Commit 50ebe37a authored by Cristian Maglie's avatar Cristian Maglie

Started refactoring/rationalization of 'core' commands

parent 967ad6af
......@@ -19,10 +19,8 @@ package packagemanager
import (
......@@ -65,58 +63,37 @@ func (pm *PackageManager) FindPlatformRelease(ref *PlatformReference) *cores.Pla
return platformRelease
// FindItemsToDownload takes a set of PlatformReference and returns a set of items to download and
// FindPlatformReleaseDependencies takes a PlatformReference and returns a set of items to download and
// a set of outputs for non existing platforms.
func (pm *PackageManager) FindItemsToDownload(items []PlatformReference) (
[]*cores.PlatformRelease, []*cores.ToolRelease, error) {
retPlatforms := []*cores.PlatformRelease{}
retTools := []*cores.ToolRelease{}
added := map[string]bool{}
for _, item := range items {
targetPackage, exists := pm.packages.Packages[item.Package]
if !exists {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("package %s not found", item.Package)
platform, exists := targetPackage.Platforms[item.PlatformArchitecture]
if !exists {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("platform %s not found in package %s", item.PlatformArchitecture, targetPackage.String())
func (pm *PackageManager) FindPlatformReleaseDependencies(item *PlatformReference) (*cores.PlatformRelease, []*cores.ToolRelease, error) {
targetPackage, exists := pm.packages.Packages[item.Package]
if !exists {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("package %s not found", item.Package)
platform, exists := targetPackage.Platforms[item.PlatformArchitecture]
if !exists {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("platform %s not found in package %s", item.PlatformArchitecture, targetPackage.String())
if added[platform.String()] {
var release *cores.PlatformRelease
if item.PlatformVersion != nil {
release = platform.GetRelease(item.PlatformVersion)
if release == nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("required version %s not found for platform %s", item.PlatformVersion, platform.String())
added[platform.String()] = true
var release *cores.PlatformRelease
if item.PlatformVersion != nil {
release = platform.GetRelease(item.PlatformVersion)
if release == nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("required version %s not found for platform %s", item.PlatformVersion, platform.String())
} else {
release = platform.GetLatestRelease()
if release == nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("platform %s has no available releases", platform.String())
} else {
release = platform.GetLatestRelease()
if release == nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("platform %s has no available releases", platform.String())
retPlatforms = append(retPlatforms, release)
// replaces "latest" with latest version too
toolDeps, err := pm.packages.GetDepsOfPlatformRelease(release)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("getting tool dependencies for platform %s: %s", release.String(), err)
for _, tool := range toolDeps {
if added[tool.String()] {
added[tool.String()] = true
retTools = append(retTools, tool)
// replaces "latest" with latest version too
toolDeps, err := pm.packages.GetDepsOfPlatformRelease(release)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("getting tool dependencies for platform %s: %s", release.String(), err)
return retPlatforms, retTools, nil
return release, toolDeps, nil
// DownloadToolRelease downloads a ToolRelease. If the tool is already downloaded a nil Response
......@@ -134,79 +111,3 @@ func (pm *PackageManager) DownloadToolRelease(tool *cores.ToolRelease) (*grab.Re
func (pm *PackageManager) DownloadPlatformRelease(platform *cores.PlatformRelease) (*grab.Response, error) {
return platform.Resource.Download(pm.DownloadDir)
// FIXME: Make more generic and decouple the error print logic (that list should not exists;
// rather a failure @ the first package)
func (pm *PackageManager) InstallToolReleases(toolReleases []*cores.ToolRelease,
result *output.CoreProcessResults) error {
for _, toolRelease := range toolReleases {
pm.Log.WithField("Package", toolRelease.Tool.Package.Name).
WithField("Name", toolRelease.Tool.Name).
WithField("Version", toolRelease.Version).
Info("Installing tool")
err := pm.InstallTool(toolRelease)
var processResult output.ProcessResult
if err != nil {
if os.IsExist(err) {
pm.Log.WithError(err).Warnf("Cannot install tool `%s`, it is already installed", toolRelease.Tool.Name)
processResult = output.ProcessResult{
Status: "Already Installed",
} else {
pm.Log.WithError(err).Warnf("Cannot install tool `%s`", toolRelease.Tool.Name)
processResult = output.ProcessResult{
Error: err.Error(),
} else {
pm.Log.Info("Adding installed tool to final result")
processResult = output.ProcessResult{
Status: "Installed",
name := toolRelease.String()
processResult.ItemName = name
result.Tools[name] = processResult
return nil
func (pm *PackageManager) InstallPlatformReleases(platformReleases []*cores.PlatformRelease,
outputResults *output.CoreProcessResults) error {
for _, platformRelease := range platformReleases {
pm.Log.WithField("Package", platformRelease.Platform.Package.Name).
