Plays mp3, m4a and wav files from SD card via I2S with external hardware.
HELIX-mp3 and -aac decoder is included.
Works with MAX98357A (3 Watt amplifier with DAC), connected three lines (DOUT, BLCK, LRC) to I2S.
For stereo are two MAX98357A necessary. AudioI2S works with UDA1334A (Adafruit I2S Stereo Decoder Breakout Board) and PCM1502A.
For stereo are two MAX98357A necessary. AudioI2S works with UDA1334A (Adafruit I2S Stereo Decoder Breakout Board) and PCM5102A.
Other HW may work but not tested. Plays also icy-streams and GoogleTTS. Can be compiled with Arduino IDE. [WIKI](