commercial activities involving the
// Arduino software without disclosing the source code of your own applications.
// To purchase a commercial license, send an email to license@arduino.cc.
package commands
import (
rpc "github.com/arduino/arduino-cli/rpc/cc/arduino/cli/commands/v1"
// Debug command launches a debug tool for a sketch.
// It also implements streams routing:
// gRPC In -> tool stdIn
// grpc Out <- tool stdOut
// grpc Out <- tool stdErr
// It also implements tool process lifecycle management
func Debug(ctx context.Context, req *rpc.GetDebugConfigRequest, inStream io.Reader, out io.Writer, interrupt <-chan os.Signal) (*rpc.DebugResponse, error) {
// Get debugging command line to run debugger
pme, release, err := instances.GetPackageManagerExplorer(req.GetInstance())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer release()
commandLine, err := getCommandLine(req, pme)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for i, arg := range commandLine {
fmt.Printf("%2d: %s\n", i, arg)
// Run Tool
entry := logrus.NewEntry(logrus.StandardLogger())
for i, param := range commandLine {
entry = entry.WithField(fmt.Sprintf("param%d", i), param)
entry.Debug("Executing debugger")
cmd, err := paths.NewProcess(pme.GetEnvVarsForSpawnedProcess(), commandLine...)
if err != nil {
return nil, &cmderrors.FailedDebugError{Message: i18n.Tr("Cannot execute debug tool"), Cause: err}
// Get stdIn pipe from tool
in, err := cmd.StdinPipe()
if err != nil {
return &rpc.DebugResponse{Message: &rpc.DebugResponse_Result_{
Result: &rpc.DebugResponse_Result{Error: err.Error()},
}}, nil
defer in.Close()
// Merge tool StdOut and StdErr to stream them in the io.Writer passed stream
// Start the debug command
if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {
return &rpc.DebugResponse{Message: &rpc.DebugResponse_Result_{
Result: &rpc.DebugResponse_Result{Error: err.Error()},
}}, nil
if interrupt != nil {
go func() {
for {
sig, ok := <-interrupt
if !ok {
go func() {
// Copy data from passed inStream into command stdIn
io.Copy(in, inStream)
// In any case, try process termination after a second to avoid leaving
// zombie process.
// Wait for process to finish
if err := cmd.Wait(); err != nil {
return &rpc.DebugResponse{Message: &rpc.DebugResponse_Result_{
Result: &rpc.DebugResponse_Result{Error: err.Error()},
}}, nil
return &rpc.DebugResponse{Message: &rpc.DebugResponse_Result_{
Result: &rpc.DebugResponse_Result{},
}}, nil
// getCommandLine compose a debug command represented by a core recipe
func getCommandLine(req *rpc.GetDebugConfigRequest, pme *packagemanager.Explorer) ([]string, error) {
debugInfo, err := getDebugProperties(req, pme, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cmdArgs := []string{}
add := func(s string) { cmdArgs = append(cmdArgs, s) }
// Add path to GDB Client to command line
var gdbPath *paths.Path
switch debugInfo.GetToolchain() {
case "gcc":
gdbexecutable := debugInfo.GetToolchainPrefix() + "-gdb"
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
gdbexecutable += ".exe"
gdbPath = paths.New(debugInfo.GetToolchainPath()).Join(gdbexecutable)
return nil, &cmderrors.FailedDebugError{Message: i18n.Tr("Toolchain '%s' is not supported", debugInfo.GetToolchain())}
// Set GDB interpreter (default value should be "console")
gdbInterpreter := req.GetInterpreter()
if gdbInterpreter == "" {
gdbInterpreter = "console"
add("--interpreter=" + gdbInterpreter)
if gdbInterpreter != "console" {
add("set pagination off")
// Add extra GDB execution commands
add("set remotetimeout 5")
// Extract path to GDB Server
switch debugInfo.GetServer() {
case "openocd":
var openocdConf rpc.DebugOpenOCDServerConfiguration
if err := debugInfo.GetServerConfiguration().UnmarshalTo(&openocdConf); err != nil {
return nil, err
serverCmd := fmt.Sprintf(`target extended-remote | "%s"`, debugInfo.GetServerPath())
if cfg := openocdConf.GetScriptsDir(); cfg != "" {
serverCmd += fmt.Sprintf(` -s "%s"`, cfg)
for _, script := range openocdConf.GetScripts() {
serverCmd += fmt.Sprintf(` --file "%s"`, script)
serverCmd += ` -c "gdb_port pipe"`
serverCmd += ` -c "telnet_port 0"`
return nil, &cmderrors.FailedDebugError{Message: i18n.Tr("GDB server '%s' is not supported", debugInfo.GetServer())}
// Add executable
// Transform every path to forward slashes (on Windows some tools further
// escapes the command line so the backslash "\" gets in the way).
for i, param := range cmdArgs {
cmdArgs[i] = filepath.ToSlash(param)
return cmdArgs, nil
......@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ func runDebugCommand(ctx context.Context, srv rpc.ArduinoCoreServiceServer, args
if printInfo {
if res, err := commands.GetDebugConfig(ctx, debugConfigRequested); err != nil {
if res, err := srv.GetDebugConfig(ctx, debugConfigRequested); err != nil {
errcode := feedback.ErrBadArgument
if errors.Is(err, &cmderrors.MissingProgrammerError{}) {
errcode = feedback.ErrMissingProgrammer
......@@ -142,7 +142,10 @@ func runDebugCommand(ctx context.Context, srv rpc.ArduinoCoreServiceServer, args
if err != nil {
feedback.FatalError(err, feedback.ErrBadArgument)
if _, err := commands.Debug(ctx, debugConfigRequested, in, out, ctrlc); err != nil {
resultCB := func(dr *rpc.DebugResponse_Result) {}
stream := commands.DebugServerToStreams(ctx, debugConfigRequested, in, out, ctrlc, resultCB)
if err := srv.Debug(stream); err != nil {
errcode := feedback.ErrGeneric
if errors.Is(err, &cmderrors.MissingProgrammerError{}) {
errcode = feedback.ErrMissingProgrammer
......@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ import (
......@@ -61,7 +60,7 @@ func runDebugCheckCommand(ctx context.Context, srv rpc.ArduinoCoreServiceServer,
feedback.FatalError(err, feedback.ErrBadArgument)
fqbn := fqbnArg.String()
resp, err := commands.IsDebugSupported(ctx, &rpc.IsDebugSupportedRequest{
resp, err := srv.IsDebugSupported(ctx, &rpc.IsDebugSupportedRequest{
Instance: instance,
Fqbn: fqbn,
Port: port,
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