// RedirectURI is the redirectURI where the oauth process will redirect. It's only required since the oauth system checks for it, but we intercept the redirect before hitting it
// RedirectURI is the redirectURI where the oauth process will redirect.
// It's only required since the oauth system checks for it, but we intercept the redirect before hitting it
// Scopes is a space-separated list of scopes to require
// cookies keeps track of the cookies for each request
// requestAuth calls hydra and follows the redirects until it reaches the authentication page. It saves the cookie it finds so it can apply them to subsequent requests
// requestAuth calls hydra and follows the redirects until it reaches the authentication page.
// It saves the cookie it finds so it can apply them to subsequent requests
// Start a compilation for the given user and saves the request (but not the generated files) on the database. requires authentication. Can return PreconditionFailed if the user has reached their maximum number of compilations per day. If the compilation failed it returns UnprocessableEntity
// Start a compilation for the given user and saves the request (but not the generated files) on the database.
// requires authentication.
// Can return PreconditionFailed if the user has reached their maximum number of compilations per day.
// If the compilation failed it returns UnprocessableEntity
// ShowLibraries provides the library identified by the :id and :pid param. Doesn't require authentication. Also contains a list of other versions of the library
// ShowLibraries provides the library identified by the :id and :pid param. Doesn't require authentication.
// Also contains a list of other versions of the library
// ArduinoBuilderBoard is a physical board belonging to a certain architecture in a package. The most obvious package is arduino, which contains architectures avr, sam and samd. It can contain multiple versions of the upload commands and options. If there is a default version it means that it's the only version officially supported. Of course if there is only one version it will be called default (default view)
// ArduinoBuilderBoard is a physical board belonging to a certain architecture in a package.
// The most obvious package is arduino, which contains architectures avr, sam and samd.
// It can contain multiple versions of the upload commands and options.
// If there is a default version it means that it's the only version officially supported.
// Of course if there is only one version it will be called default (default view)
// ArduinoBuilderBoardv2 is a physical board belonging to a certain architecture in a package. The most obvious package is arduino, which contains architectures avr, sam and samd. It can contain multiple versions of the upload commands and options. If there is a default version it means that it's the only version officially supported. Of course if there is only one version it will be called default (default view)
// ArduinoBuilderBoardv2 is a physical board belonging to a certain architecture in a package.
// The most obvious package is arduino, which contains architectures avr, sam and samd.
// It can contain multiple versions of the upload commands and options.
// If there is a default version it means that it's the only version officially supported.
// Of course if there is only one version it will be called default (default view)
// ArduinoBuilderBoardv2Full is a physical board belonging to a certain architecture in a package. The most obvious package is arduino, which contains architectures avr, sam and samd. It can contain multiple versions of the upload commands and options. If there is a default version it means that it's the only version officially supported. Of course if there is only one version it will be called default (full view)
// ArduinoBuilderBoardv2Full is a physical board belonging to a certain architecture in a package.
// The most obvious package is arduino, which contains architectures avr, sam and samd.
// It can contain multiple versions of the upload commands and options.
// If there is a default version it means that it's the only version officially supported.
// Of course if there is only one version it will be called default (full view)
// ArduinoBuilderCompilationResult is the result of a compilation. It contains the output and the eventual errors. If successful it contains the generated files. (default view)
// ArduinoBuilderCompilationResult is the result of a compilation.
// It contains the output and the eventual errors.
// If successful it contains the generated files. (default view)
// ArduinoBuilderLibrary is a collection of header files containing arduino reusable code and functions. It typically contains its info in a library.properties files. The examples property contains a list of examples that use that library. (default view)
// ArduinoBuilderLibrary is a collection of header files containing arduino reusable code and functions.
// It typically contains its info in a library.properties files.
// The examples property contains a list of examples that use that library. (default view)
// ArduinoBuilderLibraryLink is a collection of header files containing arduino reusable code and functions. It typically contains its info in a library.properties files. The examples property contains a list of examples that use that library. (link view)
// ArduinoBuilderLibraryLink is a collection of header files containing arduino reusable code and functions.
// It typically contains its info in a library.properties files.
// The examples property contains a list of examples that use that library. (link view)
// A compilation is made up of a sketch (or a path to a sketch) and an fqbn. Eventual libraries are automatically determined and linked. NOTE: swagger will force you to define the files inside the sketch because of a bug. But they are not mandatory.
// A compilation is made up of a sketch (or a path to a sketch) and an fqbn.
// Eventual libraries are automatically determined and linked.
// NOTE: swagger will force you to define the files inside the sketch because of a bug. But they are not mandatory.
@@ -72,7 +74,9 @@ func (ut *compilation) Publicize() *Compilation {
// A Compilation is made up of a sketch (or a path to a sketch) and an fqbn. Eventual libraries are automatically determined and linked. NOTE: swagger will force you to define the files inside the sketch because of a bug. But they are not mandatory.
// A Compilation is made up of a sketch (or a path to a sketch) and an fqbn.
// Eventual libraries are automatically determined and linked.
// NOTE: swagger will force you to define the files inside the sketch because of a bug. But they are not mandatory.
