Commit 9d8db547 authored by Beka Westberg's avatar Beka Westberg Committed by Evan W. Patton

Change round tooltip to include even rounding info

parent 7d759909
......@@ -438,13 +438,14 @@ Blockly.Msg.en.switch_language_to_english = {
Blockly.Msg.LANG_MATH_SINGLE_HELPURL_EXP ='/reference/blocks/math.html#e';
/*Blockly.Msg.LANG_MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_POW10 = 'Return 10 to the power of a number.';*/
Blockly.Msg.LANG_MATH_ROUND_TOOLTIP_ROUND = 'Round a number up or down.';
Blockly.Msg.LANG_MATH_ROUND_TOOLTIP_ROUND = 'Rounds the input to the nearest integer. ' +
'Values with a fraction of .5 are rounded to the nearest even integer.';
Blockly.Msg.LANG_MATH_ROUND_HELPURL_ROUND = '/reference/blocks/math.html#round';
Blockly.Msg.LANG_MATH_ROUND_TOOLTIP_CEILING = 'Rounds the input to the smallest\n' +
'number not less then the input';
'number not less then the input.';
Blockly.Msg.LANG_MATH_ROUND_HELPURL_CEILING = '/reference/blocks/math.html#ceiling';
Blockly.Msg.LANG_MATH_ROUND_TOOLTIP_FLOOR = 'Rounds the input to the largest\n' +
'number not greater then the input';
'number not greater then the input.';
Blockly.Msg.LANG_MATH_ROUND_HELPURL_FLOOR = '/reference/blocks/math.html#floor';
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