Commit db7a9987 authored by Bodmer's avatar Bodmer

Increase precision for Sprite to Sprite rotations

Based on pull request #543
parent 83d202dd
......@@ -561,8 +561,8 @@ bool TFT_eSprite::pushRotated(TFT_eSprite *spr, int16_t angle, int32_t transp)
float sinraf = sin(radAngle);
float cosraf = cos(radAngle);
int32_t sinra = sinraf * (1<<FP_SCALE);
int32_t cosra = cosraf * (1<<FP_SCALE);
int32_t sinra = round(sinraf * (1<<FP_SCALE));
int32_t cosra = round(cosraf * (1<<FP_SCALE));
// Bounding box parameters
int16_t min_x;
......@@ -595,37 +595,46 @@ bool TFT_eSprite::pushRotated(TFT_eSprite *spr, int16_t angle, int32_t transp)
if (max_x > spr->width()) max_x = spr->width();
if (max_y > spr->height()) max_y = spr->height();
uint16_t sline_buffer[max_x - min_x + 1];
int32_t xt = min_x - spr->_xpivot;
int32_t yt = min_y - spr->_ypivot;
uint32_t xe = _iwidth << FP_SCALE;
uint32_t ye = _iheight << FP_SCALE;
uint32_t tpcolor = transp; // convert to unsigned
bool oldSwapBytes = spr->getSwapBytes();
// Scan destination bounding box and fetch transformed pixels from source Sprite
for (int32_t x = min_x; x <= max_x; x++)
int32_t xt = x - spr->_xpivot;
float cxt = cosra * xt + (_xpivot<<FP_SCALE);
float sxt = sinra * xt + (_ypivot<<FP_SCALE);
bool column_drawn = false;
for (int32_t y = min_y; y <= max_y; y++)
int32_t yt = y - spr->_ypivot;
int32_t xs = cxt - sinra * yt;
// Do not calculate yp unless xp is in bounds
int32_t xp = truncateFP(xs, FP_SCALE);
if (xp >= 0 && xp < _iwidth)
int32_t ys = sxt + cosra * yt;
// Check if ys is in bounds
int32_t yp = truncateFP(ys, FP_SCALE);
if (yp >= 0 && yp < _iheight)
uint32_t rp;
if (_bpp == 16) {rp = _img[xp + yp * _iwidth]; rp = rp>>8 | rp<<8; }
else rp = readPixel(xp, yp);
if (rp != transp) spr->drawPixel(x, y, rp);
column_drawn = true;
for (int32_t y = min_y; y <= max_y; y++, yt++) {
int32_t x = min_x;
uint32_t xs = (cosra * xt - (sinra * yt - (_xpivot << FP_SCALE)) + (1 << (FP_SCALE - 1)));
uint32_t ys = (sinra * xt + (cosra * yt + (_ypivot << FP_SCALE)) + (1 << (FP_SCALE - 1)));
while ((xs >= xe || ys >= ye) && x < max_x) { x++; xs += cosra; ys += sinra; }
if (x == max_x) continue;
uint32_t pixel_count = 0;
do {
uint32_t rp;
int32_t xp = xs >> FP_SCALE;
int32_t yp = ys >> FP_SCALE;
if (_bpp == 16) {rp = _img[xp + yp * _iwidth]; rp = rp>>8 | rp<<8; }
else rp = readPixel(xp, yp);
if (tpcolor == rp) {
if (pixel_count) {
spr->pushImage(x - pixel_count, y, pixel_count, 1, sline_buffer);
pixel_count = 0;
else if (column_drawn) y = max_y; // Skip the remaining pixels below the Sprite
else {
sline_buffer[pixel_count++] = rp;
} while (++x < max_x && (xs += cosra) < xe && (ys += sinra) < ye);
if (pixel_count) spr->pushImage(x - pixel_count, y, pixel_count, 1, sline_buffer);
return true;
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