Unverified Commit eeac0f15 authored by Wolle's avatar Wolle Committed by GitHub

new routine for PacketElementaryStreamHeader

more m3u8 streams are working now
e.g. https://hls-01-regions.emgsound.ru/11_msk/playlist.m3u8
parent 43735d80
......@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
* Created on: Oct 26.2018
* Version 2.0.6g
* Updated on: Oct 08.2022
* Version 2.0.6h
* Updated on: Oct 19.2022
* Author: Wolle (schreibfaul1)
......@@ -4812,15 +4812,18 @@ bool Audio::ts_parsePacket(uint8_t* packet, uint8_t* packetStart, uint8_t* packe
else if(PID == pidOfAAC) {
static uint8_t fillData = 0;
if(m_f_Log) log_i("AAC");
uint8_t posOfPacketStart = 4;
if(AFL >= 0) {posOfPacketStart = 5 + AFL;
if(m_f_Log) log_i("posOfPacketStart: %d", posOfPacketStart);}
// Packetized Elementary Stream (PES) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
if(m_f_Log) log_i("PES_DataLength %i", PES_DataLength);
if (PES_DataLength > 0) {
*packetStart = posOfPacketStart;
*packetLength = TS_PACKET_SIZE - posOfPacketStart;
PES_DataLength -= TS_PACKET_SIZE - posOfPacketStart;
*packetStart = posOfPacketStart + fillData;
*packetLength = TS_PACKET_SIZE - posOfPacketStart - fillData;
fillData = 0;
PES_DataLength -= (*packetLength);
return true;
......@@ -4833,25 +4836,34 @@ bool Audio::ts_parsePacket(uint8_t* packet, uint8_t* packetStart, uint8_t* packe
uint8_t StreamID = packet[posOfPacketStart + 3] & 0xFF;
if(StreamID >= 0xC0 && StreamID <= 0xDF) {;} // okay ist audio stream
if(StreamID >= 0xE0 && StreamID <= 0xEF) {log_e("video stream!"); return false;}
const uint8_t posOfPacketLengthLatterHalf = 5;
uint8_t PES_HeaderDataLength = packet[posOfPacketStart + 8] & 0xFF;
if(m_f_Log) log_i("PES_headerDataLength %d", PES_HeaderDataLength);
int PES_PacketLength =
((packet[posOfPacketStart + 4] & 0xFF) << 8) + (packet[posOfPacketStart + 5] & 0xFF);
if(m_f_Log) log_i("PES Packet length: %d", PES_PacketLength);
PES_DataLength = PES_PacketLength;
int posOfHeaderLength = 8;
int PESRemainingHeaderLength = packet[posOfPacketStart + posOfHeaderLength] & 0xFF;
if(m_f_Log) log_i("PES Header length: %d", PESRemainingHeaderLength);
int startOfData = posOfHeaderLength + PESRemainingHeaderLength + 1;
int startOfData = PES_HeaderDataLength + 9;
if(posOfPacketStart + startOfData >= 188){ // only fillers in packet
if(m_f_Log) log_e("posOfPacketStart + startOfData %i", posOfPacketStart + startOfData);
*packetStart = 0;
*packetLength = 0;
PES_DataLength -= (PES_HeaderDataLength + 3);
fillData = (posOfPacketStart + startOfData) - 188;
if(m_f_Log) log_i("fillData %i", fillData);
return true;
if(m_f_Log) log_i("First AAC data byte: %02X", packet[posOfPacketStart + startOfData]);
if(m_f_Log) log_i("Second AAC data byte: %02X", packet[posOfPacketStart + startOfData + 1]);
*packetStart = posOfPacketStart + startOfData;
*packetLength = TS_PACKET_SIZE - posOfPacketStart - startOfData;
PES_DataLength -= (TS_PACKET_SIZE - posOfPacketStart) - (posOfPacketLengthLatterHalf + 1);
PES_DataLength -= (*packetLength);
PES_DataLength -= (PES_HeaderDataLength + 3);
return true;
*packetStart = 0;
*packetLength = 0;
if(m_f_Log) log_e("PES not found");
log_e("PES not found");
return false;
else if(pidsOfPMT.number) {
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* Audio.h
* Created on: Oct 28,2018
* Updated on: Oct 08,2022
* Updated on: Oct 19,2022
* Author: Wolle (schreibfaul1)
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