WithField("Name", platformRelease.Platform.Name).
WithField("Version", platformRelease.Version).
Info("Installing platform")
err := pm.InstallPlatform(platformRelease)
var result output.ProcessResult
if err != nil {
if os.IsExist(err) {
pm.Log.WithError(err).Warnf("Cannot install platform `%s`, it is already installed", platformRelease.Platform.Name)
result = output.ProcessResult{
Status: "Already Installed",
} else {
pm.Log.WithError(err).Warnf("Cannot install platform `%s`", platformRelease.Platform.Name)
result = output.ProcessResult{
Error: err.Error(),
} else {
pm.Log.Info("Adding installed platform to final result")
result = output.ProcessResult{
Status: "Installed",
name := platformRelease.String()
result.ItemName = name
outputResults.Cores[name] = result
return nil
......@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ func detectLatestAVRCore(t *testing.T) string {
return latest.String()
func TestCoreDownload(t *testing.T) {
func TestCoreCommands(t *testing.T) {
defer makeTempDataDir(t)()
defer makeTempSketchbookDir(t)()
......@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ func TestCoreDownload(t *testing.T) {
// Install avr
exitCode, d = executeWithArgs(t, "core", "install", "arduino:avr")
require.Zero(t, exitCode, "exit code")
require.Contains(t, string(d), AVR+" - Installed")
require.Contains(t, string(d), AVR+" installed")
exitCode, d = executeWithArgs(t, "core", "list")
require.Zero(t, exitCode, "exit code")
......@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ import (
properties ""
......@@ -108,24 +108,9 @@ func run(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
ctags, err := getBuiltinCtagsTool(pm)
if !ctags.IsInstalled() {
formatter.Print("Downloading missing tool: " + ctags.String())
resp, err := pm.DownloadToolRelease(ctags)
if err != nil {
formatter.PrintError(err, "Error downloading ctags")
formatter.DownloadProgressBar(resp, ctags.String())
if resp.Err() != nil {
formatter.PrintError(resp.Err(), "Error downloading ctags")
formatter.Print("Installing " + ctags.String())
res := &output.CoreProcessResults{Tools: map[string]output.ProcessResult{}}
if err := pm.InstallToolReleases([]*cores.ToolRelease{ctags}, res); err != nil {
formatter.PrintError(err, "Error installing ctags")
formatter.PrintErrorMessage("Missing ctags tool.")
formatter.Print("Downloading and installing missing tool: " + ctags.String())
core.DownloadToolRelease(pm, ctags)
core.InstallToolRelease(pm, ctags)
if err := pm.LoadHardware(commands.Config); err != nil {
formatter.PrintError(err, "Could not load hardware packages.")
......@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ import (
// parsePlatformReferenceArgs parses a sequence of "packager:arch@version" tokens and returns a platformReference slice.
func parsePlatformReferenceArgs(args []string) []packagemanager.PlatformReference {
ret := []packagemanager.PlatformReference{}
func parsePlatformReferenceArgs(args []string) []*packagemanager.PlatformReference {
ret := []*packagemanager.PlatformReference{}
for _, arg := range args {
var version *semver.Version
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ func parsePlatformReferenceArgs(args []string) []packagemanager.PlatformReferenc
formatter.PrintErrorMessage(fmt.Sprintf("'%s' is an invalid item (does not match the syntax 'PACKAGER:ARCH[@VERSION]')", arg))
ret = append(ret, packagemanager.PlatformReference{
ret = append(ret, &packagemanager.PlatformReference{
Package: split[0],
PlatformArchitecture: split[1],
PlatformVersion: version,
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ package core
import (
......@@ -45,13 +46,15 @@ func initDownloadCommand() *cobra.Command {
func runDownloadCommand(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
logrus.Info("Executing `arduino core download`")
pm := commands.InitPackageManager()
platformsRefs := parsePlatformReferenceArgs(args)
downloadPlatforms(pm, platformsRefs)
pm := commands.InitPackageManager()
for _, platformRef := range platformsRefs {
downloadPlatformByRef(pm, platformRef)
func downloadPlatforms(pm *packagemanager.PackageManager, platformsRefs []packagemanager.PlatformReference) {
platforms, tools, err := pm.FindItemsToDownload(platformsRefs)
func downloadPlatformByRef(pm *packagemanager.PackageManager, platformsRef *packagemanager.PlatformReference) {
platform, tools, err := pm.FindPlatformReleaseDependencies(platformsRef)
if err != nil {
formatter.PrintError(err, "Could not determine platform dependencies")
......@@ -66,22 +69,24 @@ func downloadPlatforms(pm *packagemanager.PackageManager, platformsRefs []packag
// Download tools
formatter.Print("Downloading tools...")
