Commit 56add2e6 authored by Umberto Baldi's avatar Umberto Baldi

[breaking] change `--timeout` flag to `--discovery-timeout` for consistency

parent f85513c6
......@@ -47,10 +47,8 @@ func initListCommand() *cobra.Command {
Run: runListCommand,
listCommand.Flags().DurationVar(&timeout, "timeout", time.Second,
tr("The connected devices search timeout, raise it if your board doesn't show up e.g.: 10s"))
listCommand.Flags().BoolVarP(&watch, "watch", "w", false,
tr("Command keeps running and prints list of connected boards whenever there is a change."))
listCommand.Flags().DurationVar(&timeout, "discovery-timeout", time.Second, tr("Max time to wait for port discovery, e.g.: 30s, 1m"))
listCommand.Flags().BoolVarP(&watch, "watch", "w", false, tr("Command keeps running and prints list of connected boards whenever there is a change."))
return listCommand
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