Commit 4a407ec1 authored by carlosperate's avatar carlosperate

Update the application packing script (OS X zipping):

The current Mac OS X build is significantly larger than the others due to symlinks being copied as files. So this update copies the contents of the application respecting symlinks and zips it using the Mac OS console command in a subprocess. This is because the zipfile Python module has issues with the symlinks.

Edit the tag to include the OS and reduce the commit hash length.
Change outdated CEFPython cache removal for Electron appData.
Add method to remove a file type from a given directory (like pyd from the python server, cannot filter all pyd on copy due to the Python to executable conversion relaying on those).
Edit the stdout for better readability.

Also update the TODO list.
parent a66a066d
# Ardublockly to-do list
## Linux specific
## Python server
- [ ] Complete `compilerserttings` module unit test
- [ ] Complete `actions` module unit test module
- [ ] Check for more possible issues with unicode in Python 2
- [ ] Experiment with the `--preserve-temp-files` flag to maintain temporary files and speed up CLI compilation.
#### Linux specific
- [ ] Test load to board in Linux with Arduino 1.6 (current test in raspberry pi and ubuntu to load sketches in the IDE) with python 2
- [ ] Comprehensive test of server with python 3
- [ ] Current port list shows all dev/tty, as all Arduinos should be connected by USB this list can be filtered to only show ttyUSBx ports
## Mac OS X specific
#### Mac OS X specific
- [ ] Comprehensive test of server with python 2
- [ ] Comprehensive test of server with python 3
## Windows specific
#### Windows specific
#### Python 3 specific
## Python 3 specific
## Ardublockly front end
- [x] ~~Remove old IDE output text while waiting for a new verify/open/upload~~
- [ ] Change delete all icon with "new"
- [ ] Similar to Arduino IDE, select area to display button action text, and change the text with button mouse over
- [ ] Ensure that basic empty sketch code shows on page load
- [ ] On low resolutions ensure the blockly vertical height is lower than the viewport
## Server
- [ ] Complete `compilerserttings` module unite test
- [ ] Complete `actions` module unit test module
## Blockly general
- [x] ~~Expand `setWarning` to be able to buffer and manage several warnings per block (add an ID to a block of text)~~
- [ ] Implement the zoom feature from @carloslfu once properly tested and matured
## Ardublockly desktop wrapper
- [ ] Wait for resolution and implement appData directory move fixes
- [ ] Move Electron front end changes script from ardublockly html injection into preload script executed from Electron
- [ ] Add menu to directly select a between the different Arduino boards supported
- [ ] Executable app signing
## Blockly
- [ ] Merge changes from upstream to add zoom functionality
- [ ] Modify zoom icons to be smaller and placed in top right corner
- [ ] Modify zoom to be available without using the scroll
- [x] ~~Add setup and loop functions to the custom toolbox flyout and ensure only one instance can be included in workspace~~
- [ ] Arduino setup and loop block can be copy/pasted using keyboard shorcuts, stop this from happening
## Static typing
#### Blockly changes to feed upstream
- [ ] Any useful changes to the zoom functionality
#### Static typing
- [ ] logic_ternary block getType to defines type as that of its inputs
- [ ] logic_null block right now does not return a type, this might change
- [ ] math_number block 'errornumber' type used for debugging, remove
......@@ -40,14 +59,11 @@
- [ ] the loops count type is set to int, user could input a decimal, so add input checking to determine type
- [ ] Number blocks automatically trim unnecessary decimal digits "x.0 => x", change this behavior so that "x.0" can be set as a decimal
## Arduino generator related code
- [x] ~~Add information for other Arduino boards~~
- [x] ~~Add a way to switch Arduino boards dynamically~~
#### Arduino generator
- [ ] Text trim does not currently generate Arduino valid code
- [ ] Second part of the generator refactory
## Arduino blocks
- [x] ~~Add a way to select different Arduino boards (settings menu should trigger arduino generator board change)~~
#### Arduino blocks
- [ ] Code generator for lists into arrays
- [ ] A lot of blocks go through the entire block tree, which end ups being inefficient. Maybe create a general pass through in the arduino.js file to check everything that needs to be checked in one pass.
- [ ] SPI pin reservation log needs to be refactored for the new board settings
......@@ -57,14 +73,10 @@
- [ ] Allow to add return statement to the Arduino setup()/loop() functions
## Arduino front end
- [x] ~~Edit toolbox fade out + visibility button fade in with a CSS animated change in height with overflow hidden~~
- [ ] Remove old IDE output text while waiting for a new verify/open/upload
# Future features
## Future features
- [ ] Block creator app that also used blockly to create the generator code
- [ ] Server component of the block creator to add files into folder and client side update to read them and include them into the toolbox
- [ ] Serial console for comms with Arduino
- [ ] Serial data graphing
- [ ] SVG image creation to displayed used pins with given function
- [ ] Auto updating for the desktop app
......@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ import shutil
import struct
import zipfile
import platform
import subprocess
script_tag = "[Ardublockly pack] "
