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git-svn-id: http://blockly.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@1719 c400ca83-b69d-9dd7-9705-49c6b8615e23
parent 135d4feb
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
"Plane.placeholder": "?",
"Plane.setSeats": "iskemey =",
"Puzzle.country1": "Awıstralya",
"Puzzle.country1Language": "Ingiltere",
"Puzzle.country1Language": "İngılızki",
"Puzzle.country1City1": "Melbourne",
"Puzzle.country1City2": "Sidney",
"Puzzle.country1HelpUrl": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australia",
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
"Apps.catLists": "Listas",
"Apps.catColour": "Color",
"Apps.catVariables": "Variabiles",
"Apps.catProcedures": "Proceduras",
"Apps.catProcedures": "Functiones",
"Apps.httpRequestError": "Il habeva un problema con le requesta.",
"Apps.linkAlert": "Divide tu blocos con iste ligamine:\n\n%1",
"Apps.hashError": "Infelicemente, '%1' non corresponde a alcun programma salveguardate.",
......@@ -45,7 +45,11 @@
"Turtle.title": "Graphicos de tortuca",
"Apps.turtleSubtitle": "Usa Blockly pro designar.",
"Apps.graphSubtitle": "Face graphicos de functiones con Blockly.",
"Plane.plane": "Avion",
"Apps.codeSubtitle": "Exportar un programma Blockly in JavaScript, Python, Dart o XMl.",
"Plane.plane": "Calculator de sedias de avion",
"Apps.planeSubtitle": "Resolver un problema mathematic con un o duo variabiles.",
"Apps.blockFactory": "Fabrica de blocos",
"Apps.blockfactorySubtitle": "Construer blocos personalisate con Blockly.",
"Maze.moveForward": "avantiar",
"Maze.turnLeft": "girar a sinistra",
"Maze.turnRight": "girar a dextra",
......@@ -4,10 +4,10 @@
"John Reid"
"Apps.subtitle": "ae veesual programin envîronment",
"Apps.subtitle": "ae veesual programin environment",
"Apps.blocklyMessage": "Blockly (Blocklie)",
"Apps.codeTooltip": "See generated JavaScript code.",
"Apps.linkTooltip": "Hain n link til blocks.",
"Apps.linkTooltip": "Hain n airt til blocks.",
"Apps.runTooltip": "Rin the program defined bi the blocks in the wairkspace.",
"Apps.runProgram": "Rin Program",
"Apps.resetProgram": "Reset",
......@@ -22,22 +22,22 @@
"Apps.catVariables": "Variables",
"Apps.catProcedures": "Functions",
"Apps.httpRequestError": "Thaur wis ae problem wi the request.",
"Apps.linkAlert": "Shair yer blocks wi this link:\n\n%1",
"Apps.linkAlert": "Shair yer blocks wi this airtin:\n\n%1",
"Apps.hashError": "Sairrie, '%1' disna correspond wi onie hained program.",
"Apps.xmlError": "Coudnae laid yer hained file. Perhaps it wis makit wi ae deefferent version o Blockly?",
"Apps.listVariable": "leet",
"Apps.textVariable": "tex",
"Code.badXml": "Mistak parsin XML:\n%1\n\nSelect 'OK' tae hiff yer chynges or 'Cancel' tae further eidit the XML.",
"Code.badXml": "Mistak parsin XML:\n%1\n\nSelect 'OK' tae hiff yer chynges or 'Cancel' tae further eedit the XML.",
"Code.badCode": "Program mistak:\n%1",
"Code.timeout": "Mucklest execûtion iterations exceeded.",
"Code.timeout": "Mucklest execution iterations exceedit.",
"Code.discard": "Delyte aw %1 blocks?",
"Code.title": "Code",
"Code.blocks": "Blocks",
"Code.trashTooltip": "Hiff aw blocks.",
"Graph.title": "Graphin Calcûlater",
"Graph.title": "Graphin Calculater",
"Apps.indexTitle": "Blockly Apps",
"Apps.indexFooter": "Blockly is free n apen soorce. Tae contreebute code or owersets til Blockly, or tae uise Blockly in yer ain app, veesit %1.",
"Apps.choiceIntro": "Blockly is ae grapheecal programin envîronment. Ablo ar some sample appleecâtions that uise Blockly.",
"Apps.choiceIntro": "Blockly is ae grapheecal programin environment. Ablo is some sample appleecations that uise Blockly.",
"Puzzle.title": "Jigsaw puzzle",
"Apps.puzzleSubtitle": "Learn tae uise Blockly's interface.",
"Maze.maze": "Maze",
......@@ -45,11 +45,11 @@