// The fully qualified board name
Fqbnstring`form:"fqbn" json:"fqbn" xml:"fqbn"`
@@ -275,7 +279,8 @@ func (ut *filemeta) Publicize() *Filemeta {
// FileMeta represent a file in the filesystem, belonging to a sketch, a library or an example. Can contain a data property with the content of the file.
// FileMeta represent a file in the filesystem, belonging to a sketch, a library or an example.
// Can contain a data property with the content of the file.
// Library is a collection of header files containing arduino reusable code and functions. It typically contains its info in a library.properties files. The examples property contains a list of examples that use that library.
// Library is a collection of header files containing arduino reusable code and functions.
// It typically contains its info in a library.properties files.
// The examples property contains a list of examples that use that library.
@@ -391,7 +398,9 @@ func (ut *library) Publicize() *Library {
// Library is a collection of header files containing arduino reusable code and functions. It typically contains its info in a library.properties files. The examples property contains a list of examples that use that library.
// Library is a collection of header files containing arduino reusable code and functions.
// It typically contains its info in a library.properties files.
// The examples property contains a list of examples that use that library.
// A sketch is a program intended to run on an arduino board. It's composed by a main .ino file and optional other files. You should upload only .ino and .h files.
// A sketch is a program intended to run on an arduino board.
// It's composed by a main .ino file and optional other files.
@@ -527,7 +538,8 @@ func (ut *sketch) Publicize() *Sketch {
// A sketch is a program intended to run on an arduino board. It's composed by a main .ino file and optional other files. You should upload only .ino and .h files.
// A sketch is a program intended to run on an arduino board.
// It's composed by a main .ino file and optional other files. You should upload only .ino and .h files.
attachCommand.Flags().StringVar(&attachFlags.boardFlavour,"flavour","default","The Name of the CPU flavour, it is required for some boards (e.g. Arduino Nano).")
attachCommand.Flags().StringVar(&attachFlags.searchTimeout,"timeout","5s","The timeout of the search of connected devices, try to high it if your board is not found (e.g. to 10s).")
listCommand.Flags().StringVar(&listFlags.timeout,"timeout","5s","The timeout of the search of connected devices, try to high it if your board is not found (e.g. to 10s).")
usage:="The timeout of the search of connected devices, try to high it if your board is not found (e.g. to 10s)."
command.Flags().BoolVar(&flags.showProperties,"show-properties",false,"Show all build properties used instead of compiling.")
command.Flags().BoolVar(&flags.preprocess,"preprocess",false,"Print preprocessed code to stdout instead of compiling.")
command.Flags().StringVar(&flags.buildCachePath,"build-cache-path","","Builds of 'core.a' are saved into this path to be cached and reused.")
command.Flags().StringVar(&flags.buildPath,"build-path","","Path where to save compiled files. If omitted, a directory will be created in the default temporary path of your OS.")
command.Flags().StringSliceVar(&flags.buildProperties,"build-properties",[]string{},"List of custom build properties separated by commas. Or can be used multiple times for multiple properties.")
command.Flags().StringVar(&flags.warnings,"warnings","none",`Optional, can be "none", "default", "more" and "all". Defaults to "none". Used to tell gcc which warning level to use (-W flag).`)
command.Flags().BoolVarP(&flags.verbose,"verbose","v",false,"Optional, turns on verbose mode.")
command.Flags().BoolVar(&flags.quiet,"quiet",false,"Optional, supresses almost every output.")
command.Flags().StringVar(&flags.vidPid,"vid-pid","","When specified, VID/PID specific build properties are used, if boards supports them.")
formatter.PrintErrorMessage(fmt.Sprintf("\"%[1]s:%[2]s\" platform is not installed, please install it by running \""+commands.AppName+" core install %[1]s:%[2]s\".",packageName,coreName))
"\"%[1]s:%[2]s\" platform is not installed, please install it by running \""+
initCommand.Flags().BoolVar(&initFlags._default,"default",false,"If omitted, ask questions to the user about setting configuration properties, otherwise use default configuration.")
initCommand.Flags().StringVar(&initFlags.location,"save-as","","Sets where to save the configuration file [default is ./.cli-config.yml].")
"If omitted, ask questions to the user about setting configuration properties, otherwise use default configuration.")
syncCommand.Flags().StringVar(&syncFlags.priority,"conflict-policy",prioritySkip,"The decision made by default on conflicting sketches. Can be push-local, pull-remote, skip, ask-once, ask-always.")
usage:="The decision made by default on conflicting sketches. Can be push-local, pull-remote, skip, ask-once, ask-always."
// Library is a collection of header files containing arduino reusable code and functions. It typically contains its info in a library.properties files. The examples property contains a list of examples that use that library. (default view)
// Library is a collection of header files containing arduino reusable code and functions.
// It typically contains its info in a library.properties files.
// The examples property contains a list of examples that use that library. (default view)
// Library is a collection of header files containing arduino reusable code and functions. It typically contains its info in a library.properties files. The examples property contains a list of examples that use that library. (link view)
// Library is a collection of header files containing arduino reusable code and functions.
// It typically contains its info in a library.properties files.
// The examples property contains a list of examples that use that library. (link view)