......@@ -74,7 +75,7 @@ def set_tag(tag):
def get_build_tag():
The tag will always contain the timestamp and architecture version.
The tag will always contain the timestamp and platform architecture.
If provided as a command line argument it will add an additional string,
if not it will check for environmental variables set in build servers to
create an identification tag.
......@@ -82,8 +83,9 @@ def get_build_tag():
# All tags begging with architecture type (based on the Python version) and
# the current time stamp
arch_time_stamp = "%sbit_%s" % ((struct.calcsize('P') * 8),
arch_time_stamp = "%s%s_%s" % (platform.system(),
(struct.calcsize('P') * 8),
# Check if a command line argument has been given
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
......@@ -149,14 +151,14 @@ def tag_from_ci_env_vars(ci_name, pull_request_var, branch_var, commit_var):
(pull_request_var, pull_request, ci_name))
if branch and commit:
print(script_tab + "Branch and commit valid '%s' variables found: %s %s"
print(script_tab + "\tBranch and commit valid '%s' variables found: %s %s"
% (ci_name, branch, commit))
# We only return first 10 digits from the commit ID (normal length 40)
commit = "%s" % commit
return "%s_%s" % (branch, commit[:10])
return "%s_%s" % (branch, commit[:5])
print(script_tab + "The environmental variables for %s " % ci_name +
"were deemed invalid:\n" +
print(script_tab + "\tThe environmental variables for %s " % ci_name +
"were deemed invalid.\n" +
script_tab + "\t%s: %s\n" % (pull_request_var, pull_request) +
script_tab + "\t%s: %s\n" % (branch_var, branch) +
script_tab + "\t%s: %s" % (commit_var, commit))
......@@ -181,14 +183,13 @@ def copy_ardublockly_folder():
ignore_pat = (".git*", ".svn", ".travis*", ".appveyor*", "circle.yml",
".ruby-version", "TestTemp_*", "package")
test = shutil.ignore_patterns(*ignore_pat)
if not os.path.exists(copied_project_dir):
print(script_tab + "Copying contents of %s\n" % project_root_dir +
script_tab + "into %s" % copied_project_dir)
print(script_tab + "Copying contents of %s" % project_root_dir)
print(script_tab + " into %s" % copied_project_dir)
print(script_tab + "ERROR: %s directory already exists!" %
......@@ -206,10 +207,31 @@ def remove_unnecessary_blockly():
remove_directory(os.path.join(copied_project_dir, "blockly", "tests"))
def remove_file_type_from(file_extension, scan_path):
Removes all files with an specific extension from a given directory.
:param file_extension: File extension of the files to remove
:param scan_path: Directory to scan for file removal.
source = os.listdir(scan_path)
for file_ in source:
if file_.endswith("." + file_extension):
file_path = os.path.join(scan_path, file_)
print(script_tab + "Deleting file: %s" % file_path)
def zip_ardublockly_copy(name_append):
Zips the contents of the copied project folder into a subdirectory of
the original project folder.
There is some weird zip module magic numbers:
zipfile.ZipInfo().create_system: Defines the system creating the zip
file set to 0 for Windows and to 3 for anything else (unix-y as
described by the Python source code).
zipfile.ZipInfo().external_attr: Is the External file attributes, the
value 2716663808L is the long representation of '0xA1ED0000L', some
symlink attribute magic...
zip_file_dir = os.path.join(project_root_dir, "releases")
zip_file_location = os.path.join(
......@@ -227,17 +249,26 @@ def zip_ardublockly_copy(name_append):
old_cwd = os.getcwd()
print(script_tab + "Changing Working Directory from %s to %s" %
(old_cwd, os.getcwd()))
print(script_tab + "Zipping the contents of %s" % app_folder)
print(script_tab + "into %s" % zip_file_location)
print(script_tab + "Changing cwd from %s" % old_cwd)
print(script_tab + " to %s" % os.getcwd())
print(script_tab + "Zipping %s" % app_folder)
print(script_tab + " into %s" % zip_file_location)
zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_file_location, "w", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
for dir_name, sub_dirs, files in os.walk(copy_dir_name):
for filename in files:
zip_file.write(os.path.join(dir_name, filename))
if platform.system() == "Darwin":
# There are issues with zipfile and symlinks, so use zip command line
zip_process = subprocess.Popen(
["zip", "--symlinks", "-r", zip_file_location, copy_dir_name],
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
std_op, std_err_op = zip_process.communicate()
if std_err_op:
print(script_tab + "Error using zip command:\n%s" % std_err_op)
zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_file_location, "w", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
for root_dir, sub_dirs, files in os.walk(copy_dir_name):
for filename in files:
zip_file.write(os.path.join(root_dir, filename))
def pack_ardublockly(tag):
......@@ -259,11 +290,16 @@ def pack_ardublockly(tag):
print(script_tag + "Removing unnecessary Blockly files:")
print(script_tag + "Removing Python server .pyc files:")
scan_path=os.path.join(copied_project_dir, "ardublocklyserver"))
print(script_tag + "Removing any already zipped Ardublockly version:")
remove_directory(os.path.join(copied_project_dir, "releases"))
print(script_tag + "Removing CEF temporary files:")
remove_directory(os.path.join(copied_project_dir, "webcache"))
print(script_tag + "Removing Electron session app data files:")
remove_directory(os.path.join(copied_project_dir, "arduexec", "appdata"))
print(script_tag + "Creating zip file of the new Ardublockly folder:")
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