"Turtle.title": "Turtle Grapheecs",
"Apps.turtleSubtitle": "Uise Blockly tae draw.",
"Apps.graphSubtitle": "Plot functions wi Blockly.",
"Apps.codeSubtitle": "Export ae Blockly program intil JavaScript, Python, Dart or XML.",
"Apps.codeSubtitle": "Export ae Blockly program intae JavaScript, Python, Dart or XML.",
"Plane.plane": "Airplane Seat Calculater",
"Apps.planeSubtitle": "Solve ae maths problem wi yin or twa vareeables.",
"Apps.blockFactory": "Block Facterie",
"Apps.blockfactorySubtitle": "Big custym blocks uisin Blockly.",
"Apps.blockfactorySubtitle": "Big custom blocks uisin Blockly.",
"Maze.moveForward": "muiv forewaird",
"Maze.turnLeft": "turn cair",
"Maze.turnRight": "turn richt",
......@@ -57,32 +57,32 @@
"Maze.elseCode": "itherwise",
"Maze.helpIfElse": "Gif-itherwise blocks will dae yin thing or the ither.",
"Maze.pathAhead": "gif path is aheid",
"Maze.pathLeft": "gif path is til the cair",
"Maze.pathRight": "gif path is til the richt",
"Maze.pathLeft": "gif path is oan the cair",
"Maze.pathRight": "gif path is oan the richt",
"Maze.repeatUntil": "repeat ontil",
"Maze.moveForwardTooltip": "Muivs the player forewaird yin space.",
"Maze.turnTooltip": "Turns the player cair or richt bi 90 degrees.",
"Maze.ifTooltip": "Gif thaur is ae path in the speceefied direction, than dae some aictions.",
"Maze.ifelseTooltip": "Gif thaur is ae path in the speceefied direction, than dae the firstwhile block o aictions. Itherwise, dae the seicont block o aictions.",
"Maze.whileTooltip": "Repeat the enclaised aictions ontil finish point is reached.",
"Maze.ifelseTooltip": "Gif thaur is ae path in the speceefied direction, than dae the first block o aictions. Itherwise, dae the seicont block o aictions.",
"Maze.whileTooltip": "Repeat the enclaised aictions ontil the finish point is reached.",
"Maze.capacity0": "Ye hae %0 blocks left.",
"Maze.capacity1": "Ye hae %1 block left.",
"Maze.capacity2": "Ye hae %2 blocks left.",
"Maze.nextLevel": "Congratulâtions! Ar ye readie tae proceed til level %1?",
"Maze.finalLevel": "Congratulâtions! Ye'v solved the final level.",
"Maze.nextLevel": "Congratulations! Ar ye readie tae proceed tae level %1?",
"Maze.finalLevel": "Congratulations! Ye'v solved the final level.",
"Maze.runTooltip": "Maks the player dae whit the blocks say.",
"Maze.resetTooltip": "Put the player back at the stairt o the maze.",
"Maze.helpStack": "Stack ae coople o 'muiv forewaird' blocks thegather tae heelp me reach the goal.",
"Maze.helpStack": "Stack some 'muiv forewaird' blocks thegather tae heelp me reach the goal.",
"Maze.helpOneTopBlock": "Oan this level, ye need tae stack thegather aw o the blocks in the white warkspace.",
"Maze.helpRun": "Rin yer program tae see whit happens.",
"Maze.helpReset": "Yer program didna solve the maze. Press 'Reset' n try again.",
"Maze.helpReset": "Yer program didna solve the maze. Press 'Reset' n gie it anither shot.",
"Maze.helpRepeat": "Reach the end o this path uisin yinlie twa blocks. Uise 'repeat' tae rin ae block mair than yince.",
"Maze.helpCapacity": "Ye'v uised up aw the blocks fer this level. Tae mak ae new block, ye maun first delyte aen exeestin block.",
"Maze.helpRepeatMany": "Ye can fit mair than yin block inside ae 'repeat' block.",
"Maze.helpSkins": "Chuise yer favoorite player fae this menu.",
"Maze.helpIf": "Ae 'gif' block will dae sommit yinly gif the condeetion is true. Try turnin cair gif thaur is ae path til the cair.",
"Maze.helpIf": "Ae 'gif' block will dae sommit yinlie gif the condeetion is true. Gie turnin cair ae shot gif thaur is ae path oan the cair.",
"Maze.helpMenu": "Clap oan %1 in the 'gif' block tae chynge its condeetion.",
"Maze.helpWallFollow": "Can ye solve this compleecated maze? Try follaein the cair waa. Advanced programmers yinly!",
