Unverified Commit cad2d637 authored by Wolle's avatar Wolle Committed by GitHub

Add files via upload

can compiled with Arduino IDE
mp3 decoder is more reliable now
greater inputbuffer
parent cdc8e61e
This diff is collapsed.
* Audio.h
* Created on: 26.10.2018
* Updated on: 04.11.2018
* Author: Wolle (schreibfaul1)
#ifndef AUDIO_H_
#define AUDIO_H_
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "SPI.h"
#include "SD.h"
#include "FS.h"
#include "WiFiClientSecure.h"
#include "mp3_decoder/mp3_decoder.h"
#include "driver/i2s.h"
extern __attribute__((weak)) void audio_info(const char*);
extern __attribute__((weak)) void audio_id3data(const char*); //ID3 metadata
extern __attribute__((weak)) void audio_eof_mp3(const char*); //end of mp3 file
extern __attribute__((weak)) void audio_showstreamtitle(const char*);
extern __attribute__((weak)) void audio_showstation(const char*);
extern __attribute__((weak)) void audio_showstreaminfo(const char*);
extern __attribute__((weak)) void audio_bitrate(const char*);
extern __attribute__((weak)) void audio_commercial(const char*);
extern __attribute__((weak)) void audio_icyurl(const char*);
extern __attribute__((weak)) void audio_lasthost(const char*);
extern __attribute__((weak)) void audio_eof_speech(const char*);
#define AUDIO_HEADER 2 //const for datamode
#define AUDIO_DATA 4
#define AUDIO_SWM 128
class Audio {
bool connecttoSD(String sdfile);
bool connecttohost(String host);
bool connecttospeech(String speech, String lang);
void loop();
uint32_t getFileSize();
uint32_t getFilePos();
bool setFilePos(uint32_t pos);
bool setPinout(uint8_t BCLK, uint8_t LRC, uint8_t DOUT);
void stopSong();
void setVolume(uint8_t vol);
uint8_t getVolume();
uint16_t ringused();
uint16_t ringfree();
int sendBytes(uint8_t *data, size_t len);
void readID3Metadata();
void construct_OutBuf(int buffSizeSamples);
void destruct_OutBuf();
bool setSampleRate(int hz);
bool setBitsPerSample(int bits);
bool setChannels(int channels);
bool playChunk();
bool playSample(int16_t sample[2]) ;
int16_t Gain(int16_t s);
bool fill_InputBuf();
void showstreamtitle(const char *ml, bool full);
bool chkhdrline(const char* str);
void handlebyte(uint8_t b);
esp_err_t I2Sstart(uint8_t i2s_num);
esp_err_t I2Sstop(uint8_t i2s_num);
char* lltoa(long long val, int base);
long long int XL (long long int a, const char* b);
String urlencode(String str);
inline uint8_t getDatamode(){return m_datamode;}
inline void setDatamode(uint8_t dm){m_datamode=dm;}
inline uint32_t streamavail() {if(m_f_ssl==false) return client.available(); else return clientsecure.available();}
enum : int { APLL_AUTO = -1, APLL_ENABLE = 1, APLL_DISABLE = 0 };
enum : int { EXTERNAL_I2S = 0, INTERNAL_DAC = 1, INTERNAL_PDM = 2 };
typedef enum { LEFTCHANNEL=0, RIGHTCHANNEL=1 } SampleIndex;
const uint8_t volumetable[22]={ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 , 6 , 8, 10, 12, 14, 17,
20, 23, 27, 30 ,34, 38, 43 ,48, 52, 58, 64}; //22 elements
File mp3file;
WiFiClient client;
WiFiClientSecure clientsecure;
uint8_t m_ringbuf[0x5000]; // 20480d // ringbuffer for mp3 stream
const uint16_t m_ringbfsize=sizeof(m_ringbuf); // ringbuffer size
uint16_t m_rbwindex=1600; // ringbuffer writeindex
uint16_t m_rbrindex=1600; // ringbuffer readindex
uint16_t m_ringfree=0; // ringbuffer free space
uint16_t m_ringused=0; // ringbuffer used space
char chbuf[256];
char path[256];
int m_id3Size=0; // length id3 tag
int m_LFcount; // Detection of end of header
int m_lastChannels;
int m_buffSize; // size outputBuffer
int m_nextSync=0;
int m_bytesLeft=0;
int m_writePtr; // ptr outputBuffer
int m_readPtr; // ptr outputBuffer
int m_bitrate=0;
int m_readbytes=0; // bytes read
int m_metacount=0; // Number of bytes in metadata
int8_t m_playlist_num = 0 ; // Nonzero for selection from playlist
uint8_t inBuff[1600]; // size inputBuffer
uint8_t m_rev=0; // revision
uint8_t m_BCLK=0; // Bit Clock
uint8_t m_LRC=0; // Left/Right Clock
uint8_t m_DOUT=0; // Data Out
uint8_t m_vol=64; // volume
uint8_t m_bps; // bitsPerSample
uint8_t m_channels;
uint8_t m_i2s_num= I2S_NUM_0; // I2S_NUM_0 or I2S_NUM_1
int16_t m_buffValid;
int16_t m_lastFrameEnd;
int16_t m_outBuff[1152 * 2]; // Interleaved L/R
int16_t m_validSamples;
int16_t m_curSample;
int16_t m_lastSample[2];
int16_t* m_leftSample;
int16_t* m_rightSample;
uint16_t m_datamode=0; // Statemaschine
uint32_t m_metaint = 0; // Number of databytes between metadata
uint32_t m_totalcount = 0; // Counter mp3 data
uint32_t m_chunkcount = 0 ; // Counter for chunked transfer
uint32_t m_t0;
uint32_t m_av=0; // available in stream or SD (uin16_t is to small by playing from SD)
uint32_t m_count=0; // Bytecounter between metadata
String m_mp3title=""; // the name of the file
String m_playlist ; // The URL of the specified playlist
String m_lastHost=""; // Store the last URL to a webstream
String m_metaline ; // Readable line in metadata
String m_icyname ; // Icecast station name
String m_st_remember=""; // Save the last streamtitle
String m_icyurl=""; // Store ie icy-url if received
String m_plsURL;
String m_plsStationName;
String m_icystreamtitle ; // Streamtitle from metadata
boolean m_ctseen=false; // First line of header seen or not
boolean m_f_unsync = false;
boolean m_f_exthdr = false; // ID3 extended header
boolean m_f_localfile = false ; // Play from local mp3-file
boolean m_f_webstream = false ; // Play from URL
boolean m_f_ssl=false;
boolean m_f_running=false;
boolean m_f_stream_ready=false; // Set after connecttohost and first streamdata are available
boolean m_f_ctseen=false; // First line of header seen or not
boolean m_f_chunked = false ; // Station provides chunked transfer
boolean m_f_filled; // outputBuffer
boolean m_f_swm=false;
boolean m_f_firstmetabyte=false; // True if first metabyte (counter)
boolean m_f_plsFile=false; // Set if URL is known
boolean m_f_plsTitle=false; // Set if StationName is known
boolean m_f_stream=false; // Set false if stream is lost
boolean m_f_mp3=false; // indicates mp3
boolean m_f_aac=false; // indicates aac
boolean m_f_playing = false; // valid mp3 stream recognized
unsigned int m_lastRate;
size_t m_bytesWritten=0; // set in i2s_write() but not used
#endif /* AUDIO_H_ */
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