for _, tool := range tools {
resp, err := pm.DownloadToolRelease(tool)
download(resp, err, tool.String())
DownloadToolRelease(pm, tool)
// Download cores
formatter.Print("Downloading cores...")
for _, platform := range platforms {
resp, err := pm.DownloadPlatformRelease(platform)
download(resp, err, platform.String())
resp, err := pm.DownloadPlatformRelease(platform)
download(resp, err, platform.String())
// DownloadToolRelease downloads a ToolRelease
func DownloadToolRelease(pm *packagemanager.PackageManager, toolRelease *cores.ToolRelease) {
formatter.Print("Downloading " + toolRelease.String() + "...")
resp, err := pm.DownloadToolRelease(toolRelease)
download(resp, err, toolRelease.String())
func download(resp *grab.Response, err error, label string) {
if err != nil {
formatter.PrintError(err, "Error downloading "+label)
......@@ -20,9 +20,10 @@ package core
import (
......@@ -44,37 +45,68 @@ func initInstallCommand() *cobra.Command {
func runInstallCommand(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
logrus.Info("Executing `arduino core download`")
pm := commands.InitPackageManager()
platformsRefs := parsePlatformReferenceArgs(args)
downloadPlatforms(pm, platformsRefs)
pm := commands.InitPackageManager()
for _, platformRef := range platformsRefs {
downloadPlatformByRef(pm, platformRef)
installPlatformByRef(pm, platformRef)
platforms, tools, err := pm.FindItemsToDownload(platformsRefs)
func installPlatformByRef(pm *packagemanager.PackageManager, platformRef *packagemanager.PlatformReference) {
platform, tools, err := pm.FindPlatformReleaseDependencies(platformRef)
if err != nil {
formatter.PrintError(err, "Could not determine platform dependencies")
outputResults := output.CoreProcessResults{
Cores: map[string]output.ProcessResult{},
Tools: map[string]output.ProcessResult{},
for _, tool := range tools {
InstallToolRelease(pm, tool)
installPlatformRelease(pm, platform)
logrus.Info("Installing tools")
formatter.Print("Installing tools...")
func installPlatformRelease(pm *packagemanager.PackageManager, platformRelease *cores.PlatformRelease) {
log := pm.Log.WithField("platform", platformRelease)
if err := pm.InstallToolReleases(tools, &outputResults); err != nil {
formatter.PrintError(err, "Error installing tools.")
log.Info("Installing platform")
formatter.Print("Installing " + platformRelease.String() + "...")
err := pm.InstallPlatform(platformRelease)
if os.IsExist(err) {
log.Warn("Platform already installed")
formatter.Print("Platform " + platformRelease.String() + " already installed")
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("Cannot install platform")
logrus.Info("Installing cores")
formatter.Print("Installing platforms...")
if err := pm.InstallPlatformReleases(platforms, &outputResults); err != nil {
formatter.PrintError(err, "Error installing platform.")
log.Info("Platform installed")
formatter.Print(platformRelease.String() + " installed")
// InstallToolRelease installs a ToolRelease
func InstallToolRelease(pm *packagemanager.PackageManager, toolRelease *cores.ToolRelease) {
log := pm.Log.WithField("Tool", toolRelease)
log.Info("Installing tool")
formatter.Print("Installing " + toolRelease.String())
err := pm.InstallTool(toolRelease)
if os.IsExist(err) {
log.Warn("Tool already installed")
formatter.Print("Tool " + toolRelease.String() + " already installed")
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Warn("Cannot install tool")
formatter.PrintError(err, "Cannot install tool: "+toolRelease.String())
log.Info("Tool installed")
formatter.Print(toolRelease.String() + " installed")
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