"Maze.helpWallFollow": "Can ye solve this compleecated maze? Gie follaein the cair waa ae shot. Advanced programmers yinlie!",
"Plane.rows": "Rows: %1",
"Plane.getRows": "rows (%1)",
"Plane.rows1": "1st claiss rows: %1",
......@@ -119,11 +119,11 @@
"Puzzle.flag": "banner:",
"Puzzle.language": "leid:",
"Puzzle.languageChoose": "chuise...",
"Puzzle.cities": "cities:",
"Puzzle.cities": "ceeties:",
"Puzzle.error0": "Perfect!\nAw %1 blocks ar correct.",
"Puzzle.error1": "Naerlie! yin block is oncorrect.",
"Puzzle.error2": "%1 blocks ar oncorrect.",
"Puzzle.tryAgain": "The heilichted block isna correct.\nKeep tryin.",
"Puzzle.tryAgain": "The heilichted block is no correct.\nKeep it up.",
"Puzzle.help": "Heelp",
"Puzzle.checkAnswers": "Check Answers",
"Puzzle.helpText": "Fer ilka kintrie (green), attach its banner, chuise its leid, an mak ae stack o its cities.",
......@@ -134,24 +134,24 @@
"Turtle.turnRight": "turn richt bi",
"Turtle.turnLeft": "turn cair bi",
"Turtle.widthTooltip": "Chynges the width o the pen.",
"Turtle.setWidth": "set width til",
"Turtle.setWidth": "set width tae",
"Turtle.colourTooltip": "Chynges the colour o the pen.",
"Turtle.setColour": "set colour til",
"Turtle.setColour": "set colour tae",
"Turtle.penTooltip": "Lifts or lowers the pen, tae stap or stairt drawin.",
"Turtle.penUp": "pen up",
"Turtle.penDown": "pen doon",
"Turtle.turtleVisibilityTooltip": "Maks the turtle (circle n arrae) veesible or onveesible.",
"Turtle.turtleVisibilityTooltip": "Maks the turtle (circle n pointer) veesible or onveesible.",
"Turtle.hideTurtle": "skauk turtle",
"Turtle.showTurtle": "shaw turtle",
"Turtle.printTooltip": "Draws tex in the turtle's direction at its locâtion.",
"Turtle.printTooltip": "Draws tex in the turtle's direction at its location.",
"Turtle.print": "prent",
"Turtle.fontTooltip": "Sets the font uised bi the prent block.",
"Turtle.font": "font",
"Turtle.fontSize": "font size",
"Turtle.fontNormal": "normal",
"Turtle.fontBold": "baud",
"Turtle.fontItalic": "italic",
"Turtle.unloadWarning": "Leain this page will result in the loss o yer wark.",
"Turtle.fontItalic": "italeec",
"Turtle.unloadWarning": "Leain this page will ootcome in the loss o yer wark.",
"Turtle.runTooltip": "Maks the turtle dae whit the blocks say.",
"Turtle.captureTooltip": "Hain the drawin.",
"Turtle.imgFilename": "drawing.png",
......@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
"DISABLE_BLOCK": "Disactivar bloco",
"ENABLE_BLOCK": "Activar bloco",
"HELP": "Adjuta",
"CHAT": "Conversa con tu collaborator scribente in iste quadro!",
"AUTH": "Per favor autorisa iste application pro permitter de salveguardar tu travalio e pro permitter que tu lo divide con alteres.",
"CHANGE_VALUE_TITLE": "Cambiar valor:",
"NEW_VARIABLE": "Nove variabile...",
"NEW_VARIABLE_TITLE": "Nomine del nove variabile:",
......@@ -107,5 +109,15 @@
"MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_LN": "Retornar le logarithmo natural de un numero.",
"MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_LOG10": "Retornar le logarithmo in base 10 del numero.",
"MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_EXP": "Retornar e elevate al potentia del numero.",
"MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_POW10": "Retornar 10 elevate al potentia de un numero."
"MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_POW10": "Retornar 10 elevate al potentia de un numero.",
"MATH_IS_EVEN": "es par",
"MATH_IS_ODD": "es impare",
"MATH_IS_PRIME": "es prime",
"MATH_IS_WHOLE": "es integre",
"MATH_IS_POSITIVE": "es positive",
"MATH_IS_NEGATIVE": "es negative",
"MATH_IS_DIVISIBLE_BY": "es divisibile per",
"MATH_IS_TOOLTIP": "Verificar si un numero es par, impare, prime, integre, positive, negative, o divisibile per un certe numero. Retorna ver o false.",
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