Unverified Commit 469b3395 authored by Martino Facchin's avatar Martino Facchin Committed by GitHub

Improve precompiled libraries handling (#512)

General change:
 - library compilation bails out if the precompiled object is found.
   This allows mixed libraries that fallback using sources if no suitable precompiled object is found

ARM float specification change:
 - Cortex M4+ allows specifying different flags for floating point ABI
   This patch introduces a second level of subfolder that MUST be used is -mfpu or -mfloat-abi are specified on the commandline
   Since there's no clear specification (unlike build.mcu), the values are extracted from c++ recipe

   For example, for a target which commandline contains `-mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16` , the precompiled search path will be
   If that folder doesn't exist the library will be compiled from sources

Fixes https://github.com/arduino/arduino-builder/issues/256
parent fe48668a
......@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ const MSG_FIND_INCLUDES_FAILED = "Error while detecting libraries included by {0
const MSG_INVALID_QUOTING = "Invalid quoting: no closing [{0}] char found."
const MSG_LIB_LEGACY = "(legacy)"
const MSG_LIBRARIES_MULTIPLE_LIBS_FOUND_FOR = "Multiple libraries were found for \"{0}\""
const MSG_PRECOMPILED_LIBRARY_NOT_FOUND_FOR = "Library \"{0}\" declared precompiled but folder \"{1}\" does not exist"
const MSG_LIBRARIES_NOT_USED = " Not used: {0}"
const MSG_LIBRARIES_USED = " Used: {0}"
const MSG_LIBRARY_CAN_USE_SRC_AND_UTILITY_FOLDERS = "Library can't use both 'src' and 'utility' folders. Double check {0}"
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
package phases
import (
......@@ -31,6 +32,8 @@ import (
var FLOAT_ABI_CFLAG = "float-abi"
var FPU_CFLAG = "fpu"
type LibrariesBuilder struct{}
......@@ -57,28 +60,83 @@ func (s *LibrariesBuilder) Run(ctx *types.Context) error {
return nil
func findExpectedPrecompiledLibFolder(ctx *types.Context, library *libraries.Library) *paths.Path {
mcu := ctx.BuildProperties.Get(constants.BUILD_PROPERTIES_BUILD_MCU)
// Add fpu specifications if they exist
// To do so, resolve recipe.cpp.o.pattern,
// search for -mfpu=xxx -mfloat-abi=yyy and add to a subfolder
command, _ := builder_utils.PrepareCommandForRecipe(ctx, ctx.BuildProperties, constants.RECIPE_CPP_PATTERN, true)
fpuSpecs := ""
for _, el := range strings.Split(command.String(), " ") {
if strings.Contains(el, FPU_CFLAG) {
toAdd := strings.Split(el, "=")
if len(toAdd) > 1 {
fpuSpecs += strings.TrimSpace(toAdd[1]) + "-"
for _, el := range strings.Split(command.String(), " ") {
if strings.Contains(el, FLOAT_ABI_CFLAG) {
toAdd := strings.Split(el, "=")
if len(toAdd) > 1 {
fpuSpecs += strings.TrimSpace(toAdd[1]) + "-"
logger := ctx.GetLogger()
if len(fpuSpecs) > 0 {
fpuSpecs = strings.TrimRight(fpuSpecs, "-")
if library.SourceDir.Join(mcu).Join(fpuSpecs).Exist() {
return library.SourceDir.Join(mcu).Join(fpuSpecs)
} else {
// we are unsure, compile from sources
logger.Fprintln(os.Stdout, constants.LOG_LEVEL_INFO,
constants.MSG_PRECOMPILED_LIBRARY_NOT_FOUND_FOR, library.Name, library.SourceDir.Join(mcu).Join(fpuSpecs))
return nil
if library.SourceDir.Join(mcu).Exist() {
return library.SourceDir.Join(mcu)
logger.Fprintln(os.Stdout, constants.LOG_LEVEL_INFO,
constants.MSG_PRECOMPILED_LIBRARY_NOT_FOUND_FOR, library.Name, library.SourceDir.Join(mcu))
return nil
func fixLDFLAGforPrecompiledLibraries(ctx *types.Context, libs libraries.List) error {
for _, library := range libs {
if library.Precompiled {
// add library src path to compiler.c.elf.extra_flags
// use library.Name as lib name and srcPath/{mcpu} as location
mcu := ctx.BuildProperties.Get(constants.BUILD_PROPERTIES_BUILD_MCU)
path := library.SourceDir.Join(mcu).String()
path := findExpectedPrecompiledLibFolder(ctx, library)
if path == nil {
// find all library names in the folder and prepend -l
filePaths := []string{}
libs_cmd := library.LDflags + " "
extensions := func(ext string) bool { return PRECOMPILED_LIBRARIES_VALID_EXTENSIONS_DYNAMIC[ext] }
utils.FindFilesInFolder(&filePaths, path, extensions, true)
extensions := func(ext string) bool {
utils.FindFilesInFolder(&filePaths, path.String(), extensions, false)
for _, lib := range filePaths {
name := strings.TrimSuffix(filepath.Base(lib), filepath.Ext(lib))
// strip "lib" first occurrence
name = strings.Replace(name, "lib", "", 1)
libs_cmd += "-l" + name + " "
if strings.HasPrefix(name, "lib") {
name = strings.Replace(name, "lib", "", 1)
libs_cmd += "-l" + name + " "
currLDFlags := ctx.BuildProperties.Get(constants.BUILD_PROPERTIES_COMPILER_LIBRARIES_LDFLAGS)
ctx.BuildProperties.Set(constants.BUILD_PROPERTIES_COMPILER_LIBRARIES_LDFLAGS, currLDFlags+"\"-L"+path+"\" "+libs_cmd+" ")
ctx.BuildProperties.Set(constants.BUILD_PROPERTIES_COMPILER_LIBRARIES_LDFLAGS, currLDFlags+"\"-L"+path.String()+"\" "+libs_cmd+" ")
return nil
......@@ -115,15 +173,21 @@ func compileLibrary(ctx *types.Context, library *libraries.Library, buildPath *p
extensions := func(ext string) bool { return PRECOMPILED_LIBRARIES_VALID_EXTENSIONS_STATIC[ext] }
filePaths := []string{}
mcu := buildProperties.Get(constants.BUILD_PROPERTIES_BUILD_MCU)
err := utils.FindFilesInFolder(&filePaths, library.SourceDir.Join(mcu).String(), extensions, true)
if err != nil {
return nil, i18n.WrapError(err)
for _, path := range filePaths {
if strings.Contains(filepath.Base(path), library.RealName) {
precompiledPath := findExpectedPrecompiledLibFolder(ctx, library)
if precompiledPath != nil {
// TODO: This codepath is just taken for .a with unusual names that would
// be ignored by -L / -l methods.
// Should we force precompiled libraries to start with "lib" ?
err := utils.FindFilesInFolder(&filePaths, precompiledPath.String(), extensions, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, i18n.WrapError(err)
for _, path := range filePaths {
if !strings.HasPrefix(filepath.Base(path), "lib") {
return objectFiles, nil
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