Unverified Commit f554430e authored by Wolle's avatar Wolle Committed by GitHub

Delete Audio.h

parent ff6e790c
* Audio.h
* Created on: Oct 26,2018
* Updated on: Dec 16,2018
* Author: Wolle (schreibfaul1)
#ifndef AUDIO_H_
#define AUDIO_H_
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "SPI.h"
#include "SD.h"
#include "FS.h"
#include "WiFiClientSecure.h"
#include "driver/i2s.h"
extern __attribute__((weak)) void audio_info(const char*);
extern __attribute__((weak)) void audio_id3data(const char*); //ID3 metadata
extern __attribute__((weak)) void audio_eof_mp3(const char*); //end of mp3 file
extern __attribute__((weak)) void audio_showstreamtitle(const char*);
extern __attribute__((weak)) void audio_showstation(const char*);
extern __attribute__((weak)) void audio_showstreaminfo(const char*);
extern __attribute__((weak)) void audio_bitrate(const char*);
extern __attribute__((weak)) void audio_commercial(const char*);
extern __attribute__((weak)) void audio_icyurl(const char*);
extern __attribute__((weak)) void audio_lasthost(const char*);
extern __attribute__((weak)) void audio_eof_speech(const char*);
#define AUDIO_HEADER 2 //const for datamode
#define AUDIO_DATA 4
#define AUDIO_SWM 128
class Audio {
bool connecttoSD(String sdfile);
bool connecttohost(String host);
bool connecttospeech(String speech, String lang);
void loop();
uint32_t getFileSize();
uint32_t getFilePos();
bool setFilePos(uint32_t pos);
bool setPinout(uint8_t BCLK, uint8_t LRC, uint8_t DOUT);
void stopSong();
void setVolume(uint8_t vol);
uint8_t getVolume();
inline uint8_t getDatamode(){return m_datamode;}
inline void setDatamode(uint8_t dm){m_datamode=dm;}
inline uint32_t streamavail() {if(m_f_ssl==false) return client.available(); else return clientsecure.available();}
int sendBytes(uint8_t *data, size_t len);
void readID3Metadata();
bool setSampleRate(int hz);
bool setBitsPerSample(int bits);
bool setChannels(int channels);
bool playChunk();
bool playSample(int16_t sample[2]) ;
int16_t Gain(int16_t s);
bool fill_InputBuf();
void showstreamtitle(const char *ml, bool full);
bool chkhdrline(const char* str);
void handlebyte(uint8_t b);
esp_err_t I2Sstart(uint8_t i2s_num);
esp_err_t I2Sstop(uint8_t i2s_num);
char* lltoa(long long val, int base);
long long int XL (long long int a, const char* b);
String urlencode(String str);
enum : int { APLL_AUTO = -1, APLL_ENABLE = 1, APLL_DISABLE = 0 };
enum : int { EXTERNAL_I2S = 0, INTERNAL_DAC = 1, INTERNAL_PDM = 2 };
typedef enum { LEFTCHANNEL=0, RIGHTCHANNEL=1 } SampleIndex;
const uint8_t volumetable[22]={ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 , 6 , 8, 10, 12, 14, 17,
20, 23, 27, 30 ,34, 38, 43 ,48, 52, 58, 64}; //22 elements
File mp3file;
WiFiClient client;
WiFiClientSecure clientsecure;
char chbuf[256];
char path[256];
int m_id3Size=0; // length id3 tag
int m_LFcount; // Detection of end of header
int m_lastChannels;
int m_nextSync=0;
int m_bytesLeft=0;
int m_writePtr=0; // ptr sampleBuffer
int m_readPtr=0; // ptr sampleBuffer
int m_bitrate=0;
int m_readbytes=0; // bytes read
int m_metacount=0; // Number of bytes in metadata
int8_t m_playlist_num = 0 ; // Nonzero for selection from playlist
uint8_t m_inBuff[1600]; // inputBuffer
uint16_t m_inBuffwindex=0; // write index
uint16_t m_inbuffrindex=0; // read index
const uint16_t m_inBuffsize=sizeof(m_inBuff); // size of inputBuffer
uint8_t m_rev=0; // revision
uint8_t m_BCLK=0; // Bit Clock
uint8_t m_LRC=0; // Left/Right Clock
uint8_t m_DOUT=0; // Data Out
uint8_t m_vol=64; // volume
uint8_t m_bps; // bitsPerSample
uint8_t m_channels;
uint8_t m_i2s_num= I2S_NUM_0; // I2S_NUM_0 or I2S_NUM_1
int16_t m_buffValid;
int16_t m_lastFrameEnd;
int16_t m_outBuff[1152 * 2]; // Interleaved L/R
int16_t m_validSamples;
int16_t m_curSample;
int16_t m_lastSample[2];
int16_t* m_leftSample;
int16_t* m_rightSample;
uint16_t m_datamode=0; // Statemaschine
uint32_t m_metaint = 0; // Number of databytes between metadata
uint32_t m_totalcount = 0; // Counter mp3 data
uint32_t m_chunkcount = 0 ; // Counter for chunked transfer
uint32_t m_t0;
uint32_t m_av=0; // available in stream or SD (uin16_t is to small by playing from SD)
uint32_t m_count=0; // Bytecounter between metadata
String m_mp3title=""; // the name of the file
String m_playlist ; // The URL of the specified playlist
String m_lastHost=""; // Store the last URL to a webstream
String m_metaline ; // Readable line in metadata
String m_icyname ; // Icecast station name
String m_st_remember=""; // Save the last streamtitle
String m_icyurl=""; // Store ie icy-url if received
String m_plsURL;
String m_plsStationName;
String m_icystreamtitle ; // Streamtitle from metadata
boolean m_ctseen=false; // First line of header seen or not
boolean m_f_unsync = false;
boolean m_f_exthdr = false; // ID3 extended header
boolean m_f_localfile = false ; // Play from local mp3-file
boolean m_f_webstream = false ; // Play from URL
boolean m_f_ssl=false;
boolean m_f_running=false;
boolean m_f_firststream_ready=false; // Set after connecttohost and first streamdata are available
boolean m_f_ctseen=false; // First line of header seen or not
boolean m_f_chunked = false ; // Station provides chunked transfer
boolean m_f_filled; // outputBuffer
boolean m_f_swm=false;
boolean m_f_firstmetabyte=false; // True if first metabyte (counter)
boolean m_f_plsFile=false; // Set if URL is known
boolean m_f_plsTitle=false; // Set if StationName is known
boolean m_f_stream=false; // Set false if stream is lost
boolean m_f_mp3=false; // indicates mp3
boolean m_f_aac=false; // indicates aac
boolean m_f_playing = false; // valid mp3 stream recognized
unsigned int m_lastRate;
size_t m_bytesWritten=0; // set in i2s_write() but not used
#endif /* AUDIO_H_ */
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