Commit f790c7ed authored by schreibfaul1's avatar schreibfaul1

new typing of some variables #751

parent 1d1c153d
......@@ -4426,7 +4426,7 @@ void Audio::setDecoderItems() {
int Audio::sendBytes(uint8_t* data, size_t len) {
int bytesLeft;
int32_t bytesLeft;
static bool f_setDecodeParamsOnce = true;
int nextSync = 0;
if(!m_f_playing) {
......@@ -4443,12 +4443,12 @@ int Audio::sendBytes(uint8_t* data, size_t len) {
switch(m_codec) {
case CODEC_WAV: m_decodeError = 0; bytesLeft = 0; break;
case CODEC_MP3: m_decodeError = MP3Decode(data, &bytesLeft, m_outBuff, 0); break;
case CODEC_AAC: m_decodeError = AACDecode(data, &bytesLeft, m_outBuff); break;
case CODEC_M4A: m_decodeError = AACDecode(data, &bytesLeft, m_outBuff); break;
case CODEC_MP3: m_decodeError = MP3Decode(data, (int*)&bytesLeft, m_outBuff, 0); break;
case CODEC_AAC: m_decodeError = AACDecode(data, (int*)&bytesLeft, m_outBuff); break;
case CODEC_M4A: m_decodeError = AACDecode(data, (int*)&bytesLeft, m_outBuff); break;
case CODEC_FLAC: m_decodeError = FLACDecode(data, &bytesLeft, m_outBuff); break;
case CODEC_OPUS: m_decodeError = OPUSDecode(data, &bytesLeft, m_outBuff); break;
case CODEC_VORBIS: m_decodeError = VORBISDecode(data, &bytesLeft, m_outBuff); break;
case CODEC_OPUS: m_decodeError = OPUSDecode(data, (int*)&bytesLeft, m_outBuff); break;
case CODEC_VORBIS: m_decodeError = VORBISDecode(data, (int*)&bytesLeft, m_outBuff); break;
default: {
log_e("no valid codec found codec = %d", m_codec);
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* flac_decoder.h
* Created on: Jul 03,2020
* Updated on: May 18,2024
* Updated on: May 21,2024
* Author: wolle
......@@ -146,22 +146,22 @@ typedef struct FLACFrameHeader_t {
int FLACFindSyncWord(unsigned char* buf, int nBytes);
boolean FLACFindMagicWord(unsigned char* buf, int nBytes);
int32_t FLACFindSyncWord(unsigned char* buf, int32_t nBytes);
boolean FLACFindMagicWord(unsigned char* buf, int32_t nBytes);
char* FLACgetStreamTitle();
int FLACparseOGG(uint8_t* inbuf, int* bytesLeft);
int32_t FLACparseOGG(uint8_t* inbuf, int32_t* bytesLeft);
vector<uint32_t> FLACgetMetadataBlockPicture();
int parseFlacFirstPacket(uint8_t* inbuf, int16_t nBytes);
int parseMetaDataBlockHeader(uint8_t* inbuf, int16_t nBytes);
int32_t parseFlacFirstPacket(uint8_t* inbuf, int16_t nBytes);
int32_t parseMetaDataBlockHeader(uint8_t* inbuf, int16_t nBytes);
bool FLACDecoder_AllocateBuffers(void);
void FLACDecoder_setDefaults();
void FLACDecoder_ClearBuffer();
void FLACDecoder_FreeBuffers();
void FLACSetRawBlockParams(uint8_t Chans, uint32_t SampRate, uint8_t BPS, uint32_t tsis, uint32_t AuDaLength);
void FLACDecoderReset();
int8_t FLACDecode(uint8_t* inbuf, int* bytesLeft, short* outbuf);
int8_t FLACDecodeNative(uint8_t* inbuf, int* bytesLeft, short* outbuf);
int8_t flacDecodeFrame(uint8_t* inbuf, int* bytesLeft);
int8_t FLACDecode(uint8_t* inbuf, int32_t* bytesLeft, int16_t* outbuf);
int8_t FLACDecodeNative(uint8_t* inbuf, int32_t* bytesLeft, int16_t* outbuf);
int8_t flacDecodeFrame(uint8_t* inbuf, int32_t* bytesLeft);
uint16_t FLACGetOutputSamps();
uint64_t FLACGetTotoalSamplesInStream();
uint8_t FLACGetBitsPerSample();
......@@ -170,17 +170,17 @@ uint32_t FLACGetSampRate();
uint32_t FLACGetBitRate();
uint32_t FLACGetAudioDataStart();
uint32_t FLACGetAudioFileDuration();
uint32_t readUint(uint8_t nBits, int* bytesLeft);
int32_t readSignedInt(int nBits, int* bytesLeft);
int64_t readRiceSignedInt(uint8_t param, int* bytesLeft);
uint32_t readUint(uint8_t nBits, int32_t* bytesLeft);
int32_t readSignedInt(int32_t nBits, int32_t* bytesLeft);
int64_t readRiceSignedInt(uint8_t param, int32_t* bytesLeft);
void alignToByte();
int8_t decodeSubframes(int* bytesLeft);
int8_t decodeSubframe(uint8_t sampleDepth, uint8_t ch, int* bytesLeft);
int8_t decodeFixedPredictionSubframe(uint8_t predOrder, uint8_t sampleDepth, uint8_t ch, int* bytesLeft);
int8_t decodeLinearPredictiveCodingSubframe(int lpcOrder, int sampleDepth, uint8_t ch, int* bytesLeft);
int8_t decodeResiduals(uint8_t warmup, uint8_t ch, int* bytesLeft);
int8_t decodeSubframes(int32_t* bytesLeft);
int8_t decodeSubframe(uint8_t sampleDepth, uint8_t ch, int32_t* bytesLeft);
int8_t decodeFixedPredictionSubframe(uint8_t predOrder, uint8_t sampleDepth, uint8_t ch, int32_t* bytesLeft);
int8_t decodeLinearPredictiveCodingSubframe(int32_t lpcOrder, int32_t sampleDepth, uint8_t ch, int32_t* bytesLeft);
int8_t decodeResiduals(uint8_t warmup, uint8_t ch, int32_t* bytesLeft);
void restoreLinearPrediction(uint8_t ch, uint8_t shift);
int FLAC_specialIndexOf(uint8_t* base, const char* str, int baselen, bool exact = false);
int32_t FLAC_specialIndexOf(uint8_t* base, const char* str, int32_t baselen, bool exact = false);
char* flac_x_ps_malloc(uint16_t len);
char* flac_x_ps_calloc(uint16_t len, uint8_t size);
char* flac_x_ps_strdup(const char* str);
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