Unverified Commit 37a8e5ea authored by Massimiliano Pippi's avatar Massimiliano Pippi Committed by GitHub

Do not hit github api to get latest version from install script (#347)

* do not hit github api to get latest version

* don't use PCRE
parent dd6f633c
......@@ -67,6 +67,24 @@ initDownloadTool() {
echo "Using $DOWNLOAD_TOOL as download tool"
checkLatestVersion() {
# Use the GitHub releases webpage to find the latest version for this project
# so we don't get rate-limited.
local tag
local regex="[0-9][A-Za-z0-9\.-]*"
local latest_url="https://github.com/arduino/arduino-cli/releases/latest"
if [ "$DOWNLOAD_TOOL" = "curl" ]; then
tag=$(curl -SsL $latest_url | grep -o "Release $regex · arduino/arduino-cli" | grep -o "$regex")
elif [ "$DOWNLOAD_TOOL" = "wget" ]; then
tag=$(wget -q -O - $latest_url | grep -o "Release $regex · arduino/arduino-cli" | grep -o "$regex")
if [ "x$tag" == "x" ]; then
echo "Cannot determine latest tag."
exit 1
eval "$1='$tag'"
get() {
local url="$2"
local body
......@@ -101,8 +119,7 @@ getFile() {
downloadFile() {
get TAG_JSON https://api.github.com/repos/arduino/arduino-cli/releases/latest
TAG=$(echo $TAG_JSON | python -c 'import json,sys;obj=json.load(sys.stdin, strict=False);sys.stdout.write(obj["tag_name"])')
checkLatestVersion TAG
echo "TAG=$TAG"
# arduino-cli_0.4.0-rc1_Linux_64bit.[tar.gz, zip]
if [ "$OS" == "Windows" ]; then
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